Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar
Dosimetric response to gamma rays and neutrons of a tissue-equivalent microstrip gas counter
In recent years a new generation of tracking particle detectors has been developed for particle physics experiments. One such detector, the microstrip gas counter (MSGC) is similar to the multiwire proportional chamber but consists of fine strips of metal on a substrate rather than suspended wires. The main feature of this device is the sub-millimetre readout spacing. When filled with tissue-equiv
On Positive Real Transfer Functions and the Convergence of Some Recursive Schemes
Prediction model for the impact sound level of lightweight floors
Lightweight floors are often troubled by poor impact-sound insulation. In order to develop and explain structures with acceptable insulation, a deterministic prediction model was developed. The paper considers transmission through the system and the response of the model. Excitation (as caused by the ISO-tapping machine) is considered in a separate paper [1]. The system description employs a spati
PET alltför avancerad för rutinsjukvården
Progression parameters for emphysema: A clinical investigation
In patients with airflow limitation caused by cigarette smoking, lung density measured by computed tomography is strongly correlated with quantitative pathology scores of emphysema, but the ability of lung densitometry to detect progression of emphysema is disputed. We assessed the sensitivity of lung densitometry as a parameter of disease progression of emphysema in comparison to FEV1 and gas tra
Photodissociation of CH2ICH2I, CF2ICF2I, and CF2BrCF2I in solution
The photodissociation dynamics of CH2ICH2I, CF2ICF2I, and CF2BrCF2I have been studied in solution after excitation at 266 nm. Formation of I-2 is apparent within tens of picoseconds in solutions of CH2ICH2I and CF2ICF2I in acetonitrile. but not from CF2BrCF2I, More I-2 is formed from CH2ICH2I rather than from CF2-ICF2I, as expected if the 12 formation is a result of secondary dissociation of the h
Effect of feed supplementation with alpha-ketoglutarate, combined with vitamin B-6 or C, on the performance and haemoglobin and amino acid levels in growing rats
The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of a-ketoglutarate (AKG), at pH 2 or 5, combined with vitamin B-6 (AKG 2B, AKG 5B) or C (AKG 2C, AKG 5C), on the performance and haemoglobin and amino acid levels in growing rats. Eighty rats were divided into 5 treatment groups and stayed on trial for 9 d (n=16) or 18 d (n=10). No significant differences in average daily gain (ADG), average daily
Evaluation of quantitative thin layer chromatography using staining reagents
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) using staining reagents is a superior method for analyzing organic compounds without chromophores. It is fast, versatile and sometimes the only viable method. We have investigated quantitative TLC using staining reagents, in combination with modem image analysis software. Our results show that it is possible to get reliable measurements, suitable for high-throughput
Ecological embeddedness and personhood: Have we always been capitalists?
Wild Landscapes : The Cultural Nature of Swedish National Parks
Since their emergence in the late 19th century, national park spaces have been perceived as articulations of untouched nature or wild landscape beyond society. Yet no understanding of national parks can do without the recognition that they exist in historical spaces created, institutionalised and prepared for them by cultural practices and modes of representation. Rather than being given by nature
Lichen specificity of Oribatid mites (Acari; Oribatida) on limestone walls in the Great Alvar of Öland, Sweden.
Författarna har undersökt kvalster, hoppstjärtar och andra ryggradslösa djur på lavar som växer på stenmurar på Ölands alvar. Åtta olika kvalsterarter hittades. Generellt sett var vissa typer av lavar betydligt artrikare än andra. De rikaste är de som har strukturer som de små djuren kan gömma sig i.
On the formula of Jacques-Louis Lions for reproducing kernels of harmonic and other functions
We give a simpler proof of the formula, due to J.-L. Lions, for the reproducing kernel of the space of harmonic functions on a domain Omegasubset ofR(n) whose boundary values belong to the Sobolev space H-s(partial derivativeOmega), and also obtain generalizations of this formula when instead of harmonic functions one considers functions annihilated by a given elliptic partial differential operato
Sacred Sites : Burial Customs in South Scandinavian Bronze and Iron Age
Food resources and territory quality in the polygynous Great Reed Warbler
No abstract is available
galaxieEST: addressing EST identity through automated phylogenetic analysis
Background: Research involving expressed sequence tags ( ESTs) is intricately coupled to the existence of large, well-annotated sequence repositories. Comparatively complete and satisfactory annotated public sequence libraries are, however, available only for a limited range of organisms, rendering the absence of sequences and gene structure information a tangible problem for those working with ta
Delamination in Impulse Drying. Some Comments to Improve Dryer Design
Serum levels of uric acid and diabetes mellitus influence survival after surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism: A prospective cohort study
Background Primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) is associated with an increased mortality attributable to cardiovascular disease (CVD), suggested to be alleviated by surgery. The exact mechanism of the beneficial influence of parathyroidectomy on survival is unknown. Furthermore, studies suggest that there is no increased mortality compared to the mortality rate in the general population during rece
Mating disruption of the pine sawfly Neodiprion sertifer (Hymenoptera: Diprionidae) in isolated pine stands
1 Previous applications of the mating disruption technique to Neodiprion sertifer resulted in decreased numbers of males caught in the treated area but no effect on sex ratio or overall population density. 2 The present study assessed the efficacy of mating disruption against N. sertifer outbreaks in pine stands surrounded by agricultural areas or pasture, and therefore isolated from other infest
Livet är en fest! eller, Även jag var där för att få en bit American Pie: Robin Wood går på high school i 1990-talets USA
Analys av den amerikansk high school-filmen under 1980- och 1990-talen