

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Radiative lifetime measurements and transition probability calculations in lanthanide ions

We have undertaken a systematic investigation of spectroscopic properties of lanthanide ions (Z=57-71). Using time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence following one- or two-photon excitations, a large number of radiative lifetimes have been measured at the Lund Laser Centre for singly, doubly and trebly ionized atoms. These new measurements have been used for testing theoretical calculations perfo

The leukotriene receptor CysLT1 and 5-lipoxygenase are upregulated in colon cancer.

The metabolites of arachidonic acid are well connected to pathological situations such as inflammation, cancer and asthmA. Sheng et al. [7] found that COX-2 is upregulated in colon cancer tissue and tumor cell lines indicating that COX-2 is involved in colon cancer. This is supported by studies showing that patients treated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, inhibitors of COX-2, exhibit a

Expression of MUC5AC and MUC5B mucins in normal and cystic fibrosis lung

Hypersecretion of airway mucus is a characteristic feature of chronic airway diseases like cystic fibrosis (CF) and leads via impairment of the muco-ciliary clearance and bacterial superinfection to respiratory failure. The major components of the mucus matrix forming family of mucins in the airways are MUC5AC and MUC5B. To investigate the expression of these glycoproteins in CF, immunohistochemis

Fria radikaler och sjuka proteiner - bovarna bakom Parkinsons sjukdom?[Free radicals and ailing proteins - the culprits behind Parkinson’s disease?]

Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases, and affects approximately 1% of the population over 65 years of age. Many different insults appear to be involved in the etiology of the disease, among them environmental toxins and mitochondrial dysfunction. During the past five years, mutations in five different genes have been linked to rare, familial forms of Parkinson’s

Gestational age-dependent reference values for pH in umbilical cord arterial blood at term

OBJECTIVE: Despite a change of fetal physiologic and biochemical functions with gestational age, stationary umbilical cord acid-base reference values are used as measures of obstetric care quality. The aim of this study was to assess the risk of low Apgar score relative to low pH when using stationary versus gestational age-adjusted reference values. METHODS: Umbilical artery pH was determined in

Silica filled poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) nanocomposite membranes: Relation between the transport of gases and structural characteristics

The performance of poly(1-trimethylsilyl-1-propyne) (PTMSP)/silica nanocomposites was studied for membranes with a filler content between 0 and 50 wt%. An increase in permeability and a decrease in vapor selectivity was measured with increasing filler content. The free volume sizes and interstitial mesopore sizes of the composites were determined by use of positron annihilation lifetime spectrosco

Inflammatory response and intervention in experimental acute pancreatitis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Akut bukspottkörtelinflammation (akut pankreatit - AP) är en tämligen frekvent förekommande åkomma med en årlig incidens på 300-350/100 000 invånare i Sverige. De underliggande mekanismerna för den lokalt initierande skadan i bukspottkörteln, spridning till ett systemiskt (i hela kroppen) inflammatoriskt svar och den eventuella utvecklingen av organdysfunktion (organsviAcute pancreatitis (AP) is a common disease where underlying mechanisms for the local initiating events in the pancreas, the systemic dissemination of the inflammatory response and remote organ dysfunction still are unclear. The overall aim of the thesis was to study mechanisms of the inflammatory response in AP with special emphasis on local, systemic, and distant organ injury directed at differe

Diagnostic aspects of dysphagia

Swallowing problems are common, with a prevalence of 5-30% in different populations. Clinical work-up must start with a careful evaluation of the symptomatology, which should then lead to appropriate investigations. A crucial point in the evaluation of these patients is the comparison between the patient's symptoms and the findings during the examination. Symptoms and findings often do not match,

Lymph Node Metastasis in Bladder Cancer.

Objective: We reviewed the literature on nodal staging in patients with bladder cancer treated with radical cystectomy and lymphadenectomy. Results: Fractionating the lymph node specimen significantly increases the node count, whereas results are contradictory as to whether that increase improves detection of positive nodes. Pathoanatomic data indicate that extending lymph node dissection to the a

Agarose-coated anion exchanger prevents cell-adsorbent interactions

A common problem during recovery of bioproducts by adsorption from particulate broths is fouling of the adsorbent material as a result of the interaction of cells and cell debris, which present negative charges, with the positively charged anion exchangers commonly used in bioprocesses. The effect of shielding an adsorbent with a layer of agarose on reducing the binding of cells while still allowi

Changes in tissue optical properties due to radio-frequency ablation of myocardium

The optical properties of pig heart tissue were measured after in vivo ablation therapy had been performed during open-heart surgery. In vitro samples of normal and ablated tissue were subjected to measurements with an optically integrating sphere set-up in the region 470-900nm. Three independent measurements were made: total transmittance, total reflectance and collimated transmittance, which mad

Non-linear Optimization for Multi-Path Source Routing in OBS Networks

Optical Burst Switching (OBS) architectures without buffering capabilities are sensitive to burst losses. A proper routing strategy may help to reduce such congestion. In this letter we present a novel approach for OBS multi-path source routing problem. Our solution is based on non-linear optimization with a straightforward calculation of partial derivatives. Simulation results demonstrate that op

Benzodiazepine and opioid dependence. Clinical and meta-analytical studies.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Livstidsprevalensen för läkemedelsberoende hos alkoholberoende patienter varierar mellan 20% och 45%. I normalbefolkningen är livstidsprevalensen av läkemedelsberoende cirka 2%; livstidsprevalensen för beroende av bensodiazepiner (BZD) respektive legala opioider (metadon exkluderat) är 0.3-0.9% respektive 0.8%. Förskrivningen av BZD har de senaste åren legat konstant elThe thesis contains 4 papers, two clinical studies and two meta-analyses. In the BZD taper study (Paper I) 21 BZD dependent (DSM-IV) patients were included for a 10-day inpatient detoxification. The average defined daily dose (DDD) was 4.7 doses. Withdrawal symptoms were not more pronounced compared to more extended detoxification procedures reported in literature. Five patients, all with concomi

Sick leave among home-care personnel: a longitudinal study of risk factors

Background Sick leave due to neck, shoulder and back disorders (NSBD) is higher among health-care workers, especially nursing aides/assistant nurses, compared with employees in other occupations. More information is needed about predictors of sick leave among health care workers. The aim of the study was to assess whether self-reported factors related to health, work and leisure time could predict