

Din sökning på "*" gav 529656 sökträffar

Electron beam profile measurements and emittance manipulation at the MAX-laboratory

The emittances of the electron beams at the MAX-laboratory accelerator system have been studied. Apart from the build-up of the diagnostic tools for precise determination of the beam spatial profiles, the objectives have been: a) to verify the accelerator design emittances at low currents and to try to determine the emittances also at high currents; b) to investigate possibilities to manipulate th

Value of RFID tracking: A case study from the paper product supply chain

The purpose is to explain the value of utilising tracking data for material flow control purposes in different supply chain areas. The research methodology is based on a literature review and a case study of a distribution system originating from an international paper manufacturer. The distribution system in the analysis started RFID technology adoption more than ten years ago and has developed

Functional Models for Non-heme Mononuclear Iron Oxygenases

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling beskriver vissa funktionella syntetiska modeller av non-hem mononukleära järn oxygenas-enzymer. Sådana enzymer katalyserar ett brett spektrum av oxidationsreaktioner av biologisk relevans, som utnyttjar molekylärt syre. Dessa reaktioner utförs i regio- och stereoselektivt sätt och med hög verkningsgrad. Föreslås oxidationsreaktionerna ske via mellan högNon-heme mononuclear iron oxygenases catalyze a large number of oxidation reactions in biological systems. The reactions are often proposed to proceed via the intermediacy of high valent Fe(IV) oxo (ferryl) or, Fe(V) oxo (perferryl) intermediates. Therefore, in order to mimic the high valent Fe(IV) oxo chemistry as well as the catalytic processes exhibited by those enzymes, new functional model co

The Use of OECD Commentaries as Interpretative Aids : The Static/Ambulatory-Approaches Debate Considered from the Perspective of International Law

Since many years, international tax law experts debate the relevance of changes to OECD Commentaries for the purpose of the interpretation of previously concluded tax treaties. Although, generally, most experts seem averse to the idea of an ambulatory approach to the usage of OECD Commentaries, they are reluctant to exclude this idea altogether. Such a position raises an important issue of justifi

Ormen och byggmästaren - hebraismer och gnosis hos Carl William Hansen

The article examines how the Danish esoteric and heterodox Freemason Carl William Hansen (also known as Ben Kadosh) used and reinterpreted themes and motifs from the Old Testament and various Gnostic writings when constructing his unusual and aberrant philosophical system in his pamphlet "The Dawn of a New Morning: The Return of World Architect".

Conservation of mutual and directed information

Two conservation laws for mutual information in terms of directed informations between two synchronized sequences of random variables are derived, the first for the case of no conditioning and the second for the case of causal conditioning on a third synchronized sequence. As a byproduct of the derivation of the first conservation law, the directed information specifying the feedback flowing from

What is Wrong with Extinction? - The Answer from Anthropocentric Instrumentalism

The book contains the first part of an investigation aimed at finding out why it is morally wrong (at least prima facie) to cause species to go extinct. That it is morally wrong seems to be a very basic and widely held intuition. It seems reasonable that a moral theory worth taking seriously ought to be able to account for that intuition. The most common attempt to answer our question is to refer

Postmodern teologi : en introduktion

Den moderna teologins förutsättningar kom att förändras på många sätt av postmodernismens ifrågasättande av människan, språket, kunskapen och historien som entydigt givna storheter. Den postmoderna teologin kastar nytt ljus över klassiska teologiska frågeställningar och över dolda eller glömda delar av den teologiska traditionen. Här ges oanade möjligheter för en kulturteologi som på allvar griper

Measuring Bitumen Coverage of Stones using a Turntable and Specular Reflections

The durability of a road is among other factors dependent on the affinity between stones in the top layer and bitumen that holds the stones together. Poor adherence will cause stones to detach from the surface of the road more easily. The rolling bottle method is the standard way to determine the affinity between stones and bitumen. In this test a number of stones covered in bitumen are put in a r