

Din sökning på "*" gav 533347 sökträffar

Kommunicerad närhet - en sociologisk undersökning av intimitetsskapande i icke-monogama relationer

Med utgångspunkt i den monogaminorm som är så gott som allrådande i det moderna samhället är syftet med denna undersökning att ta reda på hur intimitet skapas i relationer som går bortom denna norm. Sex personer som har erfarenhet av icke-monogama relationer intervjuas för att synliggöra hur överenskommelser, förväntningar och gränsdragningar bidrar till skapande av närhet och intimitet. Dessa ber

The Effects of Conditional Cash Transfers on Work Incentives of the Mexican Rural Population: Does Oportunidades Create Income Dependency?

The Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program “Oportunidades” has proven to be effective in improving access to education and health services for the poor in Mexico; however, the studies of the program’s impact on the work incentives of its rural indigenous participants are practically inexistent. For this reason, by applying a propensity score matching methodology, this research analyses the impact

Work Engagement and Organizational Changes: Relationship and Facilitating Factors

Working life is continuously changing and there is a greater responsibility on the individual to be able to adapt to change. For employees to be able to take on this responsibility and to be high performers, organizations need their employees to have high work engagement. This study therefore investigated the relationship between work engagement, organizational change, and employees’ perception of

Grit and Different Aspects of Well-being: Direct and Indirect Effects via Sense of Coherence and Authenticity

Grit, the “passion and perseverance for long-term goals” (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews & Kelly, 2007, p. 1087) is strongly related to success in goal attainment even under challenging circumstances. The current thesis investigated how grit relates to three aspects of well-being: psychological well-being (PWB), life satisfaction, and harmony in life. This relationship is approached through the


For over a decade and recently as a means to overcome the crippling effects of the credit crunch and its recessionary effects on European economies, EU institutions have initiated an expansive innovation policy centered on the development and support of entrepreneurs and emerging growth ventures. Private investment in the form of venture capital (VC) is necessary to support this policy in that the

Voluntary building certification schemes in São Paulo: Strengthening the LEED certification process for existing buildings

The building sector is one that can be accounted for numerous impacts on the environment, both by extremely high consumption of resources, and by emitting green house gases to the atmosphere on a large scale. Retrofitting existing buildings tackles energetic and emission related issues and one way to go about such projects is through the process of high-performance building certification, within w

Parkering vid bostaden - en studie av parkeringsefterfrågan, bilanvändning och bilinnehav

This thesis investigates parking in residential areas, in the context of today’s car dependent society. The aim is to study the demand for parking in residential areas and to contribute to the knowledge of how this kind of parking can be used for changing travel behavior towards less car use, by investigating the demand for parking and the importance parking facilities in residential areas on hous

Mänskliga rättigheter som påverkas av global handel : en studie av svenska universitetsstudenters syn på globalt ansvarstagande

This study treats Swedish university students view on responsibility for human rights that are affected badly by the global trading environment. Human rights can no longer be seen as a local matter between the state and the individual, as globalization, technology and new ways to communicate has given the world tools to both contributing to the violation and the promotion of human rights globally.

Från arbetskraft till "illegal immigrant"

This thesis aims to examine the European Union’s policy regarding immigration to the EU from third part states. The main purpose is to highlight the reformations that have taken place since the late 50’s. Through an critical discourse analysis as a method, the thesis concludes that EU’s present-day restrictive migration policy has had substantial influence on how we interpret the concept of immi

Combining hyperspectral UAV and mulitspectral FORMOSAT-2 imagery for precision agriculture applications

Precision agriculture requires detailed information regarding the crop status variability within a field. Remote sensing provides an efficient way to obtain such information through observing biophysical parameters, such as canopy nitrogen content, leaf coverage, and plant biomass. However, individual remote sensing sensors often fail to provide information which meets the spatial and temporal res

Ostyrbarhet, våld och tvång : Några terminologiska problem i en statsvetenskaplig text

Detta examensarbete bygger på en översättning från engelska av en statsvetenskaplig text, Ungovernability, av den tyske statsvetaren Claus Offe. Den inledande delen av arbetet är en textanalys av källtexten som utgår från textmodellen i Lennart Hellspongs och Per Ledins Vägar genom texten: handbok i brukstextanalys (1997). Analysen följs av en översättningskommentar som fokuserar på problem vid öv

User Experience Design in an Axis Camera Setup Interface

I en värld där UX-standarden höjs av att använda välutvecklade vardagsprodukter, förväntas det bättre och bättre UX Design av alla produkter inom IT-branschen. Man skulle kunna säga att UX Design inte bara är avgörande för den framtida positionen på övervakningskamerabranschen, utan även ett krav för att möta efterfrågan av att det inte längre endast är experter som installerar kameror. UX Design In a world where the UX-standard is rising from the use of well-developed everyday products, better UX Design is becoming more and more expected of all products within the IT-industry. It can not only be argued that an investment in UX Design is critical for the future position on the surveillance camera industry, but also required to meet requirements of the non-experts installing the camera. UX

Historical Memory as a Political Tool for Legitimacy by FIDESZ Government in Hungary

This research will try to examine the strategy of FIDESZ government, the current government of Hungary, in acquiring political legitimacy. The thesis found that political legitimacy of Hungary has a pattern of relation between the regime and historical memory; this relation can be seen since the end of communist regime in 1989, which has been centred at the representations of historical memory to

Bolagsskattens vara eller icke vara

Bolagsskatten är en omdebatterad skatt. OECD har till och med kallat skatten för den farligaste skatten för företagens tillväxt. Sedan Sverige gick med i EU har den svenska bolagsskattesatsen halkat efter nytillkommna medlemsländer. Den europeiska trenden är tydligt för en sänkning av bolagskattesatsen och Sverige tappar i konkurrenskraft. Skattesänkningar har som mål att bredda skattebasen men saCorporation tax is a controversial tax. The OECD has even called the tax one of the most dangerous taxes for business growth. Since Sweden joined the EU, the Swedish corporate tax rate has been falling behind the rest of the EU members. The European trend is clearly for a reduction in corporate tax rate, and Sweden is losing competitiveness. Tax cuts aims to broaden the tax base but also in a glob

Figure, Figurality and Visual Representation of Human and Humanity in the First Decade of 21st Century Photojournalism

Thesis reflects on the notion of photojournalism, media and communication processes in the era of Internet and redeveloped global cultural exchange opportunities. Subject of authenticity in the news coverage and digital manipulation of the image contents – used under various conditions depending on intention – become the current social problem that it’s forced routinely and which demands a broader

Cannabis i Sverige och Portugal - En komparativ studie mellan två olika drogstrategier

Narkotikapolitik är idag ett väldiskuterat och aktuellt ämne. Lagstiftning skiljer sig väsentligt mellan länder och likaså idéer och tankar kring vilken väg som är rätt att gå. Syftet med denna uppsats är granska samt synliggöra Portugals och Sveriges vitt skilda narkotikapolitik för att genom teori analysera och redogöra för ländernas motiv, resultat och påverkan på samhället samt individ. En visDrug policies are today a deeply discussed subject and types of legislation, ideas and thoughts differ from country to country. The purpose of this paper is to examine the widely different narcotic policies of Portugal and Sweden, as a means to through sociological theory analyze and portray the different motives, results and effects on society and the individual. Both Sweden and Portugal use soci

Using GEV-regression to improve accuracy of probability of default in low default portfolios

Calculating probability of default (PD) for low default portfolios in a statistically sound way can be a daunting task. For groups of coun- terparties with no or few defaults, e.g. large corporates and nancial institutions, standard approaches like logistic regression fail due to the low number of events. In this thesis, a dierent approach is used. The logit function in logistic regression is repl

Institutional Change and Economic Development: The private sector in China and Vietnam

Abstract: China and Vietnam have achieved tremendous economic growth in the past decades. The successful development despite their weak formal institutions has deeply challenged conventional economic theories and has demonstrated an undervaluation of informal institutions. In this study, the emerging private sector that has vastly contributed to the rise of China and Vietnam is analyzed based on t

Patienters och personals upplevelser av bemötandet

To be in the hospital as a patient is a special occurrence, and patients’ experiences often vary when it comes to care, specifically in relation to hospital staff. The purpose of this study was to examine patients’ and personnel’s experiences of the care in an orthopedic clinic and to explore causal factors that maybe are affecting the experience of care. The community, the organization of the hos