

Din sökning på "*" gav 532091 sökträffar

Intact signaling by transforming growth factor beta is not required for termination of liver regeneration in mice

Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) is a potent inhibitor of hepatocyte proliferation in vitro and is suggested to be a key negative regulator of liver growth. To directly address the role of TGF-beta signaling in liver regeneration in vivo, the TGF-beta type II receptor gene (Tgfbr2) was selectively deleted in hepatocytes by crossing "floxed" Tgfbr2 conditional knockout mice with transgeni

Growth and Business Cycles -Swedish Manufacturing Industry 1952-2001

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna studie betonar att de mekanismer, som skapar tillväxt, inte nödvändigtvis är universella utan kan skilja sig åt mellan olika områden, beroende på vad som produceras och vilken teknik som används. Avhandlingen hävdar inledningsvis att ekonomisk tillväxt är den viktigaste enskilda faktor som påverkar individers inkomstnivå och att ökad produktivitet i sin tur är gruThis study shows that the mechanisms behind knowledge accumulation and the sources of productivity growth differ from industry to industry depending on what is produced and what technology is used. Although it is apparent to most researchers in the field that the only way to explain long-run growth in output per capita is through technological progress and accumulation of knowledge that counteract

Characterisation of Atrial Electrophysiology with respect to Atrial Fibrillation - A Non-Invasive Approach

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common form of cardiac arrhythmia encountered in clinical practice, accounting. Recent findings highlight the need for better characterisation of the arrhythmia in each patient, in order to improve patient treatment. The main objective of this work was to characterise atrial electrophysiology with respect to AF by means of non-invasively obtained data. Spectra

Quantized wobbling excitations with alignments

The wobbling excitations in the presence of an appreciable amount of alignment are expected to appear more easily at lower angular momenta of the yrast spectra, compared with those in the textbook example. The large B(E2;I-->I-1) value for Delta(n) over cap =1 transitions where (n) over cap expresses the number of wobbling phonons is shown to be a strongly increasing function of the triaxiality pa

Characterisation of acyl-ACP desaturases from Macadamia integrifolia Maiden & Betche and Nerium oleander L.

The seed oil in Macadamia integrifolia contains about 30% palmitoleic acid (16:1(Delta9)) and Nerium oleander about 12% isoricinoleic acid (Delta9-hydroxy-18:1(Delta12)). It has been shown that palmitoleic acid can be produced by acyl-acyl carrier protein (ACP) desaturases and it has also been shown that fatty acid hydroxylation can occur via direct substitution of a hydrogen atom. Therefore it se

Effect of random walk phase noise on MIMO measurements

In this paper we study the influence of phase noise from free-running local oscillators on SAGE signal parameter estimation. Phase noise is here modeled as a random-walk process. We present phase noise estimates from our LUND RUSK MIMO channel sounder, and draw conclusions on requirements on local oscillators' phase noise in terms of the Allan variance. We investigate an error propagation effect i

Embedded imperatives

Embedded imperatives are found in Old Scandinavian, but not in any of its modern descendants, i.e. Danish, Faroese, Icelandic, Norwegian or Swedish. This paper aims to uncover the structural prerequisites for embedded imperatives to be possible in a language. Assuming a feature driven version of the minimalist program, it is shown that embedded imperatives are possible under the specific structura

Recombination studies in a polyfluorene copolymer for photovoltaic applications

We present detailed continuous wave (cw) and transient photoinduced absorption (PA) measurements in thin films of a novel alternating polyfluorene copolymer, poly[2,7-(9,9-dioctyl-fluorene)-alt-5,5-(4′,7′-di-2-thienyl-2′,1′,3-benzo-thiadiazole)] (DiO-PFDTBT), and its blends with the soluble fullerene derivative [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) in weight ratios of 1:0, 4:1 and 1:4.

Oxygen consumption and lactate production of the rat portal vein in relation to its contractile activity

Energy turnover in the isolated rat portal vein was investigated by measurement of oxygen consumption (JO2) and lactate production (JLA) under simultaneous recording of mechanical activity. In spontaneous activity under aerobic conditions and at optimal muscle length JO2 and JLA were 0.55 and 0.62 micromol/min X g, respectively, corresponding to an ATP-production of 4.3 micromol/min X G. When musc

A classification of hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura and related disorders

The diagnostic terms hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) are based on historical and overlapping clinical descriptions. Advances in understanding some of the causes of the syndrome now permit many patients to be classified according to etiology. The increased precision of a diagnosis based on causation is important for considering logical approaches to tre

Controlling Indoor Climate. Passive cooling of residential buildings in hot-humid climates in China

Overheating is a paramount problem in residential buildings in hot-humid climates in China during summer. This study aims to deal with the overheating problem and the problem of poor air quality in dwellings. The main objective is to improve indoor thermal conditions by passive cooling approaches, climatisation techniques in buildings without auxiliary cooling from air conditioning equipment. A f

Det anglosaxiska Köpenhamnsevangeliariet : Det kongelige bibliotek, Gl. Kongl. Saml. 10 2º

Popular Abstract in Swedish Köpenhamnsevangeliariet skrevs och illuminerades i England omkring år 1000, och intar en viktig position i konsthistorien genom sina ikonografiska likheter med det 300 år äldre Lindisfarneevangeliariet. I föreliggande avhandling behandlas handskriften i sin helhet med avseende på dess framställning och senare historia, men den huvudsakliga analysen rör bildernas stilistThe subject of this thesis is the Copenhagen Gospel Book , written and illuminated in England c 970 with additions from c 1020. The thesis is divided into three main parts focusing on different aspects of the manuscript. The first part deals with problems concerning provenance, palæography, later additions and the physical architecture of the manuscript. The author questions the opinion that the m

A Late Silurian extinction event and anachronistic period

Resurgence of microbialites and anachronistic facies in the aftermath of Phanerozoic extinction events has hitherto only been documented among the "major five." Based on the classical Silurian carbonate platform strata of Gotland, Sweden, a "minor" biotic event is herein for the first time related to a substantial increase in anachronistic facies. Strata deposited during and shortly after the Lau

Indication of quark deconfinement and evidence for a Hubble flow in 130 and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions

Buda-Lund hydro-model fits are compared to BRAHMS, PHENIX, PHOBOS and STAR data on identified particle spectra, two-particle Bose-Einstein or HBT correlations, charged particle pseudorapidity distributions and pseudorapidity as well as PT dependent elliptic flow in rootS(NN) = 130 and 200 GeV Au+Au collisions at RHIC. Preliminary results indicate that 7/8 of the particle emitting volume is rather