

Din sökning på "*" gav 530072 sökträffar

Ethanol impairs coagulation and fibrinolysis in whole blood: a study performed with rotational thromboelastometry.

The objective was to study the effects of ethanol on coagulation and fibrinolysis in whole blood. Blood samples from healthy volunteers were analyzed before and after in-vitro addition of ethanol in order to achieve ethanol concentrations of 0, 1, 2 and 4[per mille sign], respectively (0, 22, 44 and 88 mmol/l). Coagulation and fibrinolysis were then assessed using rotational thromboelastometry. We

Molecular Basis for Semidominance of Missense Mutations in the XANTHA-H (42-kDa) Subunit of Magnesium Chelatase

During biosynthesis of bacteriochlorophyll or chlorophyll, three protein subunits of 140, 70, and 42 kDa interact to insert Mg2+ into protoporphyrin IX. The semi-dominant Chlorina-125,-157, and -161 mutants in barley are deficient in this step and accumulate protoporphyrin IX after feeding on 5-aminolevulinate. Chlorina-125,-157, and -161 are allelic to the recessive xantha-h mutants and contain G

Extreme value modelling of storm damage in Swedish forests

Forests cover about 56% of the land area in Sweden and forest damage due to strong winds has been a recurring problem. In this paper we analyse recorded storm damage in Swedish forests for the years 1965-2007. During the period 48 individual storm events with a total damage of 164 Mm(3) have been reported with the severe storm on 8 to 9 January 2005, as the worst with 70 Mm(3) damaged forest. For

Self-tuning gross heat release computation for internal combustion engines

The paper describes a novel method for self-tuning gross heat release computation in internal combustion engines suitable for both online usage in combustion phasing control applications and post-processing of cylinder pressure measurements. The method estimates the polytropic exponents and cylinder pressure offsets immediately preceding and succeeding the combustion event, respectively, using a f

Risk factors for primary intracerebral hemorrhage : a population-based nested case-control study

PURPOSE: In this population-based study, risk factors for primary intracerebral hemorrhage (PICH) and PICH subtypes were explored in a nested case-control design.METHOD: Risk factors were determined in 22,444 men and 10,902 women (mean age 47 years) who participated in a health-screening programme between 1974 and 1991. 147 subjects with CT or autopsy-verified first-ever PICH during the follow-up

Broken symmetry and long-term forecasting

[1] This paper takes a novel approach to a known basic difficulty with computer simulations of nonlinear dynamical systems relevant to climate modeling. Specifically, we show by minimal examples how small systematic modeling errors might survive averaging over an ensemble of initial conditions. The resulting predictive errors can grow slowly enough initially that they may be overlooked without con

First attempt to produce experimental Campylobacter concisus infection in mice

AIM: To infect mice with atypical Campylobacter concisus (C concisus) for the first time. METHODS: Three separate experiments were conducted in order to screen the ability of five clinical C concisus isolates of intestinal origin and the ATCC 33237 type strain of oral origin to colonize and produce infection in immunocompetent BALB/cA mice. The majority of the BALB/cA mice were treated with cyclop

A panel CUSUM test of the null of cointegration

This paper proposes a simple residual-based panel CUSUM test of the null hypothesis of cointegration. The test has a limiting normal distribution that is free of nuisance parameters, it is robust to heteroskedasticity and it allows for mixtures of cointegrated and spurious alternatives. Our Monte Carlo results suggest that the test has small-size distortions and reasonable power. In our empirical

Nutrition and aberrant DNA methylation patterns in atherosclerosis: More than just hyperhomocysteinemia?

Methylation is a reversible modification of DNA participating in epigenetic regulation of gene expression. It is now clear that atherosclerosis is associated with aberrant DNA methylation patterns in the vascular tissue and peripheral blood cells, but the origin of this anomaly is poorly understood. Based on evidence that global DNA hypomethylation coexists with hyperhomocysteinemia in advanced hu

Natural killer T-cell populations in C57BL/6 and NK1.1 congenic BALB.NK mice-a novel thymic subset defined in BALB.NK mice.

Natural killer (NK) T lymphocytes are a subpopulation of T lymphocytes regarded as early regulators of immune responses. The majority of NKT cells are restricted by the CD1d molecule. NKT cells have mostly been studied in one single mouse strain, C57BL/6 (B6), because of the absence of NK1.1 in other common mouse strains, and the lack of other reliable surface markers for CD1d-restricted cells. To

Fosterbarn ur ett könsperspektiv

Barns erfarenheter av separationer och placeringar utanför hemmet får vanligen så stor plats att de skymmer ålders­ och köns­ skillnader, vilket uppmärksammas i denna artikel. Som en del av ett större forsknings­ projekt granskas skillnader mellan 10-11­ åriga pojkars och flickors problem.

Role of PDE3B in insulin-induced glucose uptake, GLUT-4 translocation and lipogenesis in primary rat adipocytes.

In adipocytes, phosphorylation and activation of PDE3B is a key event in the antilipolytic action of insulin. The role of PDE4, another PDE present in adipocytes, is not yet known. In this work we investigate the role of PDE3B and PDE4 in insulin-induced glucose uptake, GLUT-4 translocation and lipogenesis. Inhibition of PDE3 (OPC3911, milrinone) but not PDE4 (RO 20-1724) lowered insulin-induced g

Direct electron transfer reactions between human ceruloplasmin and electrodes.

In an effort to find conditions favouring bioelectrocatalytic reduction of oxygen by surface-immobilised human ceruloplasmin (Cp), direct electron transfer (DET) reactions between Cp and an extended range of surfaces were considered. Exploiting advances in surface nanotechnology, bare and carbon-nanotube-modified spectrographic graphite electrodes as well as bare, thiol- and gold-nanoparticle-modi

Menopausal Complaints Are Associated With Cardiovascular Risk Factors.

It has been hypothesized that women with vasomotor symptoms differ from those without with respect to cardiovascular risk factors or responses to exogenous hormone therapy. We studied whether the presence and extent of menopausal complaints are associated with cardiovascular risk profile. Data were used from a population-based sample of 5523 women, aged 46 to 57 years, enrolled between 1994 and 19

High daily energy expenditure of incubating shorebirds on High Arctic tundra: a circumpolar study

1. Given the allometric scaling of thermoregulatory capacity in birds, and the cold and exposed Arctic environment, it was predicted that Arctic-breeding shorebirds should incur high costs during incubation. Using doubly labelled water (DLW), daily energy expenditure (DEE) during incubation was measured in eight shorebird species weighing between 29 and 142 g at various sites in the Eurasian and C

Feedback control of Purkinje cell activity by the cerebello-olivary pathway.

The pathway from the deep cerebellar nuclei to the inferior olive, the source of the climbing fibre input to the cerebellum, inhibits olivary transmission. As climbing fibre activity can depress the background firing of the Purkinje cells, it was suggested that nucleo-olivary (N–O) inhibition is a negative feedback mechanism for regulating Purkinje cell excitability. This suggestion was investigat