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Människonära design
Det mesta i den här boken tar sin utgångspunkt i människor med funktionsnedsättningar. Situationer med stora svårigheter behöver en stark prioritering, både för sin egen del och för att det särskilda förr eller senare brukar komma det gemensamma till godo. Boken har två delar. Den första består av tio minst sagt spretiga kapitel som alla visar på att hur svår en situation än är, finns det alltid n
Trends and Problems in Swedish Contract Archaeology – Some Reflections
Ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose and Some Model Uncharged Polymers: A Calorimetric Study of Their Interaction with Surfactants in Aqueous Solution
The interactions between uncharged polymers, e.g. ethyl(hydroxylethyl)cellulose (EHEC) and some model polymers, and ionic surfactants in aqueous solution has been studied by using isothermal titration and differential scanning calorimetry. We found that titration calorimetry could give quite detailed information about polymer - surfactant interactions. Values for the critical aggregation concentra
Hardware implementation of an OFDM synchronizer
Specific Precipitation of Biomolecules Using Synthetic Polymers
Purification is a very important stage in biotechnological processes. The traditionally used precipitation techniques are generally nonspecific and thus one or more chromatographic steps are normally required. There is thus a need for new approaches to improve existing techniques. New, more specific precipitation techniques have been introduced by the use of stimuli-responsive polymers. These poly
Svensk arbetsrätt i ett Europaperspektiv
Colour Reconnection and Weak Showers
Popular Abstract in Danish Ved CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire) accelerer man protoner og bly-ioner op til næsten lysets hastighed, for derefter at kollidere dem med hinanden. Målet med dette er at forstå, hvordan de mindste ting i universet er bygget op, og hvordan de interagerer. Alle tidligere eksperimentelle data er kombineret til en enkelt teori, kendt som StandardModellen This thesis consider the improvement of the simulation tools used to describe high energy particle collisions. These simulation programs are normally referred to as event generators. The emphasis is on two specific parts of the event generation: the introduction of radiation of weak bosons associated with the collision and a new model for colour reconnection. Each collision contains significant
Kärnfysik, allmän kurs laborationer, Del II
Legal doctrine and legal theory
Har vi rätt fokus i arbetet med Bolognaprocessen?
Videokonsten. En introduktion.
This book is an introduction to the history and theory of video art. It charts the first artistic experiments with the specificity of the video medium, the political documentary video art and video art's incorporation of narrative and pictorial codes from cinema and television. The book also presents the various theoretizations of the video medium, from Rosalind Krauss's verdict upon video as in
Peptidyl aldehydes based on N-terminal binding fragments of cystatins as thioprotease inhibitors
Investigations of New Biomimetic Transamination Systems and Inclusion Complexation with Cyclodextrins.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen behandlar ett syntetiskt system för en process som liknar den kroppsegna processen för metabolism av aminosyror (transaminering). Avhandlingen behandlar också de fundamentala krafter som ligger bakom inbindningen av olika substrat i enzym. Även detta är studerat genom starkt förenklade modellsystem, bestående av cykliska strukturer uppbyggda av glukosenhetTwo new transamination systems are described. The first example is a dibenzo[a,d]- cycloheptene containing system, designed to accomplish a [1,3]-hydride transfer. Several catalysts have been examined for this purpose. tris-Pentafluorophenyl borane was found to be the most efficient catalyst. The stereochemistry of several closely related dibenzo[a,d]- cycloheptene have also been examined, display
An Investigation of Thermogelling Aqueous Systems of Ethyl(HydroxyEthyl)Cellulose and Ionic Surfactants
Aqueous solutions of a particular type of the nonionic cellulose derivative ethyl(hydroxyethyl)cellulose (EHEC) may form thermoreversible gels in the presence of ionic surfactants. Low-viscous solutions can be transformed to clear, stiff gels as the temperature is increased. The gelation may occur at temperatures as low as 30-35 °C which could make the systems interesting for applications, e.g. as
ALI Syd självvärderingsrapport 2004
Recently updated selves - on Facebook and interpassive gestures
Splittring eller sammanhållning i svensk försäkring?
Metacognition and Confidence : Mood, Individual Differences, Developmental and Social Aspects
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling undersöker realismen i människors konfidensbedömningar. En konfidens- bedömning sker när en person uttalar hur säker han/hon är på att en proposition han/hon har framfört är korrekt. Med realism menas hur väl personens konfidensbedömning matchar korrektheten i uttalandet. Många olika faktorer påverkar realismen i konfidensen och denna avhandling fokuserThis dissertation investigates the realism in people's confidence judgments. Study I investigated whether mood influences the confidence people have in their event memory. However, there were no significant differences in the realism of the participants' confidence judgments between conditions (elated and neutral). This study concluded that moderate levels of elation might not influence the realis