

Din sökning på "*" gav 536564 sökträffar


The aim of this thesis was to empirically and methodologically investigate health related quality of life (HRQoL) among persons 65 years or older with chronic heart failure. The design was cross-sectional and the sample was recruited from a southeast region of Sweden. The sample included 357 respondents in Paper I, II and IV and 349 respondents in Paper III. For all respondents the mean age was 79

The role of ultrasound in the management of women with acute and chronic pelvic pain

Pelvic pain (acute or chronic) is a common symptom in women of all ages. Ultrasonography is the least invasive investigative tool available to the clinician. Transvaginal probes produce high-resolution images of the pelvic organs, providing reliable and reproducible information without the need for a full bladder. Common gynaecological pathology involving the uterus, Fallopian tube and/or the ovar

Ultrafast depolarization of the fluorescence in a conjugated polymer

The effect of the extent of electron conjugation on the primary photophysics in semiconducting polymers is reported. A rapid depolarization of photoluminescence and transient absorption, which indicates a reorientation of the transition dipole moment by ~30° on a sub-100 fs time scale, is observed in the fully conjugated polymer poly[2-(2'-ethylhexyloxy)-5-methoxy-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV).

Feeling hindered by health problems and functional capacity at 60 years and above.

It is common to use activities of daily living (ADL) rating scales to identify the impact of health problems such as diseases, impaired eyesight or hearing on daily life. However, for various reasons people with health problems might feel hindered in daily life before limitations in ability to perform ADL have occurred. In addition, there is sparse knowledge of what makes people feel hindered by h

Skewed fetal gender distribution in prolonged pregnancy: a fallacy with consequences

Objective Skewed gender distribution and falsely assigned gestational age lead to unnecessary or late obstetric intervention in prolonged pregnancy. The aim of this study was to examine the consequences of a fetal gender-dependent systematic 1.5-day dating error at ultrasound fetometry. Material and methods A total of 82484 singleton deliveries greater than or equal to 37 weeks at 11 hospitals in

Circadian variation in human cerebrospinal fluid production measured by magnetic resonance imaging

Recent advances in magnetic resonance imaging have made it possible to visualize and quantify flow of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the brain. The net flow of CSF through the cerebral aqueduct was used to measure CSF production in six normal volunteers at different times during a 24-h period. CSF production varied greatly both intra- and interindividually. The average CSF production in each time in

Ponderomotive shearing for spectral interferometry of extreme-ultraviolet pulses

We propose a novel method for completely characterizing ultrashort pulses at extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) wavelengths by adapting the technique of spectral phase interferometry for direct electric-field reconstruction to this spectral region. Two-electron wave packets are coherently produced by photoionizing atoms with two time-delayed replicas of the XUV pulse. For one of the XUV pulses, photoioniza

Fruits of Capitalism, Modernisation of Chilean Agriculture 1950-2000

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det så kallade Chilenska ekonomiska undret under 1980- och 1990-talet är resultatet av en omfattande strukturförändring av den Chilenska ekonomin. I denna omvandling har jordbrukets modernisering och kapitalisering spelat en mycket viktig roll.Huvudfåran i den akademiska debatten har hittills huvudsakligen förklarat omvandlingen genom tillämpning av olika policy instrumThe so-called Chilean economic miracle during the 1980s and 1990s connotes not only high-speed economic growth but also a profound structural transformation of the Chilean economy. Most previous research ascribes growth and transformation to the liberalisation of markets and other neo-liberal policy instruments introduced after 1974. Policies, before as well as after 1974, have indeed been importa

Cancer Incidence in BRCA1 mutation carriers

Background: Germline BRCA1 mutations confer a substantial lifetime risk of breast and ovarian cancer, but whether cancer at other sites is increased is less clear. To evaluate the risks of other cancers in BRCA1 mutation carriers, we conducted a cohort study of 11 847 individuals from 699 families segregating a BRCA1 mutation that were ascertained in 30 centers across Europe and North America. Met

Nutrient limitation of autotrophic and mixotrophic phytoplankton in a temperate and tropical humic lake gradient

Nutrient enrichment experiments were carried out in three tropical (once) and three temperate (twice) lakes differing in humic content in order to examine whether there was a relationship between the limiting nutrient for algal growth [nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P)] and humic content, and whether the prevailing limitation was connected to the relative abundance of autotrophic and phagotrophic phy

Event reconstruction in the PHENIX central arm spectrometers

The central arm spectrometers for the PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider have been designed for the optimization of particle identification in relativistic heavy ion collisions. The spectrometers present a challenging environment for event reconstruction due to a very high track multiplicity in a complicated, focusing, magnetic field. In order to meet this challenge, nine dis

Evaluation of image quality of lumbar spine images: a comparison between FFE and VGA.

Purpose: The aim of the present study is to compare two different methods for evaluation of the quality of clinical X-ray images. Methods: Based on fifteen lumbar spine radiographs, two new sets of images were created. A hybrid image set was created by adding two distributions of artificial lesions to each original image. The image quality parameters spatial resolution and noise were manipulated a

Unga vuxna med en historia av uppförandestörning : En långtidsuppföljning med ett salutogent och ekologiskt perspektiv

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling innehåller en huvudstudie och en delstudie. Syftet med huvudstudien var att följa upp en grupp ungdomar som hade blivit diagnostiserade med uppförandestörning (n=351) i det unga vuxenlivet. Delstudiens syfte var att ifrågasätta och klargöra frågeformuläret KASAM-29 och dess förhållande till den salutogena teorin. I avhandlingen användes olika utfallsvarThis dissertation consists of a primary and a secondary study. The aim of the primary study is to follow-up a group of juveniles diagnosed with conduct disorder (n=351) into adulthood. The secondary study's aim is to question, clarify and attach the questionnaire SOC-29 to the salutogenic theory.In the dissertation different outcomes and outcome measurements are fomulated and discussed. Two perspe

The significance of importance: an evaluation of ferrans and powers' quality of life index.

Ferrans and Powers’ Quality of Life Index (QLI) defines and assesses quality of life (QoL) in terms of importance-weighted life satisfaction. This study assessed the value of such weights and explored the relationship between weighted and unweighted (satisfaction only) scores and single-item rated overall life satisfaction (LS) and QoL. Data were collected by a postal survey to 81 Parkinson’s dise

Pulsed electric field treatment for solid-liquid extraction of red beetroot pigment: mathematical modelling of mass transfer

The extraction of red pigment and conductive matters from individual red beet tissue slices following pulsed electric field pretreatment of different durations was compared with a two dimensional bimodal Fickian diffusion model. The process appeared to be governed by two apparent diffusion coefficients, one slow and one fast. The values of these coefficients were independent of the duration of tre

Towards a Stable Peace in the Baltic Sea Region?

In this article, some of the possibilities and obstacles involved in attaining stable peace in the Baltic Sea region are analysed. By stable peace is understood a relationship in which military conflict resolution has become unthinkable regardless of how serious a prospective conflict may become. It is argued that stable peace does not presently exist in the region as a whole, but that instead the