Din sökning på "*" gav 529268 sökträffar
Direct photons in WA98.
Regionbyggandets dilemman: Några demokratiteoretiska aspekter på regionbyggnadsprocessen kring Öresund
Abstract is not available
Modeling of two-phase flow in a cathode duct of PEM fuel cells
In this study, a fully three-dimensional model has been developed to simulate two-phase, multi-component gas and heat transport processes in a PEMFC cathode duct. The effects of the electrochemical reactions on the heat generation and mass transfer have been taken into account. Based on the calculated values of water vapor partial pressure and temperature, occurrence of liquid water has been predi
Har vi någon ”tjeck” på straffmätning och påföljdsbestämning?
Phase contrast MRI segmentation using multiple cues
This paper presents a method for three-dimensional (3D) segmentation of blood vessels, using a combination of velocity data and magnitude images obtained using phase contrast MRI. In addition to standard MRI images, phase contrast MRI gives velocity information for blood and tissue. The proposed method uses a variational formulation of the segmentation problem which combines different cues; veloci
Kommentar till Rådets förordning (EEG) nr 2658/87 av den 23 juli 1987 om tulltaxe- och statistiknomenklaturen och om Gemensamma tulltaxan
On Old Italian uomo and the classification of indefinite expressions
Heightening Learning with SI
A proposal for fire testing and classification of cables for use in Europe
Styrelseledamöters mandat - ansats till en teori om styrelsearbete i börsnoterade företag
Popular Abstract in Swedish Sedan 1970-talet har intresset för den svenska aktiemarknaden ökat. Utländska och svenska institutionella investerare är exempel på aktörer som spelar en alltmer betydelsefull roll på aktiemarknaden. Generellt sett har en tidigare relativt trögrörlig aktiemarknad ersatts av en livlig marknad för ägande i svenska börsföretag. Förändringarna har betydelse för hur aktieägaThe ownership structure of public-listed companies in Sweden has undergone large changes during the last 20 years. Since the 1970's, the interest in the stock market has grown substantially, and in addition to more active domestic actors, the national borders have been opened to foreign capital. The change towards a more active stock market in Sweden has increased the interest for issues concernin
Crack propagation in wood and wood based materials
Methods in insect sensory ecology
Abstract is not available
The Gaia mission: Science, organization and present status
On coefficient memory co-optimization for channel estimation in a multi-standard environment (LTE and DVB-H)
This paper presents a novel memory optimization technique to exploit the analogy between correlation coefficients in MMSE-based channel estimators across multiple standards. The need for coefficient storage for robust MMSE channel estimators is expensive in terms of on-chip memory. Besides, the memory requirements grow linearly by integrating more standards onto one platform. Thus, it becomes inev
Simple tuning rules for feedforward compensators
This paper describes new simple tuning rules for design of feedforward compensators. The problem of feedforward from load disturbances is analyzed, and it is shown that the feedback controller should be taken into account in the feedforward design process. Simple rules based on IAE minimization with restrictions on the process output overshoot and the high-frequency gain of the compensator are the
Pion and Kaon Dynamics at Higher Orders in Chiral Perturbation Theory
Popular Abstract in Swedish Beräkningar av högre ordning i kiral störningsteorin med tre kvarkar presenteras. De relevanta frihetsgraderna i denna teorin är de lättaste pseudo-skalära mesonerna, pionen och kaonen. Syftet med dessa beräkningar är dubbelt. För det första, att kunna bestämma de erforderliga lågenergi-konstanter som krävs för att uppnå högre precision i förutsägelserna från denna teorHigher orders calculations of processes involving the pion and kaon pseudo-scalar mesons are presented in the framework of three flavour Chiral Perturbation Theory. The purpose is two-fold. First determining the low energy constants of ChPT that are necessary for higher accuracy predictions. Secondly, testing the validity of the chiral expansion in the strange quark mass, with emphasis on the valu
Locomotives of Local Growth: The Short- and Long-Term Impact of Railroads in Sweden
This paper studies the impact of railroads on town-level growth in Sweden over 150 years. Our analysis builds on the fact that railroads historically were extended quasi-randomly across towns. Towns that gained access to a rail connection grew larger relative to other towns, with large negative spillovers on unconnected nearby towns. Over the 20th century, we find little adjustment to the initial