

Din sökning på "*" gav 533777 sökträffar

Förebygga hedersproblematik i skolan - Kuratorns roll i det preventiva arbetet mot hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck

Honor-culture related issues have been debated for a long time. In recent years, more active measures have been implemented by government directives, including a new curriculum where honor-culture related issues become part of sexual education. The purpose of this essay was to investigate the school counselor's experience of their role in the preventative work against honor-culture related opp

Studenter i pyjamas - Distansstudiernas inverkan på socionomstudenters studiemotivation och sociala kontakter under pandemin

This quantitative study aimed to provide an in-depth understanding of how distance education has affected social worker students' study motivation and social contacts.This study collected its data by sending web based surveys to the social work students in Lunds University who, in may 2022, currently were on term 6 and 7 (n=311) with the purpose to measure how they felt about the education bec

Evaluation of Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Quality Classification based on Synthetic Data

In camera production the image quality is of utter importance. Several tests during the production ensure this high quality. In this thesis the possibility of creating a final test, that classifies the image quality with the help of machine learning, specifically convolutional neural networks, was investigated. The data used was made up of synthetic, simulated images with commonly observed quality

Life Cycle Assessment of Electric Road Systems - Climate impact in comparison with battery electric vehicles, biogas vehicles and fuel cell electric vehicles

En tredjedel av Sveriges årliga växthusgasutsläpp kommer idag från transportsektorn, vilket innebär att stora förändringar behöver ske om målet om nettonollutsläpp vid 2045 ska nås. En viktig åtgärd som diskuteras i denna kontext är en ökad elektrifiering och en lösning som har möjlighet att bidra i denna omställning är elvägssystem, där elfordon laddas dynamiskt. En typ av konduktiv elvägsteknik One third of Sweden's total annual greenhouse gas emissions originate from the transport sector today and great changes are thus needed in order to reach the net zero emission target by 2045. One of the most important measures discussed is an increased electrification of the transport sector and a solution with potential to contribute to this transition is electric road systems (ERS), where ve

Tolerans och Tillväxt

The dimensions of cultural economics have been more and more discussed recently. This study aims to analyze the relationship between social tolerance and economic growth. Previous studies have discussed two main ideas. Firstly, social tolerance creates a creative environment that promotes innovation and entrepreneurship. Secondly, social tolerance lowers barriers to entry in human capital accumula

Kvinnors upplevelser av mammografiscreening i den periradiografiska processen

Bakgrund: I Sverige erbjuds alla kvinnor mammografiscreening mellan ålder 40–74. Inför mammografiscreening finns ett frågeformulär som kvinnan ska besvara innan undersökningen. Under mammografiundersökningen klär patienten av sig på överkroppen för att underlätta undersökningen och för att minska risker för artefakter i bilden. Syftet med studien var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av mammografi

Investigation of a Quark Production Process

Quark is a dairy product that has existed for a long time. However, it has grown in popularity during the last years due to the fact that it is often portrayed as a healthy alternative in the dairy section. There are no regulations connected to the manufacturing process of quark. At a specific dairy company, there is a desire to understand and optimise the quark production to obtain a consistently

Medarbetarnas förändrade livssituationer efter pandemin - en kvalitativ studie om orsaker till större livsförändrande beslut till följd av Covid 19 pandemin

Covid-19 pandemin har haft stor inverkan på alla delar av världen och har bidragit till att människor har varit tvungna att ta livsavgörande beslut. Det finns även individer som själva har valt att gå en annan väg i livet och tagit ett livsförändrande beslut. Vetenskapliga artiklar har påvisat resultat av att människor har själva valt att säga upp sig men även ökat ansökningar för organisationer u

An Archaeology of the Invisible? Tracing Poverty and its Ideology in the Viking Age and Urban Settlements

Publications have recently drawn attention to archaeology’s historically predominant focus on prestige items and the elite, highlighting the need for a greater focus on society’s lower classes. A few studies have discussed how, or even whether poverty can be addressed in historical archaeology. However, the phenomenon has not seen the same attention in Viking Age studies, despite the great deal of

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av AF-Borgen under Dansen, Lundakarnevalen

Syftet med denna rapport är att utvärdera brandskyddet under Dansen med personsäkerhet som fokus. Eventuella åtgärder togs fram vid behov utifrån resultat från beräkningar och simuleringar. Dansen är en del av Lundakarnevalen som anordnas i Lund vart fjärde år. Dansen är en nattklubbsverksamhet som styrs av studenter och arrangeras i AF-borgen. Det beräknas vara ungefär 2550 personer i AF-borgen The purpose behind this report is to evaluate the fire safety measures already installed in place during Dansen with personal safety as the main focus. Also providing additional suggestions for improvements if needed as a result from hand calculations and simulations. Dansen is one of the main events of Lundakarnevalen, a once every four year student led event and planned festival in Lund. Dansen

Strategic Investment Conceptualization: The power of experience and knowledge in the programming of decisions

The purpose of this paper is to investigate one of the seven characteristics proposed by Northcott and Alkaraan (2007): the characteristic of non-programmability. This paper responds to the call for a nuanced understanding of how companies are programming strategic investment decisions (Alkaraan, 2016, p. 520). The purpose is fulfilled by conducting multiple case studies. The data collection metho

A study of the s-step biconjugate gradient method

In this thesis we will examine how to solve linear systems using the s-step biconjugate gradient algorithm, which is an iterative method based on the Krylov subspaces. It is useful especially when we have a large and sparse matrix. We begin looking over the biconjugate gradient algorithm (BiCG), in order to understand how to construct the s-step BiCG algorithm. We will go through some numerical ex

Hur Främjas Nyanställdas Arbetsrollslärande vid en Digital Onboarding Process: En hermeneutisk studie av nyanställdas erfarenheter av arbetsplatslärande

Onboarding processen blir allt viktigare på dagens arbetsmarknad och mer vikt läggs på dess utformning och relation till arbetsplatslärande. Tidigare forskning visar på att tankar om processen tidigt funnits men att fokus har förändrats under årens lopp. Nytt nu är att processen har blivit mer digital. Syftet är att öka kunskapen om de faktorer som i en onboarding process främjar nyanställdas lära

Can Portfolio Performance Be Improved with Bitcoin during a Global Crisis? - A Study of Portfolio Performance with Diverse Assets during the COVID-19 Outbreak

As a relatively new form of financial asset with unique properties, Bitcoin is increasingly included in portfolios to improve performance. However, research remains limited on how Bitcoin actually affects portfolio performance. This study aimed to broaden the field of research by exploring whether Bitcoin can improve portfolio performance during a global crisis. It sought to answer the question by

RoboVac - Ascender

For my bachelor thesis, I wanted to explore and develop a new kind of robot vacuum cleaner. A robot vacuum cleaner that can climb stairs. Not that there is a big need for it for us to function as human beings. But to make the already established robot vacuums go even further. Simply to make time for more important moments of the user’s life. During my project, I researched and evaluated di

Digitalization of Humanitarian Action: Perspectives on the Information Communication Technologies’ Adaptation to the Humanitarian Action

New digital technologies may offer a wide range of opportunities for humanitarian action. Digital technologies also irrevocably changed how we problematize, assess, understand, and design humanitarian responses to crises. Within this digital transformation, new technologies increasingly occupy a central role in the humanitarian response and have been changing even the meaning of humanitarian inter

”Jag river mina uppåtsträckta händer till blods mot molnens frusna trasor” - Om människan och naturen i Pär Lagerkvists diktsamling ”Ångest”

Pär Lagerkvist (1891-1974) var en tidig representant för de modernistiska strömningarna under 1910-talet i Sverige. Lagerkvists författarskap har länge präglats av en komplex relation till naturen. Uppsatsen undersöker naturskildringar genom en närläsning av författarens diktsamling Ångest (1916) med utgångspunkt i ekokritiskt perspektiv. Utifrån det teoretiska forskningsfältet för denna uppsats h

The Hedging Premium

Seminar Date: 2022-06-01 Course: BUSN79, Degree Project in Accounting and Finance Authors: Jakob Mathiasson & Philip Hausenkamph Examiner: Reda Moursli Key Words: Risk Management, Hedging, Firm Value, Insider Ownership, Foreign Ownership Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of hedging derivatives on firm valuation in present time, as well as the partial effect o

Identity Construction through Consumer Collectives: A qualitative study on how consumers construct their identity within the beauty community on Tiktok

The study aims to develop an understanding of how consumers construct their identities through online communities on social media platforms. The paper will specifically look into the platform Tiktok, and moreover how consumers construct their identities within the beauty community on the platform. The findings of the study demonstrate how consumers within the beauty community on Tiktok are seeking