Immunoregulatory differences between adult onset type 1 diabetes and latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA)
Popular Abstract in Swedish Autoimmun diabetes karakteriseras av cell medierad autoimmunitet mot insulinproducerande beta celler i Langerhanska öar. Typ 1 diabetes är den största typen av diabetes i barn och ungdomar och antas vara orsakad av Th1-cell drivet angrepp av beta celler. Den betydligt vanligare typ 2 diabetes antas inte vara en autoimmun sjukdom men diabetes specifika autoantikroppar (IAutoimmune diabetes is characterized by cell mediated autoimmunity against insulin producing beta cells in pancreatic islets. Type 1 diabetes is the major cause of diabetes in children and adolescents and is believed to be mediated by a Thl driven destruction of beta cells. The much more prevalent type 2 diabetes is not considered as an autoimmune disease but diabetes specific autoantibodies (ICA