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Low-Calorific Fuel Mix In A Large Size Combined Cycle Plant
This paper will address the effects of mixing low-calorific fuel in to a natural gas fuelled large size combined cycle plant. Three different biofuels are tested namely; air blown gasification gas, indirect gasification gas and digestion gas. Simulations have been performed from 0-100% biofuel natural gas mixtures. The biofuel impacts on the full cycle performance are discussed. Some more in-depth
Tolkning och bristande frihet. Några kommentarer till NJA 1988 s. 408
Affinity Two-Phase Partitioning of Liposomes and Membranes
Affinity two-phase partitioning based on an immunoaffinity sandwich approach for the rapid and selective purification of membranes is presented in this thesis. The method was developed by studying different parameters governing the affinity partitioning of model membranes. To this end, biotinylated liposomes were used. They specifically distributed to the bottom phase of a poly (ethylene glycol)/d
Laser Spectroscopic Studies of Radiative Lifetime and Hyperfine Structure for Group IIA and IIIA Atoms
Studies of natural radiative lifetimes and hyperfine structure have been performed for group IIA and IIIA atoms. Different laser spectroscopic techniques such as PUMOLS, time-resolved laser spectroscopy, using transient recorder, and collimated atomic-beam experiments have been used. These methods employ cw or pulsed dye laser systems. The lifetime measurements revealed several cases in barium and
Principles of sustainable forest management
Abstract is not available
Writing across the curriculum : A course development project in English written proficiency
Proficiency in writing is a central graduate attribute of higher education. In practice, this means that students are expected to acquire both generic and discipline-specific writing skills that will be beneficial for their professional lives. Although the learning outcomes for many courses include the ability to express oneself in writing, a predominant function of writing is that of mere testing
Utvecklade arbetsinstruktioner - rapport från utvecklingsarbetet
When Employees Leap to Self-Employment
The dissertation studies the determinants of self-employment entry through an economics of entrepreneurship lens, and examines two sources of data: 7 years of employer--employee matched panel data and a laboratory experiment. The results suggest that employees are more likely to take the leap to self-employment when they have their own business idea, and are employed in occupations with high wage
Deoxyribonucleoside kinases in bacteria, plants and humans
Deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates (dNTPs) are the building blocks of DNA and can be synthesized either de novo or via salvage pathways. The first reaction in the salvage pathway of dNTPs is the conversion of deoxyribonucleosides (dN) into the deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate (dNMP). The corresponding enzymes, deoxyribonucleoside kinases (dNKs), are also important for the activation of many nucleo
Lundastudenterna och Mårtensfirandet
Om Mårtensfirandet bland studenterna vid Lunds universitet ur ett historiskt perspektiv.
Liberal Barbarism: The European Destruction of the Palace of the Emperor of China
Diplomacy, Bargaining and Negotiation
Abstract is not available
The Elusive Appearance of Time
It is widely assumed that time appears to be tensed, i.e. divided into a future, present and past, and transitory, i.e. involving some kind of ‘flow’ or ‘passage’ of times or events from the future into the present and away into the distant past. In this paper I provide some reasons to doubt that time appears to be tensed and transitory, or at least that philosophers who have suggested that time a
Nordisk språkförståelse idag
The chapter gives a short description of the INS-investigation, its methods and results. The investigation tested 1800 pupils in secondary education in the three Scandinavian languages and English. The results show that youngsters in the Nordic countries are better at understanding English than their neighbouring languages. The results also indicate a deterioration in the comprehension of neighbou
Det levda samhället
The Visionary Potential of the Biblical Legacy
The article gives a brief overview of the debates over the political value of the biblical legacy and raises the question as to whether this legacy may in fact offer constructive impulses to contemporary political thought.
Holbergs natur- och folkrätt i svensk översättning 1789
Energimarknadens hushållskunder
Länge har teknikfrågorna uppmärksammats när det gäller energieffektivisering. Beteendefrågorna har kommit i skymundan, eftersom effektiviseringspotentialerna bedömts mycket stora med mera energieffektiv teknik. De senaste årens forskning kring människors energibeteende har visat på mycket stora variationer i energibeteende mellan olika typer av hushåll och olika individer. Samtidigt kan man konsta