

Din sökning på "*" gav 534639 sökträffar

Drivers and Barriers to BI Acquisition in Swedish Public Transport Organizations

Organizations are looking more and more into BI in order to reduce their costs and increase their revenue as the effective use of BI can be the difference between bankruptcy and survival in times of financial uncertainty. Using BI, the user can detect trends in a quickly manner as well as analyzing the behavior of customers and make changes accordingly. Unlike private organizations, public transpo

Handlingsförfarandet vid hembesök hos demenssjuka utan beslutsförmåga och deras sammanboende partners : Biståndshandläggares upplevelse av och handlande gällande konflikter om brukarens behov utifrån två givna scenarier

The aim of this study is to explore how care managers work with users/clients with dementia and partners in their ordinary housing. In four interviews care managers in two municipalities describe how they would act from two given scenarios from a perspective of conflict when the user’s partner and the care manager did not agree on the needs of the user. The study also focuses on the general work t

Could a municipal reform lead to cost savings? An essay on the relationship between population size and municipal costs

The essay estimates the relation between population size and municipal costs. Whether the efficiency in service provision in municipalities is depending on population size is discussed in Sweden as well as other countries. The relation is measured using two measures for total costs and two measures for “fixed costs” associated with having an additional decision level. The result give some support

GNSS precision vid kinematisk mätning - och möjliga användningsområden för maskinstyrd vinterväghållning.

This thesis evaluates the potential for machine guidance in winter road maintenance. The proposed benefits would be a reduction in material- or time needs. It should also reduce accidents with benefits for both property damages and personal injuries. The work methods and organisational structure of winter road maintenance is described through literature studies and interviews. The interviews are d

Youth unemployment in Sweden and Denmark

Ungdomsarbetslöshet är ett ständigt återkommande samtalsämne. Sverige har en historia med låg arbetslöshet, lägre än Danmark. På 1980–talet införde vårt grannland den berömda arbetsmarknadsmodellen flexicurity och detta förändrade situationen. I Sverige är det lagen om anställningsskydd (LAS) som är kärnan i den svenska arbetsmarknadsmodellen. Lagen kom till för att skydda arbetstagare och ge en

Futures risk premium characterization and spot price modeling on the German electricity market

In this thesis it was investigated how accurate the futures predict the spot prices and characterizing the futures risk premium on the German electricity market, which currently undergoes an energy transition. This was conducted twice, with realized data and with data from an own developed model. The realized spot price data and futures were obtained from the European Energy Exchange. The methodol

Migration and Political Engagement in Ubon Ratchathani Province, Thailand

This thesis describes how the migration of people from Isan, the northeastern region of Thailand to Bangkok have allowed them to ‘learn the rules of the [political] game’ (Bourdieu, 1990), and make increasingly vociferous political claims. The thesis describes the political diversity, and the political impacts of migration found within Ubon Ratchathani province, in Village Ban, Amphoe Mueang, and

Hemlöshetens paradoxer i Helsingborg : Där den offentliga och ideella sektorn möts

Homelessness is a problem that has received a lot attention in Helsingborg in the past years. In part this is due to a conflict between the city and a non-profit organization, a conflict that has been frequently covered by the local media. The conflict concerns the City of Helsingborg’s decision to quit funding the organization's housing facility for homeless individuals. The decision was also

Defining a reference building according to LEED v4, to enable comparison of LCA alternatives

In this thesis the possibility of defining a general reference building, or so-called Baseline Building representing Swedish multi-family dwellings is investigated. The scope of the research is limited to analyze the multi-family dwellings of 3-8 stories. If succeeded the results should represent a general Baseline Building according to the new LEED v4 credit, Building Life-Cycle Impact Reduction.

Såld på internet - En studie om övervakning och integritet på Facebook

Sociala medier har förändrat förutsättningarna för social interaktion. Idag spelar sociala medier en viktig roll i användares sociala liv, men betendet på sociala medier skiljer sig dock från hur människor beter sig i den fysiska världen. Användare tenderar att dela mer privat information på sociala medier än vid social interaktion i den fysiska världen, och ett resultat av detta är att gränsen meSocial media has changed the way in which we interact. Today social media plays an important role for users in their daily social life, though the social media behavior differ from how we behave in the real world. People tend to share more private information on social media than in real life interactions. As a result of this the border between peoples privateand public sphere is transforming. Fac

Psykoterapeutisk utveckling genom Deliberate Practice

En enkätstudie utfördes för att undersöka sambandet mellan Deliberate Practice (DLP) och behandlingsutfall i psykoterapi. Endast en studie i världen har tidigare undersökt detta samband. Denna enkätstudie utfördes på psykoterapimottagningen vid Lunds universitet. 130 studentterapeuter som bedrivit terapi på mottagningen tillfrågades om vad de gör en genomsnittlig vecka för att utvecklas som terapeA survey study was conducted to examine the relationship between Deliberate Practice (DLP) and treatment outcome in psychotherapy. To date, only one study has previously examined this connection. The study was conducted at a university counselling centre at Lund University. 130 student therapists were asked what they do an average week to improve themselves as therapists. They were also asked abou

Design and Fabrication of Ultrasound Phantoms to Identify the Actuator of Arterial Wall Longitudinal Movement

Trots att ett decennium har gått sedan artärernas longitudinella rörelse visades in vivo är bakgrunden till denna multifasiska rörelse fortfarande inte fastställd. Att trycket skulle kunna driva rörelsen har ledigt avfärdats. Resonemanget har varit att eftersom trycket verkar vinkelrätt mot väggen kan det endast påverka den radiella töjningen. I följande arbete har vi visat i en förenklad teoretiAlthough a decade has passed since the longitudinal movement of arteries was shown in vivo, the cause for this multiphasic movement has not yet been established. Pressure as a force driving the forward motion has been repeatedly dismissed on the grounds that pressure acts perpendicular to the wall and therefore solely in the radial direction. In this work we have shown in a simplified theoretical


Empirical and theoretical research has for some time argued that investors also expect rewards for bearing risk related to higher moments. This thesis examines if inclusion of coskewness and cokurtosis helps to explain the variation in asset returns. These factors are added to models that also account for market risk , Fama-French factors and momentum. We use methodology of realized moments to est

Tankarnas inverkan på tillstånd och golfprestation

Syftet med studien var att utvärdera en metod för golfspelare att hjälpa sig själva till bättre prestationer under tävling. Undersökningen gjordes på 76 tävlingsspelare i golf i åldrarna 17-19 år. Hypotesen var att interventionen, skapad med övningen Three Blessings Exercise som inspiration, skulle leda till ett positivt tankemönster, vilket i sin tur skulle förbättra spelarnas tillstånd och/eller

Bästa tillgängliga teknik (BAT) -Hur har BAT förändrats i och med industriutsläppsdirektivet?

Den här uppsatsen handlar om de förändringar på bästa tillgängliga teknik, d.v.s. BAT, som implementeringen av industriutsläppsdirektivet (IED) har inneburit. Syftet är att diskutera hur och på vilket sätt BAT har utvecklats i Sverige till följd av IED. BAT tillhör de allmänna hänsynsreglerna vilket gör den central vid all form av yrkesmässig verksamhet. I sammanhanget är principen om BAT tillämpThis thesis regards the changes to Best Available Techniques, BAT, which the implementation of the Industrial Emissions Directive, IED, has brought on. The purpose is to discuss how and in which ways BAT has developed in Sweden as a result of IED. BAT belongs to the general rules of consideration which makes it central in all forms of professional operation. In context the principal of BAT is app

Bör Sverige förbjuda Bisfenol A?

Majoriteten av jordens befolkning kommer idag i kontakt med plastbaserade Bisfenol A (BPA) förpackningsmaterial dagligen på grund av dess stora användningsområde. Detta leder till stor exponering av BPA då ämnet läcker ut ur materialet under användningen, vilket har risk att påverkar människor hälsa. Detta då det är hormonstörande, att det påverkar reproduktionen och hormonnivåer. Många sjukdomar Bisphenol A is one of the main chemicals used when producing plastic, polycarbonate plastic and epoxy plastic. These plastics are used to produce a variety of products and are often used in materials in contact with food. Bisphenol A leaks out of these materials and enters the body through different pathways, the most common being oral ingestion and absorption through the gastrointestinal tract. B

”De är ju alldeles galna… de hänger inte ihop med verkligheten” : En kvalitativ studie som belyser socialsekreterares upplevelser kring sina arbetsvillkor inom socialtjänstens barn- och ungdomsenhet

The aim of this study was to understand the experiences that social workers in the social services child protection unit has regarding their working conditions and how they reflect about their workload, staff turnovers, wellbeing in regards to the role of a social worker. Our qualitative study was based on seven interviews with social workers who worked in a middle-sized municipality in Skåne. Th

Föräldrainvolvering vid samtal med minderåriga : En kvalitativ studie om kuratorers syn på föräldrainvolvering

Author: Linnea Olsson och Sandra Brandt Title: Föräldrainvolvering vid samtal med minderåriga Supervisor: Johan Cronehed Assessor: Anna Tegunimataka The aim of this study was to examine counselors approach to parental involvement in dialouge with adolescents in the age 13-17 years old. The main questions in this study was 1) what is counselors view on parental involvement? 2) what is the counselo