

Din sökning på "*" gav 532814 sökträffar

Aspects on arterial dimensions with special reference to aneurysmal disease

Popular Abstract in Swedish Aneurysm är ett sjukdomstillstånd som är känt sedan ca 2000 år före vår tideräkning, och bukaortaaneurysm (bråck på stora kroppspulsådern i buken) beskrivs i publikationer från 1500-talet. På 1800-talet försökte man sig på att behandla med ligering, tyvärr med dåligt resultat, och först på 1920-talet beskrivs den första lyckade ligeringen. Behandling med graftrekonstrukThe incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) is increasing. The risk of rupture is related to diameter. However, rupture may occur also in small AAA. To evaluate the size of an aneurysm when related to the predicted normal aortic diameter might be a better predictor of risk. AAA:s, range 40-55 mm were studied in relation to gender. No difference in AAA diameter was found. However, body surfac

Reading or scanning? A study of newspaper and net paper reading.

Net paper readers have been shown to read deeper into articles than newspaper readers. It has also been claimed that newspaper readers rather scan than read newspapers. Do these findings mean that net paper readers read proportionally more than newspaper readers? This paper presents results showing that in fact net paper readers scan more and read less than newspaper readers. We furthermore invest

DNA-dependent protein kinase in human cells

DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) is a holoenzyme consisting of a regulatory subunit, the heterodimeric Ku70/86, and a catalytic subunit known as DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit (DNA-PKcs). DNA-PK takes part in a number of cellular functions including growth control, immunoglobulin gene rearrangement and DNA repair. The Ku86 subunit of DNA-PK has been reported to exist in human

DYNAMISK PSYKOTERAPI - teori och praktik

Lärobok i dynamisk psykoterapi bestående av III delar. Del I Teoretiska utgångspunkter Del II Fallbeskrivningar; barn och vuxenpsykoterapi Del III Lärandeguide med seminarieförslag utifrån PBL och casemetodik

Traceability in food supply chains - Beyond food safety

The former close relation between producer and consumer has gradually disappeared in the industrialisation and globalisation of the food industry. As a result a need for traceability has emerged. It is difficult today for consumers to know if the products they purchase live up to their specifications due to poor communication between the food industry and consumers. This gap between can be address

Mixed Beam Dosimetry - From Reactor Core to BNCT Patient

Accurate radiation dosimetry is of paramount importance in order to ensure safe delivery of radiotherapy, and for the possibility of meaningful evaluation of clinical trials, as the radiation absorbed dose is correlated to tissue response. The aim of the studies described in this thesis was to investigate and devise novel approaches to mixed beam dosimetry in boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT).

Double-contrast MRI for the staging of rectal carcinoma: Technical aspects and clinical experience.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Cancer i tjock- och ändtarmen är idag den tredje vanligaste formen av till döden ledande cancer i världen. Den är vanligast i de högindustrialise-rade delarna av världen: Europa, Nord-Amerika och Australien. Prognosen för den enskilde patienten är helt beroende på cancerns utbredning vid diagnostillfället. Cancerns utbredning bedöms idag enligt olika indelningsprincipeAim of the study Today´s methods for the staging of rectal carcinoma: ultrasonography with transrectal probe, CT, MRI or MRI with a rectal coil, all have limitations. The aim was therefore to develop a new, double-contrast MRI method for evaluation of rectal carcinoma. The idea was that a rectally applied contrast medium causing distension and signal void of the rectal lumen and an intravenous inj

Resonant Tunneling in Laterally Confined Quantum Structures

In the thesis, three-dimensionally confined resonant tunneling structures were studied experimentally. Two approaches were used for obtaining quantum confinement: gate-defined lateral constriction of double barrier structures, and epitaxial growth of self-assembled quantum dots. In addition, the thesis deals with the basic development of large-area double barrier resonant tunneling diodes, as a st