

Din sökning på "*" gav 531205 sökträffar

Radiography of the mandible prior to endosseous implant treatment. Localization of the mandibular canal and assessment of trabecular bone.

Mandibular autopsy specimens were examined with different radiographic techniques in order to evaluate the visibility of the mandibular canal and the measurement accuracy of distances related to the mandibular canal. Hypocycloidal, spiral and computed tomography (CT) were superior to periapical and panoramic radiography in visualising the mandibular canal. The tomographic techniques were more accu

Sphingolipids in human ileostomy content after meals containing milk sphingomyelin.

BACKGROUND: Sphingomyelin occurs in modest amounts in the diet, in sloughed mucosal cells, and in bile. It is digested by the mucosal enzymes alkaline sphingomyelinase and ceramidase. In humans, alkaline sphingomyelinase is also secreted in bile. The digestion of sphingomyelin is slow and incomplete, which has been linked to the inhibition of cholesterol absorption and colonic carcinogenesis. OBJE

Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging SLIPI Applications for Spray Diagnostics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Människors sätt att visualisera objekt bygger på en del underliggande principer som man kanske inte alltid reflekterar över. Det faktum att vi har just två ögon gör det till exempel möjligt för oss att avgöra på vilket avstånd ett objekt befinner sig. Detta kallas för parallaxeffekten. Kameror, som bara har ett "öga", saknar denna förmåga, vilket försvårar avbildande mäLaser sheet imaging, also known as planar laser imaging, is one of the most versatile optical imaging techniques known and is frequently applied in several different domains. It furthermore constitutes the basis for a variety of other 2D methods, in turn allowing visualization of e.g. velocity, particle size, species concentration and temperature. However, when applied on turbid, light scattering

How to make a workplace health promotion questionnaire process applicable, meaningful and sustainable.

How to make a workplace health promotion questionnaire process applicable, meaningful and sustainable Background In workplace health promotion, a questionnaire could be of great use. Unfortunately, fatigue regarding answering questionnaires has recently become greater than before. An action research approach could be a possible way of increasing employee participation. Aim This study reports an at

Constructing a Distinct Other: Harry Potter and the Enchantment of the Future

In this article I argue that the Harry Potter series could function as a critique or commentary to the ordinary contemporary society. Rowling’s construction of the Wizard world bears resemblance to a distinct Other, which is frequently used by the tourist industry and various religious traditions. While the main purpose for the tourist industry to invoke a distinct Other lies in its promoting abil

Short and long-term postural learning to withstand galvanic vestibular perturbations.

We investigated changes of postural responses to repeated bipolar galvanic vestibular stimulation on 5 consecutive days and once again after 3 months. Subjects consisted of 21 healthy volunteers. Except for the first day did the induced torque variance in response to galvanic vestibular stimulation not decrease {within} each test session, but there was a major reduction {from day to day} (p< 0.001

Haemophilus influenzae P4 interacts with extracellular matrix proteins promoting adhesion and serum resistance.

Interaction with the extracellular matrix (ECM) is one of the successful colonization strategies employed by non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi). Here we identified Haemophilus lipoprotein 4 (P4) as a receptor for ECM proteins. Purified recombinant P4 displayed a high binding affinity for laminin (Kd=9.26 nM) and fibronectin (Kd=10.19 nM), but slightly less to vitronectin (Kd=16.51 nM). A P

Association of the Variants CASP8 D302H and CASP10 V410I with Breast and Ovarian Cancer Risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers.

BACKGROUND: The genes caspase-8 (CASP8) and caspase-10 (CASP10) functionally cooperate and play a key role in the initiation of apoptosis. Suppression of apoptosis is one of the major mechanisms underlying the origin and progression of cancer. Previous case-control studies have indicated that the polymorphisms CASP8 D302H and CASP10 V410I are associated with a reduced risk of breast cancer in the

Minoan games and game boards

Popular Abstract in Swedish Spel och spelbräden har fått lite uppmärksamhet av forskare som undersöker de antika kulturerna. Denna avhandling samlar och analyserar arkeologiskt spelmaterial från bronsålderns Kreta, definierar forskningsfältet och presenterar ett ramverk med materialavgränsningar och typologier. Vidare undersöks spelandet som en del av socialhistorien. Varje del i avhandlingen - soThe old, world-wide phenomenon of playing board games has received little attention among scholars studying the ancient cultures. This thesis collects and analyses game-related material from Bronze Age Crete, defines the field of research and provides a framework with definitions and typologies. A further goal is to use the results of the analyses to extend beyond the archaeological material and e