

Din sökning på "*" gav 531159 sökträffar

Does the DFT Self-Interaction Error Affect Energies Calculated in Proteins with Large QM Systems?

We have examined how the self-interaction error in density-functional theory (DFT) calculations affects energies calculated on large systems (600-1000 atoms) involving several charged groups. We employ 18 different quantum mechanical (QM) methods, including Hartree-Fock, as well as pure, hybrid, and range-separated DFT methods. They are used to calculate reaction and activation energies for three

Heparin for the treatment of thrombosis in neonates

Background: Among pediatric patients, newborns are at highest risk of developing thromboembolism. Neonatal thromboembolic (TE) events may consist of both venous and arterial thromboses and often iatrogenic complications (eg, central catheterization). Treatment guidelines for pediatric patients with TE events most often are extrapolated from the literature regarding adults. Options for the manageme

Turning back to experience in Cognitive Linguistics via phenomenology

Cognitive Linguistics began as an apotheosis of lived experience, but has over the years diversified into many different stands, interpreting the notion of "experience" and along with it the notion of "cognition" in conflicting ways: individual or social, prelinguistic or linguistic, unconscious or conscious? These issues are not only philosophical as they hold crucial implications for methodology

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, Isopulegol, CAS Registry Number 89-79-2

This material was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, developmental and reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, as well as environmental safety. Data show that this material is not genotoxic nor does it have skin sensitization potential. The repeated dose, developmental and reproductive, and local respiratory toxicity

Identification of multiple QTLs linked to neuropathology in the engrailed-1 heterozygous mouse model of Parkinson's disease

Motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease are attributed to degeneration of midbrain dopaminergic neurons (DNs). Heterozygosity for Engrailed-1 (En1), one of the key factors for programming and maintenance of DNs, results in a parkinsonian phenotype featuring progressive degeneration of DNs in substantia nigra pars compacta (SNpc), decreased striatal dopamine levels and swellings of nigro-striatal axo

Iridium Hydride Complexes with Cyclohexyl-Based Pincer Ligands : Fluxionality and Deuterium Exchange

Two hydride compounds with aliphatic pincer ligands, (PCyP)IrH2 (PCyP = {cis-1,3-bis[(di-tert-butylphosphino)methyl]cyclohexane}- (1) and (PCyP)IrH4 (2), have been studied, with emphasis on features where such systems differ from arene-based analogues. Both compounds reveal relatively rapid exchange between α-C-H and Ir-H, which can occur via formation of carbene or through demetalation, with near

Antimicrobial protein candidates from the thermophilic Geobacillus sp. Strain ZGt-1 : Production, proteomics, and bioinformatics analysis

A thermophilic bacterial strain, Geobacillus sp. ZGt-1, isolated from Zara hot spring in Jordan, was capable of inhibiting the growth of the thermophilic G. stearothermophilus and the mesophilic Bacillus subtilis and Salmonella typhimurium on a solid cultivation medium. Antibacterial activity was not observed when ZGt-1 was cultivated in a liquid medium; however, immobilization of the cells in aga

The impact of measures taken in the outdoor environment on an ageing population : a panel study over a ten-year period

For older people mobility and participation in activities can be restricted both by individual factors and by the environment. The aim of this paper was to examine the longitudinal impact of measures taken in the outdoor environment on an ageing population. The following factors were examined on three occasions over a nine-year period: frequency of walking; differences in report on environmental b

PI3K inhibition results in enhanced estrogen receptor function and dependence in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer

Activating mutations of PIK3CA are the most frequent genomic alterations in estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast tumors, and selective phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase a (PI3Kα) inhibitors are in clinical development. The activity of these agents, however, is not homogeneous, and only a fraction of patients bearing PIK3CA-mutant ER-positive tumors benefit from single-agent administration. Searching

The development of the compound eye of Penaeus duorarum (Crustacea:decapoda)

The development of the compound eyes and nervous system of the penaeid shrimp,Penaeus duorarum, from the first nauplius to the first postlarva, has been studied. The first anlage of the compound eyes is a pair of optic discs on the front of the animal. These increase in size through cell-division until the second protozoea stage, where the eye-stalks appear with ommatidia and optic neuropiles deve

Role of the Δ Resonance in the Population of a Four-Nucleon State in the 56Fe → 54Fe Reaction at Relativistic Energies

The Fe54 nucleus was populated from a 56Fe beam impinging on a Be target with an energy of E/A=500 MeV. The internal decay via γ-ray emission of the 10+ metastable state was observed. As the structure of this isomeric state has to involve at least four unpaired nucleons, it cannot be populated in a simple two-neutron removal reaction from the 56Fe ground state. The isomeric state was produced in t

A novel enzyme with antioxidant capacity produced by the ubiquitous skin colonizer Propionibacterium acnes

The role of the skin microbiota in human health is poorly understood. Here, we identified and characterized a novel antioxidant enzyme produced by the skin microbiota, designated RoxP for radical oxygenase of Propionibacterium acnes. RoxP is uniquely produced by the predominant skin bacterium P. acnes, with no homologs in other bacteria; it is highly expressed and strongly secreted into culture su

ESS target helium experiments at Lund University

In ESS, a 5 MW proton beam will hit a helium cooled tungsten target to generate neutrons by spallation. For the purpose of investigating various aspects of cooling with helium, an experimental system has been constructed at Lund University, Department of Energy Sciences. A helium flow of 3 g/s is circulated in a closed loop with pre-heater, cooler, filters and a test vessel. The vessel has windows