

Din sökning på "*" gav 530343 sökträffar

Quality of life and client satisfaction as outcomes of the Redesigning Daily Occupations (ReDO) programme for women with stress-related disorders: A comparative study.

OBJECTIVE: The outcomes, in terms of quality of life and satisfaction with rehabilitation, of the 16-week Redesigning Daily Occupations (ReDO) programme as a work rehabilitation method for women with stress-related disorders was evaluated. It was hypothesised that, compared to women who got Care as Usual (CAU), the ReDO group would improve their quality of life and self-mastery more, and that thos

Charged-Particle Multiplicity Density at Midrapidity in Central Pb-Pb Collisions at root s(NN)=2.76 TeV

The first measurement of the charged-particle multiplicity density at midrapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy per nucleon pair root s(NN) = 2.76 TeV is presented. For an event sample corresponding to the most central 5% of the hadronic cross section, the pseudorapidity density of primary charged particles at midrapidity is 1584 +/- 4(stat) +/- 76(syst), which corresponds to 8.3

Direct ab initio study on the rate constants of radical C-2(A(3)Pi(u))+C3H8 reaction

The mechanism and kinetics of the radical C-3(2) + C3H8 reaction have been investigated theoretically by direct ab initio kinetics over a wide temperature range. The potential energy surfaces have been constructed at the CCSD(T)/B3//UMP2/B1 levels of theory. The electron transfer was also analyzed by quasi-restricted orbital (QRO) in detail. It was shown that all these channels proceed exclusively

Magnetic Properties of [FeFe]-Hydrogenases: A Theoretical Investigation Based on Extended QM and QM/MM Models of the H-Cluster and Its Surroundings

In the present contribution, we report a theoretical investigation of the magnetic properties of the dihydrogen-evolving enzyme [FeFe]-hydrogenase, based on both DFT models of the active site (the H-cluster, a Fe6S6 assembly including a binuclear portion directly involved in substrates binding), and QM/MM models of the whole enzyme. Antiferromagnetic coupling within the H-cluster has been treated

The Scandinavian Ice Sheet: from MIS 4 to the end of the Last Glacial Maximum

Glacial rebound modelling, to establish constraints on past ice sheets from the observational evidence of palaeo-shoreline elevations, is well established for the post- Last Glacial Maximum (post-LGM) period, for which the observational evidence is relatively abundant and well distributed spatially and in time. This is particularly the case for Scandinavia. For the earlier part of the glacial cycl

Human exposure to persistent organic pollutants in West Africa - A temporal trend study from Guinea-Bissau

Background: Humans, independent on where they live, are exposed to complex and various mixtures of chemicals, including persistent organic pollutants (POPs). The variability of the exposure depends on sources of the chemicals and is influenced by e.g. geography, social and cultural heritage. While exposures to POPs are frequently studied in populations from developed industrial countries, very lit

Inverse-motion-based form finding for quasi-incompressible finite electroelasticity

This work deals with inverse-motion-based form finding for electroelasticity. The inverse motion problem is formulated for the electroelastic case, and the resulting equations are implemented within a finite element framework. A four-field variational approach is adopted, taking into consideration the typically incompressible behavior of the elastomer materials commonly used in electromechanical a

Kingnites diamondi gen. et sp nov., an exceptionally large Silurian paulinitid (Annelida; Polychaeta) from shallow marine settings of Baltoscandia

The polychaete annelid Kingnites diamondi, a new paulinitid genus and species, is described from the Silurian of Baltoscandia. Its large maxillae differ morphologically from those of all other known paulinitids, particularly in being very elongate and having conspicuous myocoele openings and posterior portions of the first maxillae (MI). Albeit rare, this polychaete taxon is highly characteristic

Coarse-Graining Intermolecular Interactions in Dispersions of Highly Charged Colloids

Effective pair potentials between charged colloids, obtained from Monte Carlo simulations of two single colloids in a closed cell at the primitive model level, are shown to reproduce accurately the structure of aqueous salt-free colloidal dispersions, as determined from full primitive model simulations by Linse et al. (Linse, P.; Lobaskin, V. Electrostatic Attraction and Phase Separation in Soluti

Biotransformation of glycerol to 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde: Improved production by in situ complexation with bisulfite in a fed-batch mode and separation on anion exchanger.

3-Hydroxypropionaldehyde (3HPA) is an important C3 chemical that can be produced from renewable glycerol by resting whole cells of Lactobacillus reuteri. However the process efficiency is limited due to substrate inhibition, product-mediated loss of enzyme activity and cell viability, and also formation of by-products. Complex formation of 3HPA with sodium bisulfite and subsequent binding to Amber

Plasma apolipoprotein M responses to statin and fibrate administration in type 2 diabetes mellitus

Purpose: Plasma apolipoprotein M (apoM) is potentially anti-atherogenic, and has been found to be associated positively with plasma total, LDL and HDL cholesterol in humans. ApoM may, therefore, be intricately related to cholesterol metabolism. Here, we determined whether plasma apoM is affected by statin or fibrate administration in patients with diabetes mellitus. Methods: Fourteen type 2 diabet

Factors associated with lifetime risk of open-angle glaucoma blindness.

Purpose: To investigate factors associated with bilateral glaucoma blindness, particularly factors available at the time of diagnosis. Methods: Retrospective chart review of all patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) or pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PEXG) followed at the Department of Ophthalmology or Low Vision Center of Skåne University Hospital, Malmö, Sweden, who died between January 2

Infrequent sporophyte production maintains a female-biased sex ratio in the unisexual clonal moss Hylocomium splendens

P>1. Sex ratios in unisexual bryophytes are most often female biased, whereas male-biased sex ratios predominate in unisexual seed plants. This 'bryophyte paradox', i.e. that sex ratios are biased in favour of the sex associated with the highest reproductive costs, has remained unexplained. 2. Analysis of sex-ratio patterns via the influence of sex distribution on population growth rates (lambda)

The European COPHES/DEMOCOPHES project: Towards transnational comparability and reliability of human biomonitoring results.

COPHES/DEMOCOPHES has its origins in the European Environment and Health Action Plan of 2004 to "develop a coherent approach on human biomonitoring (HBM) in Europe". Within this twin-project it was targeted to collect specimens from 120 mother-child-pairs in each of the 17 participating European countries. These specimens were investigated for six biomarkers (mercury in hair; creatinine, cotinine,

Flt3 ligand does not differentiate between Parkinsonian disorders.

Differential diagnosis of parkinsonian disorders is challenging because of overlapping symptoms, especially during early stages of disease. No validated biomarkers are available for early and accurate diagnosis of multiple system atrophy and other parkinsonian disorders. It has been reported that flt3 ligand levels in cerebrospinal fluid could clearly differentiate patients with Parkinson's diseas