

Din sökning på "*" gav 529424 sökträffar

Validation of brief cognitive tests in mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Uppskattningsvis har 34 miljoner människor världen över någon typ av demenssjukdom. Sjukdomarna leder till stort lidande för både patienter och anhöriga och beräknas kosta samhället 422 miljarder amerikanska dollar årligen. Den vanligaste demenssjukdomen är Alzheimers sjukdom och den utgör ca 60–70% av alla demenssjukdomar. Sjukdomarna blir allt vanligare och åBackground It is estimated that 34 million people suffer from dementia, costing society US$422 billion each year. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common dementia and the global prevalence is predicted to increase to over 100 million people by the year 2050, with the greatest increase in developing countries. Therefore, inexpensive and efficient instruments are required for investigation and e

Waiting and rejection: An organizational perspective - 'Cooling out' rejected applicants

Time spent waiting is frequently regarded as time wasted, and therefore as something to be avoided or at least minimized. In this article, however, waiting is viewed from an organizational perspective: delay and waiting are seen as integral to the strategic functioning of organizations, and to their handling of individual requests. Various kinds of waiting or intended organizational delays are des

Material forces in non-classical thermo-hyperelasticity

The contribution's main objective is the treatment of non-classical nonlinear thermoelasticity based on the approach of Green and Naghdi within the context of the material force method. Material forces have proven to be well suited for the examination of defect mechanics and have become a very powerful and active research topic over the last decades. The numerical realization is based on finite el

Reusing Semantics in Visual Editors: A Case for Reference Attribute Grammars

The semantic formalism reference attribute grammars (RAGs) allows graphs to be superimposed on abstract syntax trees. This paper investigates how RAGs can be used to model visual languages, with a case study of a control language that also has a textual syntax. The language contains blocks on which a total execution order is defined based on connections and layout information. One strength of RAGs

Physics of attosecond pulses produced via high harmonic generation

The physics of extreme ultraviolet attosecond pulse trains generated during the interaction between an intense laser pulse and a gas medium is presented, including a simple model based on the solution of the classical equations of motion of an electron in an oscillating laser field. The reconstruction of attosecond beating by the interference of a two-photon transition is described and used to det

Bleeding and first-year mortality following hip fracture surgery and preoperative use of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid: an observational cohort study

Background: Hip fracture is associated with high mortality. Cardiovascular disease and other comorbidities requiring long-term anticoagulant medication are common in these mostly elderly patients. The objective of our observational cohort study of patients undergoing surgery for hip fracture was to study the association between preoperative use of low-dose acetylsalicylic acid (LdAA) and intraoper

Vibrationally resolved resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering spectra of free molecules

The brilliance of modern synchrotron radiation sources and capabilities of new instrumentation facilitate molecular resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering with high spectral quality. Especially, energy resolution of vibrational fine structure allows for a detailed analysis, providing information about the dynamic coupling between nuclear and electronic degrees of freedom. After a brief historica

Morphometric Differences between the Medial and Lateral Meniscus in Healthy Men - A Three-Dimensional Analysis Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The objective of this work was to characterize tibial plateau coverage and morphometric differences of the medial (MM) and lateral meniscus (LM) in a male reference cohort using three-dimensional imaging. Coronal multiplanar reconstructions of a sagittal double-echo steady state with water excitation magnetic resonance sequence (slice thickness: 1.5 mm, and in-plane resolution: 0.37 x 0.70 mm) wer

Formation and consumption of NO in H-2 + O-2 + N-2 flames doped with NO or NH3 at atmospheric pressure

Flat premixed burner-stabilized H-2 + O-2 + N-2 flames, neat or doped with 300-1000 ppm of NO or NH3, were studied experimentally using molecular-beam mass-spectrometry and simulated numerically. Spatial profiles of temperature and concentrations of stable species, H-2, O-2, H2O, NO, NH3, and of H and OH radicals obtained at atmospheric pressure in lean (phi = 0.47), near-stoichiometric (phi = 1.1

The Nordic medical birth registers - a potential goldmine for clinical research

The Nordic medical birth registers have long been used for valuable clinical research. Their collection of data for more than four decades offers unusual possibilities for research across generations. At the same time, serum and blotting paper blood samples have been stored from most neonates. Two large cohorts (approximately 100000 births) in Denmark and Norway have been described by questionnair

Reasons and Two Kinds of Fact

Reasons are facts, i.e., they are constituted by facts. This “reason quo fact” claim is much endorsed in recent literature. This paper addresses some issues that arise when we apply this idea to the distinction between agent-neutral and agent-relative normative reasons. I shall mainly consider two views of the nature of facts. Given a popular view, which conceives of facts as abstract entities, th

Microwaves from Mobile Phones Inhibit 53BP1 Focus Formation in Human Stem Cells More Strongly Than in Differentiated Cells: Possible Mechanistic Link to Cancer Risk

BACKGROUND: It is widely accepted that DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and their misrepair in stem cells are critical events in the multistage origination-of various leukemias and tumors, including gliomas. OBJECTIVES: We studied whether microwaves from mobile telephones of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) and the Universal Global Telecommunications System (UMTS) induce DSBs or aff

Who suffers from unemployment? The role of health and skills

Unemployment swings have distributional consequences if some groups are hit harder than others. We examine if the sensitivity to local unemployment rates varies by characteristics such as health, cognitive ability and non-cognitive ability. Data on these variables come from registers covering the entire Swedish population of males. We show that variations in the unemployment rate are associated wi

Depression in Dercum's disease and in obesity: A case control study

Background: Dercum's disease is characterised by pronounced pain in the adipose tissue and a number of associated symptoms. The condition is usually accompanied by generalised weight gain. Many of the associated symptoms could also be signs of depression. Depression in Dercum's disease has been reported in case reports but has never been studied using an evidence-based methodology. The aim of this

Agreement of two-dimensional and three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound with magnetic resonance imaging in assessment of parametrial infiltration in cervical cancer

Objectives To compare two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) transvaginal ultrasound with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the gold standard in assessment of parametrial infiltration of cervical cancer and to determine if all parts of the cervix are equally assessable with ultrasound. Methods Patients with macroscopically evident and histologically confirmed cervical cancer were staged