

Din sökning på "*" gav 526776 sökträffar

Förslag på ny led för farligt gods i Helsingborg - En jämförelse mellan tre riskanalysmetoder

This report is comparing about ten different routes for transportation of dangerous goods to the harbour area in the city of Helsingborg in southern of Sweden. This is done by the use of three different methods for risk analysis. The report is pointing out one of the alternative routes as the best regarding societal risk and individual risk. A comparison is also made between the three different me

Riskidentifiering i undermarksstationer - Ett förslag till arbetsmetodik

The aim of this project is to make a model which could be used during risk identification in swedish underground stations. The model is based on a risk identification in T-centralen, Stockholm and will in a foreseeable way structure the risk sources that can affect personal safety. There will be suggestions concerning preventive measures in an underground station, both material and organizational.

Skiljenämnds uppdragsöverskridande - Rättsläget efter Systembolagsdomen

Kommersiella parter väljer idag i allt högre grad att slita sina tvister genom skiljeförfarande istället för att genomgå ett traditionellt domstolsförfarande. Skiljeförfarande är i grunden ett eninstansförfarande där parterna genom avtal avsäger rätten att på materiell grund överklaga skiljedomen. Detta medför emellertid inte att parterna avsagt sig rätten till ett processuellt korrekt förfarande.Today, commercial parties are more likely to choose arbitration as a means of solving their indifferences rather than traditional court proceedings. Arbitration is basically a single instance procedure where the parties by agreement waive their right to appeal on substantive grounds. However, this does not preclude the parties the right to due process. The possibility to challenge an arbitral awar

Levelling the Playing Field - the Mandate of Multilateral Development Banks to Apply Labour Standards

This thesis examines five Multinational Development Banks (MDBs) mandate to apply labour standards in their operations. The MDBs are international organizations often set up with a mission to enhance economic growth and reduce poverty. An overwhelming majority of the members of the MDBs are also members of the UN and ILO. One of the ways UN works to reduce poverty is through the Millennium Devel

Insurable interest in marine insurance. - A necessity or an obsolete way of thinking?

The requirement of insurable interest in marine insurances has since long been debated in England, not only in relation to marine insurances. The focal point of this essay does however lie on the requirement of insurable interest in the marine insurance industry in England. Marine insurance as a term includes several types of insurances, a feature these sub-branches of marine insurance have in com

Marine environment regulations on cruise ships: A special focus on the influence of EU candidacy of Turkey

This thesis explores and reflects on the regulations related to marine environment protection with a special focus on the cruise industry. The main provisions regulating the cruise ships activities are primarily addressed by looking at the international and regional conventions for afterwards narrowing down the interest on the impact of their adoption on the development of the Turkish legislation.

Climate Change, Loss of Livelihood and the Absence of Sustainable Livelihood Approach : A Case Study of Shymnagar, Bangladesh

The devastating effect of climate change can be seen especially in geographically vulnerable countries. Every year, a disaster-prone country like Bangladesh; loses much of its resources as a consequence of natural calamities. Bangladesh is situated in a geographical position where natural devastation occurs often-resulting in substantial damages to poor villagers. Expected natural transformation,

Mobilabonnemangsmarknaden i Europa - Hur ser prisbilden ut och vad påverkar den?

This paper examines the pricing structure of the European mobile subscription markets. The paper analyzes two questions: 1) what is the price level of mobile subscriptions across Europe today? 2) What factors influence the price level? A sample consisting of 33 operators from 15 European countries is collected for the purpose of the study. For 1) a pricing model is developed. The model includes “f

Verksamhetsutövarens ansvar för föroreningar som har skett före den 1 juli 1969

Sedan miljöbalken trädde i kraft den 1 januari 1999 har ett antal rättsfall kommit vilka behandlar verksamhetsutövares ansvar för föroreningar som har skett före det datum då miljöskyddslagen trädde i kraft den 1 juli 1969. I 8§ i lagen om införande av miljöbalken är frågan om under vilka förutsättningar en verksamhetsutövare är ansvarig för gamla föroreningar tydlig; utövaren är ansvarig om den mThe Environmental Code (Miljöbalken) came into force 1 January 1999. Since then, there have been several legal cases that concern the operator’s liability for contaminated land. Some of these cases concern pollution that have occurred before 1 July 1969, when the Environmental Law (Miljöskyddslagen) came into force. The Environmental Code and the Promulgation Law sets out clear conditions of lia


Housing is a basic human need throughout the world. Most people the world over have problems getting a place to sleep. In spite of the importance and necessity of housing a number of governments barely work to support the rental housing sector in many national housing policies. Housing which is a social service is now considered more as economic good which is being traded in as a commodity. The ho

Konsten att övertyga

Detta arbete söker svar på frågorna ”Förändrar företag språket och därmed sättet de marknadsför sig själva på relativt hemmamarknaden/utlandsmarknaden?” och ”Om så är fallet, hur ser den skillnaden ut?”. Olika delar av pragmatiken och bildsemiotiken, vilka anses relevanta för att svara på frågeställningen, belyses. Därtill presenteras tidigare reklamforskning kring hur en annons är uppbyggd, hur eThis report seeks answers to the questions "Do companies change the language and thus, the way they market themselves relative to the domestic / foreign market?" And "If so, how is that change manifested?". Relevant, for answering the questions, parts of pragmatics and picture semiotics are presented. In addition, earlier research on advertising language, research on how a view

Vilken påverkan har tillväxt på kapitalomsättningshastigheten och vinstmarginalen?

Titel: Vilken påverkan har tillväxt på kapitalomsättningshastigheten och vinstmarginalen Datum för seminarium: 100112 Kurs: FEKK01 Examensarbete på kandidatnivå, 15 hp Författare: El Mostafa Fahim, Tony Rahm Handledare: Måns Kjellsson Nyckelord: Dupont-modellen, omsättningstillväxt, kapitalomsättningshastighet, vinstmarginal Syfte: Genom att studera svenska industriföretag syftar denna studie till

Arbitrability regarding patent law - an international study

Vilka ämnesområden som inte lämpar sig för skiljeförfarande och således faller under nationell domstols jurisdiktion är omstritt. Skiljedomsmässighet, som riktar sig till själva tvistefrågan, besvarar den ovan ställda frågan i varje enskilt fall. Vad som faller inom ramen för skiljedomsmässighet avgörs av varje enskild stat. Denna form av skiljedomsmässighet definerar de tvistande parternas freeWhich subject matters are inappropriate for submission to arbitration and should instead be decided by a court of law? Subject matter arbitrability answers this question. What is included in the scope of inarbitrability is decided by the each single country. Subject matter arbitrability has influence on the parties’ freedom of contact by defining which issues the disputing parties may freely emp

Att glömma och minnas igen - en studie av de svenska domstolarnas bevisvärdering av bortträngda minnen

Bortträngda minnen och huruvida dessa kan eller bör framkallas är föremål för omfattande diskussion i forskarvärlden. Vad som kan kallas vetenskaplig och verklig sanning är också det långt ifrån oomstritt. På den juridiska sidan ger den svenska bevisprövningsmodellen domstolarna möjlighet att beakta i princip allt de finner av värde. Att andra vetenskapsdiscipliner ofta kommer in i den juridiska bThe discussion in the scientific community around the subject repressed memories has for a long time been extensive. The Swedish rules of evidence validation give the court the possibility of freely taking in consideration everything they find of value for the judgement. It is therefore up to the courts to decide whether or not to trust repressed memories as evidence. The purpose of this essay

Internal Migration and Educational Attainment in Turkey: A Case Study of Ankara

Moving during school age has been found to have negative educational consequences. This has been attributed to the harm caused to social relationships among children, school and family caused by residential mobility. The study presented here used data from Dynamics of Social Stratification, Socio-economic Status and Social Mobility: Evidence from Urban Ankara/Turkey dataset to investigate the impa

Domstolens hantering av organiserad brottslighet -ett kriminologiskt perspektiv på samhällsattityder och deras påverkan

Organiserad brottslighet är ett väldigt aktuellt ämne som diskuteras såväl i Sverige som internationellt. Diskussionerna rör bl.a. den organiserade brottslighetens struktur, hur utbredd den är, dess medlemmar, dess kriminalitet och det hot den innebär mot samhället. Många har starka åsikter gällande organiserad brottslighet och det talas om att krafttag mot den behöver tas och olika åtgärdsprogramOrganised crime is a well-discussed subject matter. There are questions regarding its structure, how widespread it is, the individuals involved with it, its crimes and the potential threat to our society it amounts to. These questions are talked about in many different arenas, in Sweden as well as internationally, and the opinions regarding organised crime are many and strong. The fight against it

Individuell utveckling i grupp - sångundervisning tillsammans med och genom andra

Syftet med denna studie är att ur ett livsvärldsfenomenologiskt perspektiv dokumentera sång-ares upplevelse av sitt sångtekniska och musikaliska lärande i grupp och i förekommande fall sätta detta i relation till deras upplevelse av en enskild undervisning, samt att studera vilka faktorer som kan ha varit utslagsgivande för dessa upplevelser. Studien är kvalitativ och genomfördes som aktionsforsknTitle: Individual development in group - voice lessons together with and through others. The purpose of this study is to, from a life-world phenomenological point of view, document how singers experience their vocal technical and musical learning in group and in to relate this to their experience of a private lesson and to study what factors have been decisive for these experiences. This study is

Skolan i det moderna - En jämförande studie av elevinflytande

Denna studie undersöker valda modernitetsbegrepp, inspirerade av Claes Ericsson, och hur de relaterar till utformningen av och praktiserande av elevinflytande vid två gymnasier med estetiska programmet: inriktning musik. Forskningsfrågan lyder: Hur kan likheter och skillnader i elevinflytande mellan två studerade gymnasieskolor med estetiska programmet:inriktning musik, förstås med hjälp av modernTitle: The School in the modern era – a comparative study of student impact. The present study investigates chosen perspectives of modernity inspired by Claes Ericsson, and how these can relate to the design and practising of student impact at two colleges with special music education. The core question of the study is: How can similaritites and differences in student impact between two studied co

Värdering av brandrisker i industrier

The aim of this report has been to present a risk analysis method that can be used when the fire risk in a given industry is to be evaluated. The risk is presented as the expected monetary loss during one year due to fire. A way of comparing different fire protection strategies with respect to the expected monetary loss due to fire and the cost due to the fire protection installation during one ye

Naturkatastrofers bidrag till riskbilden i EU

The aim for our project is to examine natural disasters contribution to the European Unions risk situation. Further on the project will describe co-ordination and organization connected to rescue services in occurrence of a natural disaster. With statistics from occurred natural disasters and their consequences, the expected risk in a future perspective will be calculated. The purpose with the pro