Din sökning på "*" gav 531142 sökträffar
Jesus and the Forgiveness of Sins : An Aspect of His Prophetic Mission
The Gospels record that Jesus purported to forgive sins. What significance would such a claim have had for his contemporaries and what would the implications have been for his identity as a first-century popular prophet? Tobias Hägerland answers these questions and more as he investigates the forgiveness of sins in the mission of the historical Jesus. The Gospels are interpreted within the context
Industridesign med och för rörelsehindrade unga vuxna - att förena teori med praktik.
Performance Modeling and Analysis of a Database Server with Write-Heavy Workload
Resource-optimization of the infrastructure for service oriented applications require accurate performance models. In this paper we investigate the performance dynamics of a MySQL/InnoDB database server with write-heavy workload. The main objective of our investigation was to understand the system dynamics due to the buffering of disk operations that occurs in database servers with write-heavy wor
Consonant variation within words.
Energikloka hus i Järinge - Mätperiod 2008
Judisk "ras" som äktenskapshinder i Sverige : Effekten av Nürnberglagarna i Svenska kyrkans statliga funktion som lysningsförrättare 1935-1945
The Effect of the Nuremberg Laws on impediments of marriage in the Church of Sweden, 1935–1945 From 1935 to the end of the Second World War, the Nuremberg Laws were considered by the clergy of the Church of Sweden in its state function of considering impediments of marriage for German citizens. As a civil authority, the Church of Sweden was responsible for all such decisions until 1991. In the 193
Industrial Districts as ´Learning Regions': a Condition for Prosperity
Vykortsstil i verkligheten. Elliptiskt och icke satsformat språkbruk i vykort
En undersökning av hur vanligt det är med utelämningar i fundamentet och icke satsformade meningar i ett mindre material med vykort 1995–2005 med utfallet att det är rätt påfallande vanligt (särskilt utelämnade subjekt i första person singularis), om än med stor individuell variation.
Visual motion detection based on a cooperative neural network architecture
A neural network architecture for visual direction detection is proposed. The approach assumes a continuous flow of visual stimuli as input. The output of the network will as a consequence be a continuous flow as well. Each node in the network signals when motion is occurring at their position. Other nodes make use of this information in their computations. This allows, from a computationally view
Lifetimes of high-spin states in 74Kr
High-spin states in Kr-74 were studied using the 40Ca(40Ca,alpha 2p)74Kr fusion evaporation reaction at a beam energy of 165 MeV with Gammasphere and Microball and at a beam energy of 185 MeV with Euroball and Isis muli-detector arrays. Lifetimes of the high-spin states for the ground state band and the favoured negative parity band have been determined using the Doppler-shift attenuation method.
Skin fibrosis, internal organ involvement and auto antibodies in systemic sclerosis: longitudinal development and impact on survival
Popular Abstract in Swedish Hudfibros, inre organengagemang och autoantikroppar vid systemisk skleros: longitudinell utveckling och effekt på överlevnad. Systemisk skleros kallas ofta för sklerodermi. Sjukdomen tillhör de systemiska bindvävssjukdomarna och handläggs i Sverige oftast av reumatologer. Kardinalsymtomet vid sklerodermi är förhårdnad hud vilket gett sjukdomen den dess namn. Sklero betySystemic sclerosis (SSc) is a connective tissue disease with a highly variable prognosis. Since new treatment strategies are emerging, there is a need for prognostic markers in order to help allocate patients to the optimal treatment. When comparison is made to the general population, there is an increased mortality rate in this study, both in the series as a whole and in the subgroups of men and
In-situ manipulations and electrical measurements of III-V nanowhiskers with TEM-STM
A scanning tunnelling microscope (STM) mounted in a sample holder for a transmission electron microscope (TEM), a TEM-STM, have been used for in-situ electrical measurements of semiconductor nano whiskers. The device enables measurements and manipulations of nano structures while observing them in a TEM
Analysis and design of modern stream ciphers (invited paper)
Summary form only given. When designing symmetric ciphers, security and performance are of utmost importance. When selecting a symmetric encryption algorithm, the first choice is whether to choose a block cipher or a stream cipher. Most modern block ciphers offer a sufficient security and a reasonably good performance. But a block cipher must usually be used in a "stream cipher" mode of operation,
An introduction to ecotourism in Scandinavia
Operational Improvements for Start-Up Time Reduction in Solar Steam Turbines
Solar steam turbines are subject to high thermal stresses as a result of temperature gradients during transient operation, which occurs more frequently due to the variability of the solar resource. In order to increase the flexibility of the turbines while preserving lifing requirements, several operational modifications for maintaining turbine temperatures during offline periods are proposed and