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Det blir vad vi gör det till – så vad gör vi det till? En diskursanalys av LVU-domar.

The aim of this study was to examine how social problems are constructed through the power of the written word. By studying 23 cases of 3§ LVU (Care of Young Persons Special Provisions Act)the aim was to try to determine how young boys and girls antisocial behavior were described depending on their gender. The study has been carried out through a social constructionist erspective that focuses on

Strategic and tactical asset allocation - is it really used?

The purpose with this thesis is to examine if strategic and tactical asset allocation are used within Swedish balanced funds and to outline how these investment strategies are used, by identifying trends. Compiled data over the asset allocation within Swedish balanced funds 12 years back has been analyzed by defining strategic and tactical asset allocation in quantitative terms. With several hypo

Queer Belonging in Chinese Society: A Case Study of LGBTs Negotiation of Belonging

In this study, possibilities to belong in the contemporary Chinese society are recognized to differences along axes of sexual orientation. Lesbians and gays in the LGBT group are exposed to violations of their human rights in forms of discrimination and lack of legal protection. The aim of this thesis is to critically explore “politics of belonging” by highlighting processes of inclusion and exclu

Credit Rating- En jämförelse mellan Banken och UC

Examensarbetets titel: Credit Rating – en jämförelse mellan Banken och UC Seminariedatum: 5 juni 2014 Ämne/kurs: FEKH89, examensarbete kandidatnivå i finansiering, 15 HP Författare: Malin Hansson & Magda Lukaszewicz Handledare: Erling Green Fem nyckelord: credit, rating, bank, UC, fallissemang Syfte: Vårt syfte med arbete är att utröna om det finns några skillnader mellan Bankens och UC:Title: Credit Rating – a comparison between Banken and UC Seminar date: June 5th, 2014 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS‐cr Authors: Malin Hansson & Magda Lukaszewicz Advisor: Erling Green Key words: credit, rating, bank, UC, probability of default. Purpose: The purpose of the essay i

The unitary patent package - Court competence and substantive law

The unitary patent package (Regulation 1257/2012 creating a unitary patent protection (UPR) , Regulation 1260/2012 on language regime creating a unitary patent protection (UPRL) , and the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court (UPCA) ) will make it possible to apply for a single patent (European patent with unitary effect or EPUE) at the non-EU European Patent Office (EPO) in Munich. EPUE will cover

Modelling and robust estimation of AV node function during AF

Objective: The purpose of the present thesis is to enrich the robustness of a statistical atrioventricular (AV) node model during atrial Fibrillation (AF). The model takes into account electrophysiological properties as the two pathways, their refractory periods and concealed conduction; these pathways are located between sinoatrial (SA) and AV node. It is highly desirable understanding of the AV

Determinants of corporate CDS spreads in the Eurozone - Is there a spillover effect from sovereign to corporate credit risk?

We study the determinants of corporate CDS spreads for 125 companies headquartered in the Eurozone, with an emphasis on sovereign CDS spreads as a main determinant of corporate CDS spreads in levels and changes. This is done by analyzing financial companies, as well as non-financial companies. The period of analysis is from January 2004 to April 2014, which has been divided into 3 sub-periods; bef

A development of a tool to improve traceability between requirement and verification

In the development of a product or system it is important to know that all the requirements are verified and validated in order to maintain a good reputation and standard. Today ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AB does not have a clear traceability between requirements and verification. In order to improve and create a clear formal traceability for their developing process a traceability examination ha

Why Pay When You Can Get It For Free? A quantitative study of the competition on the web-based music market in Sweden

SVENSK SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Why Pay When You Can Get It For Free? A quantitative study of the web-based music industry Seminariedatum: 4 juni 2014 Kurs: FEKH19 Kandidatkurs i Strategic Management, 15 Hp Författare: Erika Fredriksson, Louise Klintner, Evelina Wennerberg Handledare: Christine Blomquist Nyckelord: Web-based music services, Buyer switching costs, Sampling, Willingness to pay, ABSTRACT IN ENGLISH Title: Why Pay When You Can Get It For Free? A quantitative study of the web-based music industry Seminar date: 4 of June, 2014 Topic/Course: FEKH19 Bachelors Thesis in Strategic Management, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS-credits) Authors: Erika Fredriksson, Louise Klintner, Evelina Wennerberg Advisor: Christine Blomquist Key words: Web-based music services,

Auctioning as a financial instrument. Alternative strategies in overcoming economic hardship in Malmö, 1840-1870.

The impact of economic hardship has been proven to be a substantial factor in how people lived their lives in the 19th century Sweden. Equally the second-hand market has in recent studies been shown to have been a substantial part of the 19th century economy. The second-hand market consisting of market institutions such as peddler merchants, pawnshops and auctions were central to how people bought

REE mineralisation and metasomatic alteration in the Olserum metasediments

The Olserum mineralisation is situated in the metasediments of the Västervik formation, which repre-sents the southernmost continental margin of the Svecokarelian Domain. After deposition between 1.88 – 1.85 Ga these sediments were subsided to a depth of about 10 km and intruded by a series of granitoid melts. The resulting HT/LP metamorphism, with a peak at upper amphibolite facies, transformed t

Tracking Product Profitability A Case Study on Challenges and Opportunities in Performance Management

Background:The case company Atlas Copco has a decentralized organisation where the product responsibility has been delegated to the Product Line Manager located at the production facility. To manage the product portfolio and make strategic and tactical business decisions related to the products, information about product performance and profitability is a key input. Today, the Product Line Manager

Return Models and Covariance Matrices

Return models and covariance matrices of return series have been studied. In particular, GARCH and SV models are compared with respect to their forecasting accuracy when applied to intraday return series. SV models are found to be considerably more accurate and more consistent in accuracy in forecasting. Covariance matrices formed from Gaussian and GARCH return series, and in particular, return s

The Debate on South Korea's Industrial Policy Revisited

Comprehending the East Asian Miracle has been a subject of heated major debate topic in development economics. And Korea was recognized as having one of the most pro-active state interventions in industrial policy and the debate on the performance of industrial policy has not been settled yet. This paper discusses the political economy of industrial policy over decades and the changes in conventio

Segmentation of teeth roots in CT scans

In this project we developed a method to segment and visualize teeth roots from CT scan data. Our method is based on the level set method for the segmentation and the marching cubes method for the visualization. Most of the teeth segmentations had a good result when compared to a ground truth although there were some teeth and data sets that were problematic to segment. We give some reasons as to

What creates a valuable cue? The underestimated importance of a cues diagnostic value over the encoding retrieval match for successful memory retrieval

Målet med denna studie är att undersöka betydelsen av det diagnostiska värdet hos en ledtråd, en så kallad “cue” framför värdet av ett kontextuellt överlapp mellan inkodning och framplockning av minnen. Ett minnestest grundat på ledtrådsbaserat igenkännande, så kallat “cued recognition”, genomfördes. Samtliga deltagare presenterades för ordpar tillsammans med kontextuella bilder i tre betingelser,The aim of this study is to investigate the importance of a diagnostic cue over the mere contextual overlap between encoding and retrieval in successful retention. A cued recognition test was conducted to investigate the power of a contextual cues diagnostic value in successful retrieval of memories. Participants were presented with word pairs together with a picture background in three different

Being and Belonging: A discursive reading of identity politics in the European Union´s engagement with Ukraine

Much scholarly work has been devoted to the issue of the identity politics of the EU, often however by attempting to construe limited empirical findings as proof of how the EU generally aims to represent itself and others. This thesis takes a different, more contextual, approach by investigating, via a Laclau and Mouffe inspired discourse analysis, how the EU via representations in its foreign pol