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Kyrkohistorisk årsskrift 2006

The year-book Kyrkohistorisk Årsskrift 2006 contains nine articles on Ecclesiastical History from the twelfth to the twentieth century, as well as several book reviews.

Systematic Literature Studies: Database Searches vs. Backward Snowballing

Systematic studies of the literature can be done in different ways. In particular, different guidelines propose different first steps in their recommendations, e.g. start with search strings in different databases or start with the reference lists of a starting set of papers. In software engineering, the main recommended first step is using search strings in a number of databases, while in inform

Skol-TV - traditioner, visioner och former : en studie av skol-TV:s förutsättningar, framväxt och utveckling under 1960-talet

This dissertation is about the introduction of school television in Sweden during the 1960?s. It focuses partly on formal and institutional attitudes and values, as in the educational system, and it is partly an investigation of the actual programmes made. The introduction and forming of school television is seen as a consequence due to many factors. It was the time of a growing welfare society wh

Geographic differentiation and population history in Silene dioica and S. hifacensis: variation in chloroplast DNA and allozymes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Geografisk differentiering och populationshistoria hos Rödblära (Silene dioica) och S. hifacensis: allozym- och kloroplast-DNA variation När man studerar evolution är det viktigt att veta hur mycket genetisk variation det finns inom och mellan individer, populationer och arter. Hur mycket genetisk variation det finns och hur den är fördelad inom en art är viktigt för aIn this thesis I used allozymes and PCR-RFLP analysis of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) to investigate geographic differentiation within the widespread Silene dioica (L.) Clairv. (Caryophyllaceae) and the narrowly-distributed S. hifacensis Rouy ex Willk., (a Spanish endemic). In an investigation of allozyme variation in Nordic S. dioica, multivariate analysis of variation at eight polymorphic loci reveal

On Cooperation Between the Business Community and Academia with the Science Park as Intermediary Environment and Actor

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det är dans i parken ikväll: Om samverkan mellan näringsliv och akademi med forskningsparken som mäklande miljö och aktör Många anser att gapet mellan näringsliv och akademi behöver överbryggas. I olika sammanhang konstateras dock att det finns svårigheter att få till stånd täta relationer parterna emellan. Därför har en rad olika initiativ tagits för att underlätta läThe aim of this thesis is to examine interaction between the business community and academia, and consider the Science Park as a brokering environment and actor. The bulk of park-oriented research, like park-related practice, is based on network theory and thinking. Taking such an approach, it is natural to study the intensity and nature of the interactions of the involved parties – in this case,

High-resolution calculations of merging neutron stars - I. Model description and hydrodynamic evolution

We present the results of 3D high-resolution calculations of the last inspiral stages and the final coalescence of neutron star binary systems. The equations of hydrodynamics are solved using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics method with up to 106 particles. Using Newtonian gravity, but adding the forces emerging from the emission of gravitational waves, we focus on the impact of microphysics on

Trading Accuracy and Resource Usage in Highly Dynamic Vehicular Networks

Vehicular networks bring new ways of viewing road traffic management and safety applications. For the first time, it will be possible for vehicles to exchange information and build fine-grained knowledge about the current situation, estimating risks and adapting their driving. Central to these applications is the need to exchange information in a highly dynamic environment, building a view of the

Klimatomställningens förenlighet med de svenska miljömålen

I denna rapport studeras i vilken grad framtida energi- och transportsystem med låga utsläpp av växthusga¬ser är förenliga med övriga svenska miljömål. Utgångspunkt tas i de scenarier som tagits fram i forsk¬ningsprogrammet LETS. Ibland uppkommer synergier som innebär att minskningar av utsläppen av växt¬husgaser samtidigt leder till att det blir lättare att uppnå andra miljömål. I andra fall uppkIn this report potential synergies and conflicts between greenhouse gas mitigation and other environmental objectives (EOs) are studied. A starting point is taken in energy scenarios developed within the research programme LETS (www.lets2050.se). Environmental impacts appear in all steps of the energy chain, from land-use effects (both direct and indirect) of renewable energy extraction to emissio

Protease proforms as hematopoietic regulators

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hematopoes är bildandet av blodceller. Blodbildningen har sin utgångspunkt i benmärgen i stamceller vilka ger upphov till i huvudsak åtta typer av blodceller med var sina specifika uppgifter. De röda blodkropparna transporterar syre från lungorna ut i hela kroppen,blodplättar har sin främsta funktion i att initiera stopp av en blödning,granulocyter och makrofager äter uA common feature in myeloid leukemia is suppression of normal hematopoiesis, leading to infections, bleeding and anemia. It has been suggested for a long time that leukemic cells possess a growth-advantage by overproducing an inhibitor - a leukamia associated inhibitor. Such an inhibitor has been characterized in leukemic cells as well as subpopulations of normal bone marrow and blood cells, sugge