

Din sökning på "*" gav 535464 sökträffar

The Value of Liquidity - Do Investors Price Corporate Cash Concistently during the Buinsessn Cycle

Large, mature firms with lower asset volatility are found to be less influenced by cash ratios during the business cycle while the stock returns of all other firms are highly influenced. A positive relationship is established between the cash-ratio and stock performance, but no specific benefit of cash during downturns can be established for the entire sample. Favoured by cash in downturns are fir

Ränteförändringarnas effekt på aktiepriset

Uppsatsens titel: Ränteförändringarnas effekt på aktiepriset Seminariedatum: 2010-06-01 Ämne: NEKK01, Examensarbete, Kandidatnivå 15 poäng Författare: Andreas Åberg och Carl Malmström Handledare: Erik Norrman Nyckelord: Ränteförändringar, aktieavkastning, aktievärdering, regressionsanalys. Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att utreda hur aktiepriset påverkas utav ränteförändringar och hur olik

I Love ECO – An Exploratory Study of Emotional Influences on the Purchase and Consumption of Eco-Products

This thesis provides insights into consumers´ emotions influen-cing the decision-making process when buying and consuming ecological grocery products. Based on a constructionist perspective and an abductive view on the relation between theory and research, a qualitative ap-proach has been applied in order to fulfill the purpose of this study and to obtain in-depth knowledge about consumers’ emotio

The Secret of Love: A Case of Lovemarks

Purpose: Our aim is to provide a better understanding of the love that consumers have for their brands and which factors that have an essential role in order to be a loved brand. Methodology: We have chosen to use an iterative approach to our qualitative study. Implementation of nine personal interviews has taken place, after a semi-structured approach. Theoretical perspective: The theories involv

Civil Society in Russia, Myth and Reality

Russia is a country in transition towards democracy. After a long period of economical and political suppression, people have a chance to participate in society's life, to affect the ruling government and to express their views more freely. However, in order for the democratic transition to continue, it is not enough to merely have a chance to participate and be active&semic there should b

New Plant Variety Protection, Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and Access to Adequate Food in Developing World's 'Melting Pot'

Being a very important part of property per se, intellectual property is performing the duty of securing social development by providing incentives for inventors to create and thus benefit society. It is of no doubt this property should be protected. However, this protection should not encroach upon other rights, such as human rights, in particular the right to adequate food&semic thus, intell

Analysing the Employment Discrimination Phenomena in China From an International Human Rights Perspective -- Focusing on Hepatitis B-Based Discrimination

As stated in Article 26 of ICCPR, ''all persons are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to the equal protection of the law.'' The pursuit of equality and non-discrimination has been widely accepted not only as a formal principle but also binding substantive human rights. In 2003, the first Global Report by ILO on discrimination, Time for equality at wor

The Implementation of Transitional Justice in Post Conflict Situations: Case Study of Aceh and Papua

Armed conflict, either internationally or internally, has caused great sufferings to the victims and society as a whole. It constitutes a situation where the rule of law is absent and human rights are no longer respected. Even though various preventive endeavours have been campaigned and implemented by the international community, the occurrences of armed conflicts are still inevitable due to poli

The Application of Minority Rights to Muslims in Denmark, Germany and the United Kingdom

Historically, minority rights have played a role in conflict prevention. The current situation in the West, where it is asserted that Islam is not compatible with democracy and Western values, lends itself to the application of such rights. The maintenance of Muslim group identity is a crucial factor, if the Muslim communities are to feel integrated and accepted in Western society. However, it is

Business actors and serious human rights violations: where do courts draw the line?

This research is an attempt to reveal and evaluate the boundaries of business actors aiding and abetting serious human rights violations. Four different bodies of law, consisting of contemporary international criminal law and case law involving business actors in both national and international law, are examined. In comparing these movements, judges' interpretations and the features found impo

Trafficked Women as Refugees. Sexually exploited women as 'members of a particular social group' under International Refugee Law.

This study aims to revise the possibility of interpreting the 1951 Refugee Convention to include female trafficked victims who might suffer from persecution if deported back to their home countries, in the definition if the Convention as members of a 'particular social group'. Trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation is one of the most profitable 'markets' in the

The Lesser of Two Evils! Genocide, Persecution and Cumulative Convictions at the International Criminal Court

This paper seeks to assess the legality of multiple convictions of different offences based on the same set of facts at the International Criminal Court, in particular genocide and persecution as a crime against humanity. The situations in which these crimes ordinarily take place are such that one is rarely dealing with a single offence, but a multitude of offences. The events that took place duri

Obligations of non-State armed actors in internal armed conflicts

Internal armed conflicts are today the more common mode of warfare and a growing concern for the international community to address. In this, the difficulty of addressing non-State armed groups has grown in salience and importance. Non-State armed actors are held by the international community as responsible for their actions based on international humanitarian law. As such, if international human

The legal protection for educational facilities and institutional premises in the event of international or non-international armed conflict

If as Hersch Lauterpact stated in the most overly quoted Humanitarian Lawyers phrase in Oppenheim's International Law, International Humanitarian Law lies at the vanishing point of International Law, then I would posit that it is only the continuance of education particularly education in LOAC that prevents it from vanishing altogether. The preservation of the buildings housing that education