

Din sökning på "*" gav 535428 sökträffar

Novel lactic acid bacteria inhibiting Paenibacillus larvae in honey bee larvae

We evaluated the antagonistic effects of newly identified lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in the genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, originating from the honey stomach, on the honey bee pathogen, Paenibacillus larvae. We used inhibition assays on agar plates and honey bee larval bioassays to investigate the effects of honey bee LAB on P. larvae growth in vitro and on AFB infection in vivo. The in

Energy-driven asymmetric partitioning of a semiflexible polymer between interconnected cavities

The distribution of a semiflexible chain in the volume of two interconnected spherical cavities of equal size has been investigated by using Monte Carlo simulations. The chain possessed an extension exceeding that of the cavity, leading to large probabilities of translocated states despite the entropic penalty of passing the narrow passage. Furthermore, an asymmetric state with unequal subchain le

Two-Year Outcomes in Thoracic Transplant Recipients After Conversion to Everolimus With Reduced Calcineurin Inhibitor Within a Multicenter, Open-Label, Randomized Trial.

BACKGROUND.: Use of the mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor everolimus with an accompanying reduction in calcineurin inhibitor (CNI) exposure has shown promise in preserving renal function in maintenance thoracic transplant patients, but robust, long-term data are required. METHODS.: In a prospective, open-label, multicenter study, thoracic transplant recipients more than or equal to 1 year po

LTD4 signalling via beta-catenin: a possible link between inflammation and cancer

The pro-inflammatory mediator LTD4 is an important component in the pathogenesis of inflammatory conditions as inflammatory bowel diseases. Patients suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases face an increased risk of intestinal cancer development. Therefore it is important to investigate the role of LTD4 signalling in cancer development and progression. In this thesis I show that there is an end

Gender differences in workers with identical repetitive industrial tasks: exposure and musculoskeletal disorders.

OBJECTIVES: For unknown reasons, females run a higher risk than males of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether male and female workers, with identical repetitive work tasks, differ concerning risk of disorders, physical or psychosocial exposures. METHODS: Employees in two industries were studied; one rubber manufacturing and one mechanical assembly p

Renewable energy costs, potentials, barriers: Conceptual issues

Renewable energy can become the major energy supply option in low-carbon energy economies. Disruptive transformations in all energy systems are necessary for tapping widely available renewable energy resources. Organizing the energy transition from non-sustainable to renewable energy is often described as the major challenge of the first half of the 21st century. Technological innovation, the econ

The initial care when a child is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes

When a child is diagnosed with diabetes, the symptoms may be in its most severe form with ketoacidosis, to mild symptoms of diabetes, detected incidentally. Moderate and severe symptoms of diabetes presentation require infusion therapy and thereby necessitate hospitalisation for the first few days. The initial management is largely a preparation for family members to help them gain the practical u

The Gaia-ESO Survey: Metallicity of the Chamaeleon I star-forming region

Context. Recent metallicity determinations in young open clusters and star-forming regions suggest that the latter may be characterized by a slightly lower metallicity than the Sun and older clusters in the solar vicinity. However, these results are based on small statistics and inhomogeneous analyses. The Gaia-ESO Survey is observing and homogeneously analyzing large samples of stars in several y

Structural studies of hydrated samples of amorphous calcium phosphate and phosphoprotein nanoclusters.

There are abundant examples of nanoclusters and inorganic microcrystals in biology. Their study under physiologically relevant conditions remains challenging due to their heterogeneity, instability, and the requirements of sample preparation. Advantages of using neutron diffraction and contrast matching to characterize biomaterials are highlighted in this article. We have applied these and complem

Förlåtelse, försoning och oförsonlighet i överlevandes berättelser efter kriget i Bosnien

I denna artikel analyseras berättelser av 27 överlevande efter kriget i Bosnien och Hercegovina. Artikelns syfte är att dels analysera markeringar för försoning och oförsonlighet, dels beskriva de försoningsvillkoren som aktualiseras i berättelser. Den interaktiva dynamiken under kriget konstruerar försoningen efter kriget som förbunden med krigstiden. Berättelser om försoning blir en arena för olIn this article I analyze verbally portrayed experiences of 27 survivors from the 1990s' war in Bosnia and Herzegovina. One aim of the article is to analyze markers for reconciliation and implacability, the second is to describe the terms for reconciliation which are actualized in those stories. The interactive dynamics, which occurred during the war, make the post-war reconciliation wartime assoc

Mid-rapidity anti-baryon to baryon ratios in pp collisions at root s=0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV measured by ALICE

The ratios of yields of anti-baryons to baryons probes the mechanisms of baryon-number transport. Results for (p) over bar /p, (Lambda) over bar/Lambda, (Xi) over bar (+)/(Xi) over bar (-) and (Omega) over bar (+)/(Omega) over bar (-) in pp collisions at root s = 0.9, 2.76 and 7 TeV, measured with the ALICE detector at the LHC, are reported. Within the experimental uncertainties and ranges covered

Online Piracy, Anonymity and Social Change – Deviance Through Innovation

This article analyses current trends in the use of anonymity services among younger Swedes (15-25) and focuses on individuals engaging in illegal file sharing in order to better understand the rationale behind both file sharing as well as online anonymity, especially in relation to enforcement of copyright. By comparing the findings of a survey conducted on three different occasions (early 2009, l

Inventering av vita fläckar i norra Lapplands skogsland

An inventory of vascular plants in the poorly known forested lowland parts of the provinces of Lule and Torne lappmark has been started. The purpose of the project is to gather distributional data for a forthcoming Swedish atlas of vascular plants. Field work has so far been carried out in the southeastern part of Lule lappmark, from which preliminary results are given.

Rosiglitazone counteracts palmitate-induced beta-cell dysfunction by suppression of MAP kinase, inducible nitric oxide synthase and caspase 3 activities.

Chronic exposure of pancreatic islets to elevated levels of palmitate leads to beta-cell dysfunction. We examined possible involvement of mitogenactivated protein kinases (MAPKs) and caspase-3 in palmitate-induced beta-cell dysfunction and tested the influence of the anti-diabetic drug rosiglitazone (ROZ). Palmitate amplified glucose-stimulated augmentation of intracellular free calcium ([Ca(2+)](

Assessment of photon migration in scattering media using heterodyning techniques with a frequency modulated diode laser.

A novel technique for studying photon propagation in scattering media is proposed and demonstrated, as is believed, for the first time. Photons propagating through the medium, from a frequency-ramped single-mode diode laser, meet a reference beam from the same source, at a common detector, and beat frequencies corresponding to various temporal delays are observed by heterodyne techniques. Fourier

Structure of flocs of latex particles formed by addition of protein from Moringa seeds

Proteins extracted from the seeds of Moringa trees are effective flocculents for particles dispersed in water and are attractive as a natural and sustainable product for use in water purification. Studies with a model system consisting of polystyrene latex particles have shown that the protein adsorbs to the surface and causes flocculation as unusually dense aggregates. Small-angle neutron scatter

Semiblind Spectrum Balancing for DSL

Digital subscriber lines (DSLs) technology is vastly used for high-speed data transmission. Crosstalk is one of the main problems in DSL. The research community has done extensive work on how to optimize spectrum allocation across DSL frequencies and mitigate crosstalk, a subject that has been called dynamic spectrum management (DSM). This text presents a novel DSM solution, referred to as semibli

The Impact of Developing Social Perspective-taking Skills on Emotionality in Middle and Late Childhood

A sample of 209 children was followed longitudinally to examine the impact of growing perspective-taking skills on positive and negative emotionality in middle and late childhood. Perspective-taking skills were assessed through interviews. Teachers rated children's emotional reactivity and capacity to regain a neutral state following emotional arousal. Analyses of contemporaneous data revealed tha