Säkerhet i höga byggnader
This report describes the problems with fire safety in high rise buildings. A quantitative risk analysis has been carried out for a 24 stories high building. The level of risk is presented by F/N curves.
This report describes the problems with fire safety in high rise buildings. A quantitative risk analysis has been carried out for a 24 stories high building. The level of risk is presented by F/N curves.
A model, BrandFeldt-model, is developed to decide if a component's damage criterion will be met as a consequence of fire. The component is placed in an adjoining room to the fire room, the only opening between the two rooms is a door (opened or closed).
This report contains a quantitative as well as a qualitative risk analysis of smoke control system in accommodation areas aboard large passenger ships. A discussion of the current prescriptive rules in SOLAS and the introduction of performance based design is made. Finally, areas of further research are suggested. (English)
This report is an analysis of the personal safety and the administration of maintenance work at the nuclear power plant of OKG. The analysis is divided into four sections: admini- stration, radiology, fire and evacuation along with the conventional working environment. The analysis includes literature studies, visits to the plant, interviews of personnel, Prelimi- nary Hazard Analyses, and review
The aim of this project is to create basis for streamlining the risk management process for health care activities within Västra Götalandsregionen. The scope of the project is to develop a framework for risk management regarding health care activities and to perform a survey of the present situation, with respect to the developed framework, on a couple of health care facilities. Conclusions are ma
Currently many Swedish municipalities have big problems with increasing damage costs and difficulties in getting good insurance solutions. Therefore the purpose of this report is to give a proposal of a model for municipal safety management in Gothenburg. This has been achieved by studying statistics and by doing interviews concerning the safety culture in different municipal activities. The most
This report considers improvements in Swedish Rescue Service Agency’s obser- vation activity on occurred accidents. A model is constructed to develop the work for observers and decisions-makers.
Based on a new Swedish legislation for accident prevention and protection the support of the establishment of municipality accident prevention programs with documented basic data sets for decision-making is discussed. A division into four documents of basic data sets is proposed. A process is projected for the production, decree and compliment of municipal accident prevention programmes and the do
The aim of this report is to survey the risks connected with home for old people to be able to enhance security and decrease the inherent risks. The goal is to create a tool that will facilitate working with risk management at home for old people, and thus be able to increase security in daily life for the people who live there as well as for personnel and visitors. The starting point of this repo
This project has resulted in an activity suited model for risk manage- ment. The objective is for the report and proposed model, to constitute a framework to the Swedish Rescue Services Agency (SRSA) as how to carry on risk management, well suited to its purpose of managing staff safety and security in humanitarian relief operations. The report con- tains an analysis of the composite of problems,
Family policy and its role in increasing female employment is a concern for national governments as well as supranational organisations such as the EU. The purpose of this thesis is to examine recent developments in family policy in Sweden and the UK, such as the introduction of a home care allowance in Sweden and proposals for flexible parental leave in the UK, to see whether there is policy conv
The Swedish household debt has been quite high and increasing for the past 30 years. In this thesis I tried to find the underlying reasons for the development in the long-run by using the Engle-Granger two-step model for co-integration but found that there was no co-integration between the household debt to disposable income ratio and the chosen variables. In the short-run analysis I de-trended al
The rise of the FZL (feizhuliu) subculture was one of the most eye-catching cultural phenomena in the Chinese cyberspace between 2007 and 2008. It has been considered as vulgar, destructive and problematic by the masses. The purpose of this research was to offer a fresh perspective and insightful view into the FZL subculture. It also was aimed to contribute to the studies of the intersection of su
The Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereinafter – the Convention) is the basic European treaty, which was adopted on the 4th of November 1950 by the Council of Europe and came into force on the 3- rd September 1953. To ensure compliance with international legal obligations assumed by the member states (hereinafter - Contracting Parties) to the Council of Eur
The main focus of this thesis is on access to knowledge movement. The exceptions and limitations to the exclusive rights of the author’s in International copyright regime has been discussed in line of that. Te paper has analysed article 15 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights to have human rights perspective on access to knowledge. The paper has focused also in the
I uppsatsen undersöks konstruktionen av varumärket Fjällräven ur ett avsändarperspektiv, utgående från Fjällrävens höst- och vinterkatalog 2009. Reklammaterialet analyseras utifrån ett semiotiskt förhållningssätt. Med hjälp av begreppet och teori om corporate storytelling identifieras Fjällrävens företagsberättelse. Särskild uppmärksamhet fästs vid de narrativa texterna om ryggsäcken Kånken. Genom
The innovative efforts of the pharmaceutical sector have provided society with numerous new remedies and medicines. Innovation is considered to be of key importance to the sector. The aim of the thesis is to analyse how the relevant legal frameworks should be developed to account for the innovative need of the sector. In order to develop these frameworks it is important to understand the underlyin
Denna uppsats behandlar rättsinstitutet culpa in contrahendo - vårdslöshet i samband med ingående av avtal. Den syftar till att definiera begreppet genom att redogöra för de förutsättningar som krävs för att culpa in contrahendo skall vara för handen, samt att i viss mån visa på de olikheter som närliggande situationer karaktäriseras av. Uppsatsen är huvudsakligen författad utifrån en regeloriente
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att ta reda på hur domstolarna dömer i fall där det går så långt att ett barn misshandlas till döds, hur Bobbys grymma död kunde inträffa och vad man kan göra för att undvika att fler barn misshandlas till döds. Första delen tar upp hur domstolarna resonerar kring fallet Bobby och även andra liknande fall. Det jag kommit fram till är att det är svårt för åklagarna at