Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar
Oxygen Measurements in Connection to PDT using Time-Resolved Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy - Development and Testing of a New System
Dhaka the capital city of Bangladesh is one of the largest and most populous cities in the world. According to World Bank, Bangladesh has been experiencing a rapid urbanization over the last few decades, and Dhaka City’s projected 20 million residents will make it the third-largest city in the world by 2020. Dhaka city is also one of the most densely populated areas of the world. This paper tried
Consumer Characteristics – Impact on Purchase Decision in an E-Commerce Context
Aim: Measure the impact of consumer characteristics and overall attitudes toward online complexity dimensions as well as tendencies of purchasing complex products online. Methodology: Initially, this thesis starts with reviewing prior research and theories about the relevant domains in order to deduce hypotheses about consumer characteristics and their relation to complexity dimensions. Secondly,
Managing Coordination in global projects
Coordinating global projects with resources from all around the world is more dependent of the team members´ background, attitude and personality rather than cultural differences. The projects that gave the apprehension of working in a team instead of a group of people resulted in more successful projects. The projects that were the most complex to manage, with resources from different offices and
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Default Risk in Equity Returns
Purpose: The current thesis assignment aims to quantitatively verify systematic character of default risk and the statistical quality of the competing three- and four-factor asset pricing models. Method: The experimental design applied to this study is premised on the three-factor model of Fama and French enhanced by default risk factor. The study utilizes the factor mimicking portfolio technique
Att klara det omöjliga: sju personer berättar om sin kris i samband med förlusten av en nära anhörig i en bussolycka
Syftet med uppsatsen var att genom några personers berättelser ta reda på hur det kan vara att gå igenom en svår kris. Dessa sju personer förlorade sina barn, sitt syskon respektive sin nära vän i en minibussolycka utanför Karlskoga 1999. Personerna intervjuades 12 år efter olyckan med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av IPA (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysi
Att satsa friskt - ett hälsofrämjande förändringsarbete i en kommunal verksamhet.
Författare: Emma Jansson, Malin Lindström & Sofia Thunholm Handledare: Gustaf Kastberg Syfte: Det övergripande syftet med den här uppsatsen är att beskriva och förklara en förändringsprocess som avser hälsofrämjande åtgärder i en kommunal verksamhet. För att skapa en ökad förståelse belyser vi komplexiteten utifrån två huvudteorier vilka är institutionell teori och teorier som behandlar föränd
Ansvar och kompensation -Vad tycker charterresenärerna? -En studie av vilka komponenter i en charterresa som är viktiga för resenärer med fokus på ansvar och kompensation vid kundmissnöje.
Frågeställning: - Vilka av en charterresas komponenter anser resenärer vara viktiga respektive mindre viktiga att charterarrangörer tar ansvar och kompenserar för vid missnöje hos kunden för att skapa en nöjd kund? Syfte och bidrag: Syftet med denna kandidatuppsats är att analysera vilka komponenter i en charterresa som resenärer anser vara viktiga respektive mindre viktiga, med fokus på ansvar oc
The Development of the Uppsala Model : A Study of Samsung Electronics
Based on an explorative case study approach, this thesis investigated whether the Uppsala model functioned in Samsung Electronics Corp. (SEC) case. The purpose of this study was to upgrade the Uppsala model by using a representative case of SEC. This thesis found that there are two dimensions derived from the Uppsala model. The first dimension is the sequential nature of the internationalization p
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The purpose of the existing methods for limiting the researcher’s bias is to see to that we have an objective and rational research. But what if there exist collective biases, and that the current process of falsification through peer to peer review only hinder individual ones. And this can happen because there is a shared fundamental belief system (FT) within the field, acquired through mutual ed
The Effect of Equity Issue Announcement on Large Cap, Mid Cap and Small Cap
Abstract Title: The Effect of Equity Issue Announcement on Large Cap, Mid Cap and and Small Cap Date: 2011-09-02 Authors: Aleksandra Mraovic and Sukhlin Kaur Sidhu Advisor: Anne-Marie Pålsson Level: Bachelor thesis, 15 credits Theme: Department of Economics Keywords: Event study, efficient market hypothesis, abnormal returns, equity issues, market capitalization, Stockholm Stock Exchange P
“The Performance of Private Equity and non-Private Equity Backed Initial Public Offerings”: A Study of Underpricing and Long-Run Stock Performance on the European Stock Exchanges
The analysis shows that underpricing exists on the European market during 1999-2010 and that PE backed firms usually experience a lower underpricing than non-PE backed companies. Maturity, earnings management and company size are variables explaining underpricing for PE firms. For non-PE backed IPOs, earnings management is the only statistically significant variable explaining the underpricing. In
Portfolio Strategies based on Fundamental Weighting: An Empirical Study of the Swedish Stock Market
Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate if portfolios whose composition is based on fundamental values (FVs) outperform a market value (MV)-weighted benchmark portfolio in terms of mean-variance efficiency on the Swedish stock market. We also seek to answer if an investment strategy, which focuses on the difference in composition between these two weighting methods, can further enhance th
Different shades of pink
The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding about the consumption of contemporary charity in Western society on the example of the Swedish breast cancer charity Rosa Bandet. The study reveals exciting nuances of contemporary charity consumption, among them the glamourisation and disarming of cancer, the commercialisation and merchandisation of charitable giving, the changing role o
Municipal Audit - The Switch of Audit Firm
The aim of this master thesis is to create a better understanding for what factors that affect a switch of professional audit firm in the municipal sector in Sweden. Methodology: In order to achieve the purpose of this thesis, we adopted an abductive approach and a qualitative method was used. Theoretical perspectives: The theoretical framework includes theories and previous research about factors
Det balanserade styrkortet i offentlig verksamhet – en fallstudie i Helsingborgs kommun
Examensarbetets titel: Det balanserade styrkortet i offentlig verksamhet – en fallstudie i Helsingborgs kommun Seminariedatum: 2010-06-03 Ämne/kurs: FEKP01, examensarbete magisternivå, redovisning/ekonomistyrning, 15 ECTS. Författare: Håkan Jönsson, Ulrike Mallach Handledare: Per Magnus Andersson, Olof Arwidi Fem nyckelord: balanserat styrkort, Helsingborgs kommun, ekonomistyrning, kommunal verksa
Hybrid bureaucracies? Control and autonomy in small consultancy firms
This research proposal outlines a plan for a 4 year multiple case study on the degree of bureaucracy and the type of control and autonomy in small partnership-based consultancy firms. These areas are particular interesting in relation to discussions of bureaucratic hybrids - most notably those of soft- and post-bureaucracies - where a literature review shows that there are empirical and theoretica
The Impact of Remittances on Labor Supply: The Case of Jordan
One aspect of how migration can affect countries’ economies is through the labor income sent from the emigrant back to the source country. These are called remittances and constitute an important income post for Jordan, the country which is the subject of this study. This study aims to investigate how the received remittances are affecting the recipient households’ labor supply by applying the neo