

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

The Promotion of Girls’ Education in a late 19th Century Egyptian Women’s Magazine -. A Study of Western Feminist Influences

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the Western influence in three different articles from the late 19th century, Egyptian Women’s Magazine, al-Fatāh. The analysis is based on the hypothesis that they used similar arguments in their debate for girl’s education, as did women in the West. In order to compare the analysis to Western writers, a background on the debate about girls’ education among We

Bland glastak och afro-wigs, tre rasifierade studenters upplevelser av akademiska rum vid Lunds Universitet

In this thesis I examine the experiences of three racialized students regarding their academic environment at Lund University and the student activities surrounding it. The purpose is to add a student␣␣ perspective to a, with international measurements, relatively small Swedish field of anti-­racist studies on academia. Using Sara Ahmed␣s phenomenology, thoughts of Patricia Hill Collins and Bourdi

How are extreme temperatures changing in Sweden

Global mean temperature has been observed to increase over the last hundred years; this increase is coupled with a global increase of warm extreme indices and a decrease in cold extreme indices. In this study, daily observations of mean and extreme temperatures from ten different weather stations in Sweden during the time period 1961-2010 were analyzed. A warming trend was identified for every dat

En för mjuk sjukförsäkring? - En diskursanalys av förarbetena till förändringen av sjukförsäkringssystemet

The aim of this study was to examine the preliminary works that were published prior to the change of the sickness insurance system in 2008. Specifically, the aim was to find out what the main discourses in the texts were and what characterized them. The study examined three preliminary works; one Official Report from the Swedish government, one government bill that proposed the change in legislat

E-demokrati – Ger dialog och ökat engagemang?

Behovet av att vidmakthålla och öka demokratin finns. Informationsteknik har möjliggjort nya kommutationskanaler mellan medborgare och makthavare. Kommunikation med hjälp av hemsidor, email, e-tjänster och forum har gjort att information kan överföras på kort tid och med en stor tillgänglighet. E-demokratin ses som en väg till att få fler delaktiga och ökat inflytande i politiska beslut. Med utgån

Sjuksköterskors IT-kompetens - hantering av journalsystem

Journalsystem är ett hjälpmedel som används i det dagliga arbetet av sjuksköterskor inom hälso- och sjukvård samt hjälper användarna att erhålla information från olika områden och för att säkerställa en god och säker vård. Journalsystemet ställer vissa krav på användarnas IT-kompetens för att användaren ska kunna hantera det på ett korrekt sätt. Syftet med studien är undersöka IT-kompetensens bety

Kommunikation - den kritiska faktorn i förändringsprocesser?

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka om det i teorin beskrivs faktorer inom hur man framgångsrikt kommunicerar en förändringsprocess som inte appliceras i praktiken, vilket i så fall kan ligga till grund för att en så stor del av förändringsprocesser inte implementeras. Metod: En kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie utifrån en deduktiv ansats. Uppsatsens empiriska material insamlades genom semistrukturerObjective: The objective of this dissertation is to investigate whether relevant theory describes certain elements that facilitates communicating a change process successfully, which are not applied in practice and could thus constitute for the large amount of change processes that are never implemented. Method: A cross-sectional study with a deductive and qualitative approach. The dissertations’

'The Apple Must Fall Far From the Tree'. A Case Study of an Educational School Intervention in Lyari: An Urban Slum in Pakistan.

Partly attributed to the distinguishing effects of poverty on education and effects of education on poverty, the poverty and education nexus is complex. Since poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon deprivation in education, especially in urban slums, is not caused by one factor alone, but is rather stitched to various other related factors such as family structure, a high conflict neighbourhood

The impact of riverine iron on eels in the Hanö bay

Since 2009, fish have been reported to avoid the coastline of Hanö bay and appear to be in a poor condition. Observations of a browner water led to the assumption that river water may affect the water quality in the coastal zone. Organic matter and iron are known to affect water color and are both found in high concentrations in the main river draining into the bay. In this study I explore availab

Genusidentitet och brand image - en studie av konsumenter och varumärken

Syfte Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa förhållandet mellan varumärkens och konsumenters genusidentitet och brand image för att därmed bidra till teoribildningen kring begreppet brand image. Metod Studien ämnar skapa en förståelse utifrån konsumenters perspektiv snarare än att förklara dem. Den ontologiska ståndpunkten konstruktionism har därför tillämpats tillsammans med ett tolkningsperspektivPurpose The purpose of the study is to illuminate the relationship between brands’ gender identity, consumers’ gender identity and brand image in order to give a theoretical contribute within the brand image area. Methodology Our aim is to create an understanding from a consumer perspective rather than explain it; hence the ontological view constructionism has been applied together with an int

Burkina Faso and Sweden - A discourse analysis of public politics in the field

This thesis analyse different understanding of the world how this leads to different actions with real consequences for people. In a public policy chain from the government of Sweden down to the field in Burkina Faso, civil servants have been interviewed in order to identify changes in discourses and what they may potentially mean. The use of qualitative data gives a deeper understanding of how in

Conscientious Objection and Access to Lawful Abortion in the Council of Europe System - Does Conscientious Objection Undermine Legal Abortion Rights?

Historiskt sett har människor gjort invändningar grundade på tankefrihet, samvetsfrihet och religionsfrihet i förhållande till obligatorisk värnpliktstjänstgöring. Denna samvetsvägran inom militären är en erkänd rätt i nationella, regionala och internationella människorättsinstrument. I den Europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna är denna rätHistorically, objections based on the freedom of thought, conscience and religion have been invoked in relation to compulsory military service. These conscientious objections are protected by national, regional and international human rights instruments. In the European Convention on Human Rights this right is grounded in Article 9 on the freedom of thought, conscience and religion. In Europe, the

Disputes over the protected area. Social and political aspects of nature conservation and environmental pollution in Świder Nature Reserve

The research is situated in the area of Otwock county in central Poland. It is located nearby the river Świder which is protected by a nature reserve. However, environmental protection laws are not fully respected as there is a recurring problem of waste disposal taking place in forests and river. Fly-tipping in the Świder Nature Reserve is a social and administrational problem. On the one hand,

Bridging ROS for Heterogeneous Integration in Mobile Robot Systems

We investigate the difficulty of integrating disparate, heterogeneous systems which have not been designed to work together. Such difficulties may arise from differences in communication protocols or data formats, making an in- tegration effort largely manual and labor intensive. The investigation is done in the context of integrating two different robot systems, one mobile platform running ROS (R

Raka rör, diesel och svart rök: en hermeneutisk fallstudie om fordonselevers syn på miljöproblem, transporters koppling till miljöpåverkan & Ecodriving

This thesis includes eight pupils in their final year of a vocational secondary school education, aspiring to become truck drivers, in a small town in southern Sweden. Through a hermeneutic and qualitative methodological approach the main aim was to understand these pupils and their view on matters regarding their training program, environmental problems, transports link to environmental impact, a

Implementering av CSR-strategier – En studie av svenska livsmedelsföretag

Titel: Implementering av CSR-strategier – En studie av svenska livsmedelsföretag Författare: Lisa Karlsson & Isabella Sten Handledare: Hans Knutsson Nyckelord: CSR, MCS, styrsystem, strategi, implementering, livsmedelsföretag Problem: CSR är ett högst aktuellt ämne inom livsmedelsbranschen. Samtidigt har det i akademisk litteratur under senare år efterfrågats forskning kring styrsystems ro

"Har du tänkt söka upp dina rötter?". En kvalitativ intervjustudie om identitet och anknytning med vuxna adopterade från länder utanför Europa

Abstract Author: Hajro Örneland Title: “Well then, are you planning to find your roots?” A qualitative interview study about identity and attachment with adults adopted from non-European countries. Supervisor: Carina Tigervall and Elizabeth Martinell Barfoed Assessor: Anna Angelin Adoption is a topic often discussed in various social contexts as well as in media, through for example different TV

Tre år med etableringsuppdraget

Sammanfattning I december 2010 trädde etableringsreformen i kraft. Detta innebar att ansvaret för integrationen av nyanlända flyttades från kommun till Arbetsförmedling. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur handläggare på Arbetsförmedlingen upplevde etableringsreformen. Syftet var även att undersöka de svårigheter som handläggarna möter i implementering av den nya reformen. Denna kvalitatAbstract In December of 2010, a settlement reform by the name of Etableringsreformen was implemented in Sweden. This meant that the main responsibility for integration of newly arrived immigrants was moved from the municipality to the unemployment agency - Arbetsförmedlingen. The purpose of this study was to investigate what the administrators at the employment agency think about the settlement r

Minority government and fiscal policy outcomes-new evidence

Using a panel of 18 European OECD countries over the period 1979-2011, this paper re-examines and extends previous empirical evidence on the effects of minority government on fiscal policy outcomes. First government primary balance is separated into revenues and expenditure according to Kontopoulos and Perotti (1999). Second minority governments are categorized into dummy variables according to Ed