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Differential effects of glycoprotein B epitope-specific antibodies on human cytomegalovirus-induced cell–cell fusion
Attachment of, and cell–cell fusion induced by, human cytomegalovirus were studied in the presence of neutralizing monospecific antibodies against antigenic domains 1 (AD-1) or 2 (AD-2) of glycoprotein B (gB, gpUL55). Efficient inhibition of the virion-mediated fusion event was consistently observed for the human AD-2-specific antibody as determined by a reporter gene activation assay based on per
Master's Theses in Automatic Control 1979-1980
The report contains abstracts of master theses (examensarbete) made at the Department of Automatic ControL, Lund, during the academic year 1979/80. During this year 14 theses were made by 18 students. The theses are written in Swedish with an English abstract.
Styr- och reglertekniska funktioners inverkan på energiförbrukningen
Rapporten behandlar styr- och reglertekniska funktioners inverkan på energiförbrukningen i byggnader. Den omfattar presentation av undersökta objekt med beskrivning av de olika installationssystemen, redogörelse för redan gjorda driftserfarenheter samt beskrivning av energibesparande modifieringar av driftsätt.
Nano-scale Schottky contacts: ultrafast drift-diffusion dynamics studied in the optical near field
We present direct measurements of the ultrafast carrier dynamics around buried nano-scale Schottky contacts with high spatial and time resolution, performed with a novel fermosecond near-field scanning optical microscope, It is shown that high optically excited carrier densities screen the built-in field around a Schottky contact and allow for efficient transport of electrons towards the contact,
Investigations into the BFKL mechanism with a running QCD coupling
We present approximations of varying degree of sophistication to the integral equations for the (gluon) structure functions of a hadron ("the partonic flux factor") in a model valid in the leading log approximation with a running coupling constant. The results are all of the BFKL type, i.e., a power in the Bjorken variable x(B)(-lambda) with the parameter lambda determined from the size alpha(0) o
Soft tissue reactions around percutaneous implants: a clinical study on skin-penetrating titanium implants used for bone-anchored auricular prostheses
Bridging short nerve defects by direct repair under tension, nerve grafts or longitudinal sutures.
Purpose: To compare the longitudinal suture model for bridging nerve defects with direct approximation under tension or with autologuos nerve grafting. Methods: Seven mm nerve defects in the rat sciatic nerve were repaired by either of these three methods. Evaluation was performed at twelve weeks by morphometry of the tibial nerve distal to the repair site and by weight of the gastrocnemius muscl
Structural and Mechanistic Basis of Porphyrin Metallation by Ferrochelatase
Ferrochelatase, the enzyme catalyzing metallation of protoporphyrin IX at the terminal step of heme biosynthesis, was co-crystallized with an isomer mixture of the potent inhibitor N-methylmesoporphyrin (N-MeMP). The X-ray structure revealed the active site of the enzyme, to which only one of the isomers was bound, and for the first time allowed characterization of the mode of porphyrin macrocycle
Emissioner från byggnadsmaterial
Denna rapport belyser översiktligt kunskapsläget rörande emissioner som härhör från byggmaterial. Några aktuella problem behandlas i rapporten.
Romanens underjord eller den litterära textens olika verklighetsnivåer. Ett exempel från Julien Gracqs Vid Syrterns stränder
Rec. av Tryggve Kronholm, Den arabiska litteraturens historia. Spegelbilder
Adsorption on porous Vycor glass at different temperatures at low and medium relative humidities
In this report, the measured adsorption isotherms on porous glass, obtained experimentally at different temperatures, are used to calculate the specific surface area, using two different types of BET-equations.
The presence of heme-oxygenase and biliverdin reductase in human cranial ganglia indicates a role for carbon monoxide in neural transmission.
Detection of hepatitis C core antigen in serum or plasma as a marker of hepatitis C viraemia in the serological window-phase.
A new immunoassay for the detection of hepatitis C core antigen (HCVcoreAg) in peripheral blood during serological window-phase was evaluated among healthy blood donors, commercially available hepatitis C virus (HCV) seroconversion panels and in-house specimens from individuals undergoing seroconversion. Among 1964 low-risk blood donor samples, seven samples were initially reactive but only one wa
Microcalorimetric investigations of building materials
"This report presents the results of ten projects in which we have used microcalorimetric techniques to study processes in building materials. Except for in cement research, microcalorimetry has not been much used on building materials. The microcalorimetric technique is extremely versatile, mainly because it is a very basic property (heat) that is measured. We hope that this report may encourage
Large eddy simulation of unsteady lean stratified premixed combustion
Premixed turbulent flame-based technologies are rapidly growing in importance, with applications to modern clean combustion devices for both power generation and aeropropulsion. However, the gain in decreasing harmful emissions might be canceled by rising combustion instabilities. Unwanted unsteady flame phenomena that might even destroy the whole device have been widely reported and are subject t
Rättens ordning i den tid som återstår
Artikeln undersöker det för rätten fundamentala begreppet "tiden". Utgångspunkt är president George W. Bushs krig mot krig mot terrorismen - the War on Terrorism - med exempel från invasionen och den påföljande ockupationen av Irak. Artikeln argumenterar för en eskatologisk förståelse av rätten under the War on Terrorism, något som förskjuter tidens perspektiv, och som påvisar ett undantagstillstå
Photodynamic Therapy utilizing Interstitial Light Delivery Combined with Spectroscopic Methods
Popular Abstract in Swedish Redan för 5000 år sedan i det antika Egypten användes ljus för att behandla vissa hudåkommor. Denna bortglömda kunskap återupptäcktes i början av förra seklet men fick inget riktigt genomslag. De senare årtiondenas framsteg inom kemi och fysik har återigen gjort ljusbehandling av sjukdomar högintressant. Speciellt upptäckten av lasern på 1960-talet har gjort att tillämpSince cancer continues to plague humanity there is large need for development of modalities for both diagnosis and therapy. Most of the currently available methods suffer from serious disadvantages. The treatments, e.g. ionising radiation, chemotherapy, surgery, may themselves induce malignancies or the patient may be physically impaired for a longer period of time. The work presented aims at dev