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Philosophy and Consumption: Discussions on Trust and Brands
What Makes African Christianity African?
This chapter is an investigation of ways to define Africanness in relation to African theology and Christianity.
Representing Guard Dependencies in Dataflow Execution Traces
Heterogeneous parallel systems are becoming mainstream computing platforms nowadays. One of the main challenges the development community is currently facing is how to fully exploit the available computational power when porting existing programs or developing new ones with available techniques. In this direction, several design space exploration methods have been presented and extensively adopted
Diagnosing burn-out : An Anthropological Study of a Social Concept in Sweden
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling handlar om skapandet, användningen och avfärdandet av ett socialt begrepp ? utbrändhet. Avhandlingen är ett försök att förklara den komplexa interaktionen mellan individers handlande och deras sociala miljö samt hur detta producerar ett transient fenomen ? utbrändhetsdiagnosen (en ny olycklig människotyp). Följaktligen handlar det om en analys av ett koThis is a thesis about the genesis, use, and decline of burn-out as a social concept in Sweden. The burn-out concept is treated as social because its classification of people interacts with the people classified. As a consequence of this, burn-out is studied in a dynamic holistic way, as an entirely social system within Swedish society. Hence it follows that the main question examined in the thesi
Institutional Reforms and Human Rights Promotion - An Arena for GCC-EU Cooperation
Swedish word accent production by L2-speakers with different tonal L1S
State-wide inter-annual changes to foliage projective cover: better products from higher resolution satellite imagery and improved processing methodologies
Evaluating a nonlinear asset pricing model on international data
En likvärdig utbildning för en likvärdig skola?
Characterization of macromolecular emulsifiers with asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation
Abstract in Undetermined Non
Trafikprognoser och trafikmängdsberäkningar. Kompendium i trafikteknik 2:2
Lagen (1985:206) om vite - en liten lag som ofta ger upphov till spännande rättsfall
Bland akrobater och andra märkliga figurer. Lasse Söderberg i det litterära 1950-talet
"Exploration of intersectorial communication.”
Vår tids stora berättelser: om tv-serier, deras stil och författare
On the contemporary tv-serial, its visual style and the rampant auteurism within this particular world.