

Din sökning på "*" gav 533303 sökträffar

Access to land in Ethiopia

The objective of this thesis is to examine rural populations' access to land in Ethiopia, in the light of land regulations and different obstacles. Using a qualitative research design, based on a literature study, the following topics will be discussed; land regulation, state-led industrial development, villagization program and land-grab. In conclusion, the regulatory framework forbids locals

Think past away - A study of reconciliation processes in Kenya

This study investigates reconciliation processes, based on narratives of experiences from a rural area in Rift Valley, Kenya. A qualitative method has been used and ten interviews were followed out with people who had taken part in a reconciliation workshop run by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya. The authors also took part in such a workshop themselves. In the analysis, the theory of symb

Dynamic Modeling of a Parabolic Trough Solar Power Plant

Models for dynamic simulation of a parabolic trough concentrating solar power plant were developed in Modelica for the simulation software Dymola. The parabolic trough power plant has a two-­‐tank indirect thermal storage with solar salt for the ability to dispatch electric power later in the evening and during the night when little or no solar irradiation is present. The complete system consists

Vår barnaskara - Ett arbete om social adekvans och barns rättigheter

Violence against children occurs worldwide despite explicit prohibitions. In Article 19 in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child there is a prohibition against physical and psychological violence towards children. States shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child. According to Article 23 (4) the convention state

Kvalitet, konkurrens och kollektiva värden i kulturmiljövården : förutsättningar för arkeologisk förmedling

County museums were for a long time one of the main actors in Swedish cultural resource management (CRM) archaeology. In the late 1990s, however, Swedish CRM archaeology faced a new system: a tender-alike procedure. The introduction of competition into CRM archaeology has produced a series of positive, as well as a series of negative, consequences. One effect is that several county museums have ce

Principer i konflikt?

Trots vårt moderna samhälle med ett materiellt överflöd och till synes vägar för alla att vara delaktiga, bidra och få hjälp finns fortfarande grupper i samhället som behöver stöd. Dessa grupper inkluderar bland annat personer med olika former av funktionsnedsättningar, som inte utan hjälp kan vara en aktiv del i samhället, eller i en del fall inte ens ta hand om sig själva. Dessa grupper behöver

Irregular Migration in the South: Migrating from Nicaragua to Costa Rica

Studies about migration and development consist of a vast field of themes. However, irregular migration between developing countries is to a large extent still an unexplored area. Based on a constructivist approach and a qualitative study, this paper explores the structural explanations of irregular migration from Nicaragua to Costa Rica and the categorisation of migration flows into ‘south’ and ‘

Barbed wire through the Orchard - The study of how fenced borders affect the security of people

The purpose of this thesis paper is to describe how a physical border affects the Human security of people living in the borderlands and to investigate how the theory of Zartman is compatible with Human security as described by Owens. The case described is the Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) between Georgia and South Ossetia where Russian soldiers erect a fence in 2011. The study uses Zartman’s

Kamratposten i genusfabriken : en studie av hur genus konstrueras i Sveriges största barntidning

Denna kandidatuppsats är skriven av Charlotta Strohkirch och Fideli Österström, och är författad i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap vid institutionen för kommunikation och medier vid Lunds Universitet. Uppsatsens titel är ”Kamratposten i genusfabriken - En studie av hur genus konstrueras i Sveriges största barntidning”. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka hur barns fritidsintresse

Konflikter och samarbetsproblem i Tigris-Eufrat deltat - En jämförande studie av två teorier

Denna studie resonerar kring neorealismen och neoliberalismens syn på problematiken i relationen mellan Turkiet, Syrien och Irak gällande vattnet i Tigris-Eufrat deltat. Syftet är att studera likheter och skillnader de teoretiska perspektivens sätt att se på samarbeten och konflikter. De jämställs ibland till tvillingar genom deras utgångspunkt i det anarkiska strukturen men också som två absoluta


The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of overweight and obesity on early retirement. Data is gathered from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) database and on this data a linear probability model is applied, using both a Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (POLS) and a Fixed Effect (FE) strategy. In addition, separate regressions are run for current and lagged Body Mas

Maskulinitet och kriminaliteten - en konstruktion? En studie av självbiografier

Abstract Author: Anne Ignell Title: Masculinity and crime – a construction? A study of autobiographies Supervisor: Anna Rypi Assessor: Eva Palmblad The aim of this study was to examine how masculinity and a criminal lifestyle is constructed in the story telling of two autobiographies written by men who have a heavy criminal background, and to see how these two constructions relate to each other.

Packaging development process for cardboard packages with direct food contact

The main goal of this thesis is to assess the current packaging development process at one of the leading Swedish corrugated packaging companies, from a food safety perspective, in order to help the corrugated board industry to build knowledge to produce safer packaging for direct food contact. Furthermore, to understand the current situation within a packaging company and to suggest more responsi

Fågel, fisk eller mitt emellan? En studie av mellanchefer i arbetslivet

Som bakgrund till denna studie ligger uppfattningen att det finns en diskrepans kring hur mellanchefer utför sitt arbete då de både ska leda och bli ledda. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur mellanchefer i Sverige uppfattar sin roll i företaget de verkar i, samt hur de förhåller sig till sina underordnade respektive överordnade. Analysen av det empiriska materialet använder sig av Bourdi

Jakten på en hedging-premie: Hur hedging-strategi påverkar företagsvärde

Title: The quest for a hedging premium: how hedging strategy affects firm value. Seminar date: 2014-05-22 Course: FEKN90 Authors: Gustav Brobert and Matilda Rist Advisor: Håkan Jankensgård Purpose: The purpose is to investigate the relationship between hedging strategy and firm value. Methodology: A set of six regressions is used to investigate the relationship between hedging strategy and firm

Immigrants' Political Representation in Canada and Sweden: A Comparative Case Study

The increasing trends of immigration in the affluent North nation-states from the global South has led to the growing awareness of the problem of immigrants' political integration and their resulting participation in the existing political systems of this nation.The importance of this subject is underscored by the challenges posed to the established understanding of nation and citizenship, on

Material flow design in a warehouse - The case of S:t Eriks

The proposed evaluation process concluded with providing some suggestions for the stockyard that helps S:t Eriks Staffanstorp to work in a more time efficient way, to achieve a better customer service related to shipping times. The solution is divided into two different ideas: storing according the ABC analysis assigning the areas close to the shipping area the A products, and the second one is fo

The impact of debt crisis on export performance

Abstract The purpose of this essay is to empirically examine the impact of euro debt crisis in Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and Spain in terms of their trade patterns relative to the export performance of OECD countries. Panel data for 34 OECD countries are investigated with fixed effects within a gravity model framework for period 1992-2012. In such a way, the benchmark model of the paper con

Implementation of Service Orchestrated control procedures in OPC UA for JGrafchart

The automation industry is facing many challenges with higher demands on their production process. Technology used today does not allow for fast changes in the production line. This thesis will investigate how services can be modelled using a new standard OPC UA for data exchange. Encapsulation of the mechatronic functions as services will allow for creating control software using a SOA approach.