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Alternative Turbulent Trace Gas Flux Measurement Methods
The eddy-covariance (EC) method is the most direct micrometeorological approach to measure the surface–atmosphere trace gases under turbulent conditions. The measurement of trace gas fluxes by eddy covariance requires fast-response instruments (higher than 1 Hz) to measure the turbulent fluctuations of vertical wind velocity and trace gas mixing ratio. For many trace gas species, such fast respons
To reconstruct the anterior cruciate ligament or not? – put into panther perspective
Cancer incidence in a Swedish cohort with high exposure to perfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water
Background: The use of firefighting foams at a military airport resulted in high levels of perfluorinated substances (PFAS) in the drinking water distributed to one-third of households in the Swedish municipality of Ronneby between the mid-1980s and the end of 2013. Method: The Ronneby Register Cohort, a large cohort comprising all individuals (N = 60,507) who ever lived in the Ronneby municipalit
Pulmonary perfusion and NYHA classification improve after cardiac resynchronization therapy
Background: Evaluation of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) often includes New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification, and echocardiography. However, these measures have limitations. Perfusion gradients from ventilation/perfusion single-photon emission computed tomography (V/P SPECT) are related to left-heart filling pressures and have been validated against invasive right-heart cathet
Clinical and biological impact of SAMHD1 expression in mantle cell lymphoma
SAMHD1 is a deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase (dNTPase) that restricts viral replication in infected cells and limits the sensitivity to cytarabine by hydrolysing its active metabolite, as recently shown in acute myeloid leukemia. Cytarabine is an essential component in the Nordic mantle cell lymphoma protocols (MCL2 and MCL3) for induction and high-dose chemotherapy treatment befor
Resounding Love for the Household of the Prophet : Sound and Mediation among Shi’i Muslims in Turkey
This thesis is a study of Twelver Shi’a Islam in the context of Azeri-Turkish Muslims living in the Anatolia-Caucasus borderlands of Northeastern Turkey. Taking the sonic as the central focus and field of enquiry I listen to the ways that sound mediates between bodies, both somatic and social, and the divine in the ritual and quotidian lives of Shi’i practitioners. I argue that sound, voice and li
Lack of melatonin type 1A receptor results in dysregulated whole-body metabolism characterised by hyperglucagonaemia, glucose intolerance and enhanced insulin secretion
Loss of melatonin receptor 1 in mouse pancreatic islets results in dysregulated glucagon secretion in vitro
A quantitative LC-MS method to determine surface contamination of antineoplastic drugs by wipe sampling
The main objective was to develop a wipe sampling test to measure surface contamination of the most frequently used antineoplastic drugs (ADs) in Swedish healthcare and, furthermore, to develop an analysis method sensitive enough to assess low levels of contamination. Two wipe sampling tests with separate sample processing methods assessing (i) cyclophosphamide (CP), ifosfamide (IF), 5-fluorouraci
AtlFast3: The Next Generation of Fast Simulation in ATLAS
The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider has a broad physics programme ranging from precision measurements to direct searches for new particles and new interactions, requiring ever larger and ever more accurate datasets of simulated Monte Carlo events. Detector simulation with Geant4 is accurate but requires significant CPU resources. Over the past decade, ATLAS has developed and utilized
Assessment of long-term water stress for ecosystems across China using the maximum entropy production theory-based evapotranspiration product
Water demand growth coupled with its high spatial-temporal mismatch of water resources will lead to an increasing water scarcity worldwide. In order to investigate a robust long-term water stress for ecosystems and regions across China, the improved maximum entropy production (MEP) method was utilized to obtain a reliable evapotranspiration (ET) product during 1982–2015. Afterwards four water stre
Linking local services to global manufactures
We assess how global shocks propagate from global manufacturing firms to local service providers through a spatial variation in export-driven service demand. We show that a 1% increase in a localised measure of exporting increases sales of service firms by around 0.08%. We also show that this link is local as the effect fades away after just 20 km, that it is more pronounced with larger and foreig
On cross modality of descriptors of everyday sounds : the case of ADJ+NOUN combinations
State-civil society relations in Gramsci, Poulantzas and Bourdieu: Strategic implications for the degrowth movement
Degrowth thought and strategies suffer from a tension between viewing the state as incapable of initiating transformational change and making a political appeal to it to do precisely this via targeted eco-social policies. While a small number of academic papers has theoretically addressed this tension, there is a lack in research on the strategic implications arising from conceptualizations of the
Ska Justin Bieber bidra till Saudiarabiens imagebygge?
An N-Path Enhanced-Q Tunable Filter With Reduced Harmonic Fold Back Effects
A high-Q, tunable, bandpass filtered amplifier structure is proposed which is based on a novel Q enhancement technique in N-path filters. Using Fourier series analysis, frequency response of an N-path filter as well as the aliasing effects which are present in it are derived. Frequency translation of unwanted contents at higher frequencies to the center frequency of the bandpass filter is called h
Sweden’s flight-free movement: how views about holiday air travel are changing
A sprinkling of gold dust : Pine pollen as a carbon source in Baltic Sea coastal food webs
Allochthonous subsidies to marine ecosystems have mainly focused on biogeochemical cycles, but there has also been recent interest in how terrestrial carbon (C) influences marine food webs. In the Baltic Sea, pine (Pinus sylvestris) pollen is found in large amounts in shallow bays in early summer. Pollen is a significant C-source in freshwater ecosystems and may also be important in coastal food w
Adolescents’ Use of Pornography : Trends over a Ten-year Period in Sweden
Using survey data from three nationally representative surveys in 2004, 2009, and 2014 among senior high school students in Sweden, this study investigates trends in adolescents’ lifetime prevalence of pornography use, frequency of pornography use, and type of pornography used over time. While almost all boys and a considerable proportion of girls used pornography across the three waves, the lifet