

Din sökning på "*" gav 534286 sökträffar

Grammatikundervisning i den nya gymnasieskolan. Ett helhetsperspektiv med utgångspunkt i Gy2011.

I uppsatsen analyseras och jämförs föreställningar om grammatik och grammatikundervisning i gymnasieskolans språkämnen, mot bakgrund av de nyligen introducerade ämnesplanerna i Gy2011. Syftet är att undersöka och diskutera grammatikundervisningen i stort, samt att jämföra hur de olika språkämnena och skolans olika aktörer förhåller sig till varandra i synen på grammatik. Det analyserade materialet

High-order harmonic generation using variably polarized two-color fields

Rapporten behandlar tvåfärgsfält med variabel relativ polarisation, vilket gör det möjligt att till skillnad från de flesta tidigare experiment behandla inte bara vinkelrätt eller parallellt polariserade fält, utan även mellanliggande lägen. Analys av experimentella data kombineras här med datorsimuleringar av olika polariserings- och fasförhållanden för att studera dessa fenomen.Two-color laser fields are considered, using variable relative polarization, allowing studies not only of strictly parallel or perpendicular polarization, as most previous experiments, but intermediate steps as well. Data analysis from an experiment is compared to computer simulations of various polarization and phase conditions in order to study these phenomena.

The temporal and spatial variability of soil respiration in boreal forests : a case study of Norunda forest, Central Sweden

Popular science Boreal forests play an important role within the global climatic system, since they generally act as a carbon sink. However, contrary to expectations, measurements have shown that the boreal forest at the Norunda research site in Central Sweden is acting as a carbon source, i.e. emitting more of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) as taking up. Soil CO2 efflux plays an importan

Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Assessing Current CSR Status at Haldex

The rise and dominance of the corporate form of business organization and its impacts on society and the environment, has lead the concept and practice of Social Responsibility (SR) or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to grow, flourish and spread. This thesis focuses on the assessment of the current CSR status of Swedish commercial vehicle component manufacturer Haldex. The company is going t

Barnflickor och tjänstehjon - en kritisk analys av hushållslagen

Den här uppsatsens syfte är att kritiskt analysera Lag (1970:943) om arbetstid m.m. för husligt anställda – även kallad hushållslagen - ur två perspektiv; dels ett rättshistorisk, dels ett genusrättsligt. Den senaste legostadgan från 1833 var snarare en befolkningspolitisk lagstiftning än en arbetsrättslig sådan. För att undvika belastning på samhället föreskrev den tjänstetvång för alla myndigaThe purpose of this essay is to analyse the Swedish Domestic Work Act (1970:943) from two perspectives; one legal historical and one gender perspective. The latest so-called legostadga from 1833 worked more as legislation for population policy than for labour regulations. In order to avoid putting pressure on society, it forced all citizens who were of age and unable to support themselves to work

Sveriges agerande i samband med hiv/aids-epidemin - En kritisk granskning av några rättsliga åtgärder som hade betydelse för män som har sex med män

Denna uppsats syfte är att kritiskt granska de rättsliga åtgärder som vidtogs av de svenska beslutsfattarna i samband med hiv/aids-epidemin under 1980-talet. Uppsatsen har koncentrerats kring åtgärder som hade betydelse för män som har sex med män (MSM). Metoden har varit att med diskursanalytiska verktyg ge en idé om den samhälleliga respektive rättsliga synen på MSM, och hur den i sin tur kom atThe purpose of this essay is to critically review the actions taken by the Swedish authorities in connection to the HIV/AIDS epidemic during the 1980s. The essay concentrates on the measures taken by the authorities that are relevant for men who have sex with men (MSM). Based on discourse analysis, the paper attempts to determine the social and legal view of MSM and how this view came to affect th

Love-marriage and kin-support in India: Ten women's experiences of negative sanctions for entering into a love-marriage.

The purpose of this study was to examine ten women's experiences of negative sanctions for entering into a love-marriage, especially the negative sanction of reduced kin-support, and in which way this can be perceived to be of significance when it comes to women's capability to manage the challenges experienced in married life. This has been done by applying a qualitative research strategy

Exploring the Natural Resource Curse: Norway and Nigeria - rich in oil, but very different still

This thesis investigates the phenomenon of the natural resource curse by making use of the resource rich countries Norway and Nigeria. The resource curse is a phenomenon where resource rich countries paradoxically have lower growth rates than resource poor countries, in spite of the growth potential offered by resource rents. Among factors contributing in creating this effect Abundance, Crowding o

Business or Pleasure: Broadband and Employment in Swedish Municipalities 2007-2011

The thesis examines the relationship between expanding coverage of fiber optic broadband and employment in Swedish municipalities during 2007-2011 using a fixed effects panel and an instrumental variables model. Increased fiber coverage among households is estimated to have a negative effect on municipal employment whereas increased coverage among workplaces is weakly positively related to employm

Inventory Control at AQ Electric Suzhou

This report details the process and result of developing a mathematical inventory control model to be use by AQ Electric Suzhou. The mathematical model was written in Microsoft Excels inherent programming language Visual Basic and utilizes printouts such as sales history, bill of materials, component data etc. from AQ Electric Suzhous ERP system Monitor to derive a demand history for each componen

Equity financing of early stage growth firms in Skåne

This master's thesis attempts to map the equity market of Skåne for early stage growth companies. The providers of capital in this market are primarily venture capital rms, business angels and family oces. Family oces are excluded from the study in favor of the other two investor categories, of which business angels is the category most thoroughly investigated. The study was done in four phase

Can the Hilda survey offer additional insight on the impact of the Australian lifetime health cover policy? A regression discontinuity approach using panel data

The focus of this paper is on the partial replication and reevaluation of the work of Palangkaraya and Yong (2007) regarding the impact of the lifetime health cover policy in Australia. The analysis is performed using data on single person households obtained from the Hilda survey. The method used is a regression discontinuity design applied to a panel data material with age as the forcing variabl

Stereotypisering av kvinnan i ölreklam

Framställandet av kön i reklam är ett komplext och omdiskuterat ämne inom kommunikationsforskningen. Denna studie ämnar analysera hur kvinnan framställs i TV-reklam för en traditionellt manlig produkt. Studien tar hänsyn till hur reklam påverkar kvinnans ställning i samhället, men även hur ett samhälles kultur påverkar hur kvinnan framställs i reklam. Studien utgår ifrån Hofstedes Maskulinitetsind

The Sound of Authenticity – A study of authenticity in the consumption of music

Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to explore relevant authenticity-inducing attributes within the consumer good of music, and to identify a channel within which some of these attributes can be mediated efficiently. Theoretical Perspectives The study relies on previous insight from the field of Consumer Culture Theory, authenticity, authenticity-inducing attributes and the construction of s

Willingness-to-Pay for Health in Sweden

Within an extensive research project known as the EuroVaQ project, data on European individuals’ WTP for health was collected through survey methods. This thesis uses data from the EuroVaQ project in order to estimate the WTP per QALY Sweden. The major finding of the study is that the mean value is estimated to SEK 485 685. Furthermore, WTP is positively associated with age and income of the respo

Determinants of Chinese OFDI in European Union: An empirical study on location factors

What are the motives that drive Chinese investments into European Union? And even more, what determines the location choice? These are questions to which the paper seeks to find an answer to by conducting an empirical analysis with the use of panel data regression. Having most of Chinese investment flowing in only few Western European countries it is important to observe what determines the locati

Alunskiffern i Östergötland : utbredning, mäktigheter, stratigrafi och egenskaper

Alunskiffern har i århundraden varit av ekonomiskt intresse och var en viktig naturresurs i Sveriges tidiga industriella utveckling genom framställningen av alun - ett kaliumaluminiumsulfat. Dessutom har alunskiffern varit intressant som källa och reservoar för olja och gas. Förutom de kemiska egenskaperna har även en del av de kemiska processerna i frågan om uppkomsten av petroleum, gas och uran The alum shale has for centuries been of interest and was an important resource in Sweden's early industrial history through the manufacturing of alum - a potassium aluminium sulfate. In addition to describing the chemical properties this paper also include a brief description of some of the chemical processes that are responsible for the enrichment of oil, gas and uranium. The alum shale in t

Aligning Incentives: Financial Models for Promoting Energy Efficiency Renovations in American Apartment Buildings

Buildings account for a significant portion of energy consumption and carbon dioxide production in the United States. Renovations could improve the energy efficiency of these buildings. However, a number of market barriers, e.g. high upfront costs, are resulting in a low adoption rate of energy efficiency (EE) technologies in the building sector. Apartment buildings face an additional challenge of