

Din sökning på "*" gav 529424 sökträffar

First observation of an attractive interaction between a proton and a cascade baryon

This Letter presents the first experimental observation of the attractive strong interaction between a proton and a multistrange baryon (hyperon) Ξ-. The result is extracted from two-particle correlations of combined p-Ξ-S.p-Ξ+ pairs measured in p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV at the LHC with ALICE. The measured correlation function is compared with the prediction obtained assuming only an attract

Hope for the Best, Prepare for the Worst – An Assessment of Flood Preparedness at Primary Health Care Facilities in Central Vietnam

Background: Floods affect over 85 million people every year and are one of the deadliest types of natural disasters. The health effects of floods are partly due to a loss of access to health care. This loss can be limited with proper flood preparedness. Flood preparedness is especially needed at the primary health care (PHC) level. Flood preparedness assessments can be used to identify vulnerable

Modelling impacts of lateral N flows and seasonal warming on an arctic footslope ecosystem N budget and N2O emissions based on species-level responses

Future Arctic tundra primary productivity and vegetation community composition will partly be determined by nitrogen (N) availability in a warmer climate. N mineralization rates are predicted to increase in both winter and summer, but because N demand and –mobility varies across seasons, the fate of mineralized N remains uncertain. N mineralized in winter is released in a “pulse” upon snowmelt and

Structure of a major immunogenic site on foot-and-mouth disease virus

ATTACHMENT of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) to its cellular receptor involves a long and highly antigenic loop containing the conserved sequence, Arg-Gly-Asp, a motif known to be a recognition element in many integrin-dependent cell adhesion processes1-7. In our original crystal structure of FMDV the Arg-Gly-Asp-containing loop ('the loop'), located between β-strands G and H of capsid protei

Effect of selenium on the induction of breast fibroadenomas by adenovirus type 9 and 1,2‐dimethylhydrazine‐induced bowel carcinogenesis in rats

Selenium in its organic and inorganic forms has been shown to inhibit the development of chemically induced, spontaneous and transplanted tumors. The present investigation was performed to study the effect of selenium (4 μg per ml of drinking water) on tumorigenesis of adenovirus‐type‐9‐induced breast fibroadenomas and on 1,2‐dimethylhydrazine‐induced bowel carcinogenesis in WF rats. It was found

Chalk Laboratory I : SMASH ensemble: Ramon Lazkano

I became acquainted with the music of Ramon Lazkano in 2001 through his guitar pieces. I was immediately fascinated with his ideas and his sound palette; somehow, I associated his music to a range of color between white and gray. His is a musical language where harmonics work as shadows and offer glimpses of a music that lives within a very personal and unique instrumental treatment.Later, togethe

Word-initial consonant–vowel coordination in a lexical pitch-accent language

Previous research has acknowledged the effect of prosody on inter-gestural coordination, but specifically the effect of tones is still understudied. This paper has a two-fold purpose. First, it aims to explore effects of the Swedish word accents on word-initial consonant–vowel (CV) coarticulation. Second, it aims to revisit the existing evidence for tonal integration. Based on Articulatory PhonoloPrevious research has acknowledged the effect of prosody on inter-gestural coordination, but specifically the effect of tones is still understudied. This paper has a two-fold purpose. First, it aims to explore effects of the Swedish word accents on word-initial consonant–vowel (CV) coarticulation. Second, it aims to revisit the existing evidence for tonal integration. Based on Articulatory Phonolo

Behandling av självskadande patienter i heldygnsvård: Fynd från forskningen

Rapporten du har framför dig handlar om hur vi bör utformaheldygnsvård för patienter med självskadebeteende. Även omdet har utvecklats fler och bättre behandlingsalternativ inomöppenvården behöver vi en god och välfungerande slutenvårdvid de tillfällen det är nödvändigt. För att göra det behöver vi vetavad den vården som ges idag har för effekter och undersöka vadsom skulle kunna göra den bättre.

Structure-function study of cathelicidin-derived bovine antimicrobial peptide BMAP-28 : design of its cell-selective analogs by amino acid substitutions in the heptad repeat sequences

Although BMAP-28 is a potent cathelicidin-derived bovine antimicrobial peptide, its cytotoxic activity against the human and other mammalian cells is of concern for converting it into a novel antimicrobial drug. We have identified a short leucine and isoleucine zipper sequences at the N- and C-terminals of BMAP-28, respectively. To understand the possible role of these structural elements in BMAP-

Moxifloxacin and ciprofloxacin induces S-phase arrest and augments apoptotic effects of cisplatin in human pancreatic cancer cells via ERK activation

BACKGROUND: Pancreatic cancer, one of the most dreadful gastrointestinal tract malignancies, with the current chemotherapeutic drugs has posed a major impediment owing to poor prognosis and chemo-resistance thereby suggesting critical need for additional drugs as therapeutics in combating the situation. Fluoroquinolones have shown promising and significant anti-tumor effects on several carcinoma c

Soil greenhouse gas emissions from a sisal chronosequence in Kenya

Sisal (Agave sisalana) is a climate-resilient crop grown on large-scale farms in semi-arid areas. However, no studies have investigated soil greenhouse gas (GHGs: CO2, N2O and CH4) fluxes from these plantations and how they relate to other land cover types. We examined GHG fluxes (Fs) in a sisal chronosequence at Teita Sisal Estatein southern Kenya. The effects of stand age on Fs were examined usi

Genetic Predisposition to Sporadic and Familial Multiple Myeloma

Multiple Myeloma (MM) is the second most common hematological malignancy. It is defined by an uncontrolled growth of plasma cells, usually in the bone marrow. Clinically it is complicated by hypercalcemia, renal failure, anaemia, and bone pain. Although recent advances in the treatment have extended survival and quality-of-life considerably, MM remains a fatal disease.Since the 1920’s MM has been

Stillbirth or neonatal death before 45 post-menstrual weeks in relation to gestational duration in pregnancies at 39 weeks of gestation or beyond : the impact of parity and body mass index. A national cohort study

Objective: To investigate the risk of stillbirth or neonatal death before 45 post-menstrual weeks in relation to gestational duration, stratified by body mass index (BMI) and parity. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register. Population: Singleton, cephalic births at between 39+0 and 42+2 weeks of gestation, 2005–2016 (n = 892 339). Methods: Relative risk r

Geophysical mapping of aquifers in Bolivia

Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) and Transient ElectroMagnetic sounding (TEM) is used for aquifer mapping in Bolivia. The results demonstrate the value of using geophysics in hydrogeological investigations of quaternary deposits, and that the methods are complementary so that the combination is beneficial. ERT produced highly useful results for delineating the aquifer geometry and internal