

Din sökning på "*" gav 531199 sökträffar

Social and creative decision making

In this introductory chapter the authors summarize the chapters in the book by identifying and describing a number of dimensions on which the various chapters, and descriptions of decision making processes more generally, can be located. These dimensions include: individual or institutional perspective, theoretical tradition, theoretical or empirical focus and types of creative aspects of the deci

Modifying Cooking Practices to Reduce the Formation of Heterocyclic Amines

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid tillagning av kött, och framför allt stekning och grillning, bildas mutagena ämnen i stekskorpan. Dessa ämnen benämns heterocykliska aminer. Flera epidemiologiska studier har visat ett samband mellan uppkomsten av cancer och intaget av heterocykliska aminer, medan några studier inte finner något samband. Ämnena har också visat kunna utveckla tumörer och cancer i djuCommonly cooked meat dishes contain heterocyclic amines (HAs) at ng/g levels. HAs are animal carcinogens, form DNA adducts in human tissues, and have been associated with increased risk of cancer in epidemiological studies, and it is thus recommended that human intake be decreased. The aim of this investigation was to find ways of modifying cooking practices to reduce the formation of HAs. Various

Age-related circulatory responses to whole body cooling: observations by ballistocardiographic EMFi sensors

The purpose was to study age related changes in circulatory system via Ballistocardiography (BCG) by utilizing Electromechanical Film (EMFi) sensors by gradually changing the ambient temperature from a thermoneutral area to cold direction. ECG and BCG were recorded from a young person (23 years) and from an older person (78 years), both males. During the tests, brachium blood pressure (BP) and pul

Taxation of Dividend Income and Economic Growth: The Case of Europe

More recently researchers have turned to analyze how the tax structure, rather than the overall tax level, affects economic performance. For instance, several papers have investigated how taxation on corporate and individual (labor) income influences growth. Taxation of dividend income may also influence growth via its impact on investments and firm behavior. Within the academic community there is

Non-Pecuniary (Idealistic) Damages in Tort. How to break up the Distinction Between a Internal and External View of Law

The traditional restrictive attitude towards claim for compensation about non-pecuniary harms in both cause law and legislation become weaker even if the theoretically and practically reason behind the old exception-construction remain. This reason can best be explained by the thesis about incommensurability when it comes to compensate for some losses that money cannot compensate. To explain why t

Religion som ideologiskt styrmedel

Hur går det till när en sekulär demokratisk stat, som den svenska, använder religion för samhällsekonomiska syften? En uttalad samhällsstrategi för att styra arbetsmarknaden är att främja jämställda, toleranta och demokratiska värderingar (den s.k. värdegrunden), eftersom dessa tänks bidra till att fler kvinnor och invandrare kommer ut på arbetsmarknaden. Dessa värderingar ges indirekt en religiös

Kemi i Gränslandet Gymnasium – Högskola. Ett Nätbaserat Studiematerial

KemIgen är ett webb-baserat kemistudiematerial med en svårighetsgrad i gränslandet mellan gymnasium och högskola. Materialet kan användas som förberedelsehjälp för gymnasieelever som planerar att studera kemi på högskolan och det kan även användas under förstaårsstudier vid högskolan. I det sistnämnda fallet är förhoppningen att detta stöd ska ge möjlighet att på ett bättre sätt kunna sikta på dju

Uncertainty-Based Scheduling: Energy-Efficient Ordering for Tasks with Variable Execution Time

Energy consumption reduction is today an important design issue for all kinds of digital systems. Offering both flexibility and efficient energy management, variable speed processor architectures are prefered for low energy consumption even in hard real-time systems. For this type of systems, the main approach consists in trading speed for lower energy while meeting all deadlines. For tasks with v

Integrating Multiple Controllers to Balance Competing Performance Objectives: Application to Blood Glucose Management

This paper develops a control integration methodology that can be used to balance competing performance objectives. The target application for the method is blood glucose management for diabetic patients. The true system model is uncertain and changes over time. Multiple controllers have been designed with competing performance objectives in mind. In the proposed method, on-line predictors are use