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Mediedidaktikens villkor

Review over new research within media pedagogy and a discussion concerning the future of the field

Cartilage proteins and their arthritogenic properties in arthritis

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling behandlas brosk proteiners roll såsom antigen och tillgänglighet av immunsystemet i artrit. Sex artiklar omfattas, där fyra presenterar nya djur modeller för reumatoid artrit (RA), en visar hur en genetisk störning av ett broskprotein kan förvärra artrit och den sista hur posttransnationell modifiering av kollagen typ II (CII) påverkar T-cells toleranIn this thesis the role of cartilage proteins and their potential as antigen and availability to the immune system in arthritis were investigated. Six papers are included; where four present new animal models for Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), one shows how genetic disorders in cartilage may affect arthritis and the last how posttranslational modification of collagen type II (CII) affects tolerance. P

Differential modulation of caffeine- and IP3-induced calcium release in cultured arterial tissue

To investigate the Ca2+-dependent plasticity of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function in vascular smooth muscle, transient responses to agents releasing intracellular Ca2+ by either ryanodine (caffeine) or D-myo-inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate [IP3; produced in response to norepinephrine (NE), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), arginine vasopressin (AVP)] receptors in rat tail arterial rings were evaluated a

The representation of orthodox icons in the poetry of ingemar leckius

The aim of this study is to demonstrate how the cultural functions of a sacred motif have changed over the years by means of intermedial transformation. The object of study is an ekphrastic poem, "Theotokos", by the Swedish poet Ingemar Leckius. A couple of medieval Orthodox icon paintings - The Vladimir Madonna and The Virgin of the Sign - have served as sources of inspiration for the poet. A myt

A new collimator simulation in SIMIND based on the delta-scattering technique

To use conventional ray tracing methods in Monte Carlo simulation of the collimator in a scintillation camera system can be time consuming. It is however necessary to take collimator interactions into account when simulating radionuclides emitting high-energy photons that can penetrate the septa in the collimator. In this work a statistical collimator algorithm, based on the Delta-Scattering metho

On-demand treatment in patients with oesophagitis and reflux symptoms: comparison of lansoprazole and omeprazole.

BACKGROUND: There are few data on how patients on maintenance treatment of reflux oesophagitis take their medication. This study was designed to investigate the dosing patterns of patients on on-demand treatment and to compare lansoprazole with omeprazole in this regard. METHODS: Patients with reflux oesophagitis, initially treated until absence of symptoms, took capsules of either lansoprazole (3

Modelling of hydrogen cyanide formation in room fires

A chemical kinetics model for calculation of the formation of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) has been made. The combustion of a mixture of methylamine and ethylene has been modelled using the stationary laminar flamelet concept. The flamelet calculations are based on several thousand elementary reaction steps including the chemical kinetics of HCN in combustion. The flamelets for both cold (293 K) and hot

Frost Resistance of Building Materials : Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic Research Seminar in Lund, 1999

This report contains papers presented at a Research Seminar , or rather "workshop", organised by our Department. It is the third in a series. The previous seminars were held in 1993 and 19961• The seminar is "Nordic", by which is meant that the speakers came from the Scandinavian countries -Demnark, Norway, Sweden- and Finland. Certainly there are other Nordic countries in which frost is a real pr

Pollen competitive ability: the effect of proportion in two-donor crosses

Pollen competitive ability depends on the innate capacity of a pollen donor to produce pollen that reaches the ovules fast, but could also be a consequence of the ability to interfere with pollen from other donors. In a greenhouse study on Viola tricolor, we examined the relative importance of both of these effects by performing crosses where we varied the pollen load composition of two donors. We

Regulation of glucagon release in mouse -cells by KATP channels and inactivation of TTX-sensitive Na+ channels

The perforated patch whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique was applied to superficial glucagon-secreting alpha-cells in intact mouse pancreatic islets. alpha-cells were distinguished from the beta- and delta-cells by the presence of a large TTX-blockable Na+ current, a TEA-resistant transient K+ current sensitive to 4-AP (A-current) and the presence of two kinetically separable Ca2

A Note on Systematic Tailbiting Encoders

Tailbiting codes encoded by convolutional encoders are studied. An explanation is given for the fact that, at low signal-to-noise ratios, a systematic feedback encoder results in fewer decoding bit errors than a nonsystematic feedforward encoder for the same tailbiting code. The analysis is based on a recently introduced code property, namely, the weight density of distance-d codewords. For a give

Interstitial Laser Thermotherapy of Liver Tumours. Methodology and Application

Popular Abstract in Swedish Värmebehandling (termoterapi) av tumör baseras på kunskap om den celldödande effekten av värme. Den har begränsats av svårigheten att kontrollera temperaturutbredningen så att en selektiv och tillräcklig effekt erhålls, och detta gäller särskilt djupt belägna tumörer. Interstitiell laser termoterapi (ILT) med Nd:YAG laser är en ny behandlingsform, som ger de tekniska föInterstitial laser thermotherapy (ILT) is a method well suited for selective local destruction of malignant tumours. In the present work, a laser thermotherapy system based on feedback temperature control of energy delivery (through computerised feedback system) was developed. Temperature control was excellent in experiments without carbonization and with preserved light penetration, whereas tempe