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Conference Report. European Network Meeting, Lund, March 2011.
Great-Circle Migration Of Arctic Passerines
Birds can save distance and time on their migratory journeys by following great circles rather than rhumblines, but great-circle routes require more complex orientation with changing courses. Flight directions at different places along the route and in relation to the destination can be used to test whether birds migrate along great circles or rhumblines. Such data have indicated great-circle migr
From Euler to Navier-Stokes: A Spatial Analysis of Conceptual Changes in Nineteenth-century Fluid Dynamics
This article provides a spatial analysis of the conceptual framework of fluid dynamics during the nineteenth century, focusing on the transition from the Euler equation to the Navier-Stokes equation. A dynamic version of Peter Gardenfors's theory of conceptual spaces is applied which distinguishes changes of five types: addition and deletion of special laws; change of metric; change in importance;
Approaches to Physiotherapy Interventions Focusing on Client-Centredness
Popular Abstract in Swedish Syftet med sjukgymnastik är att främja hälsa och välbefinnande och hjälpa människor till aktivitet och delaktighet vid sjukdom och skada. Professionen är påverkad av olika hälsoparadigm som hör samman med olika kunskapstraditioner. Det biomedicinska hälsoparadigmet har en dualistisk syn på människan, där normalitet ses som standard, och där syftet är att kurera och korrThe aim of physiotherapy is to promote health and well-being, and to facilitate increased activity and participation of individuals with diseases and injuries. The profession is influenced by different health paradigms which have emerged from different knowledge traditions. The biomedical paradigm of health adopts a dualistic view of mankind in which the normal is regarded as the standard, and the
Separating overlapping click trains originating from multiple individuals in echolocation recordings.
Recordings of the acoustic activity of free-swimming groups of echolocating dolphins increase the likelihood of collecting overlapping click trains, originating from multiple individuals, in the same set of data. In order to evaluate the click properties of each individual based on such recordings it is necessary to identify which clicks originate from which animal. This paper suggests a computati
Bilirubin-A Potential Marker of Drug Exposure in Atazanavir-Based Antiretroviral Therapy
The objective of this work was to examine the atazanavir-bilirubin relationship using a population-based approach and to assess the possible application of bilirubin as a readily available marker of atazanavir exposure. A model of atazanavir exposure and its concentration-dependent effect on bilirubin levels was developed based on 200 atazanavir and 361 bilirubin samples from 82 patients receiving
Register-Based Evaluation of Relative Effectiveness of New Therapies: Biologics Versus Conventional Agents in Treatment of Psoriasis in Sweden.
The Swedish National Register for Systemic Treatment of Psoriasis (PsoReg) was established in 2006. This article analyzes the implementation phase of biologics in the treatment of moderate to severe psoriasis in Sweden in the period 2006-2012. Clinical studies have shown efficacy of biologic agents in psoriasis, but their relative effectiveness in real-world clinical practice has rarely been studi
En gästfrihetens etik för en postkolonial värld : utmaningar utifrån en dialog med några afrikanska teologer och fredsarbetare
No title
Effects of Psychosocial Interventions for People With Intellectual Disabilities and Mental Health Problems
The aim of this study is to provide a survey of systematic reviews that have evaluated the effects of psychosocial interventions for adult people with intellectual disabilities and/or an autistic syndrome with concurrent mental health problems. Reviews for inclusion were identified through searches of 10 electronic databases. The authors found that 3 out of 126 published reviews met the inclusion
Breast cancer stem cell selectivity of synthetic nanomolar-active salinomycin analogs.
BACKGROUND: Cancer stem cells (CSCs) have been invoked in resistance, recurrence and metastasis of cancer. Consequently, curative cancer treatments may be contingent on CSC selective approaches. Of particular interest in this respect is the ionophore salinomycin, a natural product shown to be 100-fold more active against CSCs than clinically used paclitaxel. We have previously reported that synth
The validation of evacuation simulation models through the analysis of behavioural uncertainty
Both experimental and simulation data on fire evacuation are influenced by a component of uncertainty caused by the impact of the unexplained variance in human behaviour, namely behavioural uncertainty (BU). Evacuation model validation studies should include the study of this type of uncertainty during the comparison of experiments and simulation results. An evacuation model validation procedure i
"Den sanna religionen". Exkursioner som metod inom religionsvetenskap
Membrane rafts and its GPI anchored complement inhibitors regulate insulin secretion
Type 2 diabetic patients usually exhibit an abnormal lipid profile. One such lipid that is constantly elevated in T2D is cholesterol. At the cellular level, cholesterol aids in tight packing of sphingolipids in certain regions of the plasma membrane and these specialized regions are termed ‘membrane rafts’, which act as signalling hubs. In pancreatic beta cells, these structures have been found to
Hip arthroplasty for the treatment of displaced fractures of the femoral neck in elderly patients.
This review summarises the evidence for the treatment of displaced fractures of the femoral neck in elderly patients. Results from randomised clinical trials and national register studies are presented when available. The advantages of arthroplasty compared with internal fixation are supported by several studies. A number of studies contribute to the discussions of total hip arthroplasty (THA) ver
Ämnesdidaktiska hörnet - Croqius
On the Improvement of the Poor Heat Transfer Lee-Side Regions of Square Cross-Section Ribbed Channels.
Heat transfer and flow characteristics of six ribbed channels of square cross section having different rib structure are computed with the objective of improving heat transfer in the lee-side of the ribs. Six ribs are installed on the bottom walls of each channel. The rib pitch-to-height ratio (P/e) is 10. Details of the turbulent flow structure, temperature fields, local heat transfer coefficient
Interaction between computer-based design analysis activities and the engineering design process - An industrial survey
In the large majority of product development projects, computer-based design analyses are performed to assess the feasibility of potential technical solutions. As a first step to bring about a deeper understanding of the interactions between the engineering design and the design analysis activities, a survey has been performed in industry. The results of the survey cover: the use of design analysi