Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar
Opening citizenship: Why do we need a new understanding of social citizenship?
Public library Facebook use: established positions renegotiated?
In this research project public library Facebook use is explored and analyzed in relation to Henry Jenkin’s work on participatory cultures and literacy.
Den gränslösa medborgaren : en antologi om en möjlig dialog
Occupant behaviour and response time
Hans Brask - mannen och hans tid
The Internet and Mobile Telecommunications System of Innovation: Developments in Equipments, Access and Content
Is Fictional Literature Incapable of Imagining the Shoah?
Identification of Possible Weakness Zones in Limestone Bedrock by Resistivity and Induced Polarization
In connection to an environmental investigation of a former industrial site, the cretaceous sandy limestone bedrock in the surrounding area were mapped with resistivity and time domain induced polarization (DCIP). The aim of the DCIP survey was to delineate geological units and possible preferential pathways of DNAPL contaminated groundwater. Although IP anomalies corresponding to fractured crysta
Protein stabilization. Some methods and mechanisms
Popular Abstract in Swedish Proteiner är biologiska molekyler som kan utvinnas ur olika bakterier, svampar, djur och människor. I sin naturliga miljö bidrar de bl. a. till att katalysera (snabba på) olika kemiska reaktioner (enzymer), att sköta transporten av olika molekyler, bidra till immunförsvaret och tillväxtkontroll (hormoner). Upptäckten att proteiners olika funktion kan uttnyttjas i många The effect of different additives on protein stability was studied, and the basis for stabilization was investigated at molecular level. The addition of sorbitol enhanced thermal stability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solution. NMR spectroscopy revealed changes in the relaxation properties of Ala and Thr methyl groups in lysozyme, indicating compression of the enzyme as a consequence of pr
Omfångsfrågan kontra periodiseringsfrågan i näringsverksamhet
En boksamlare på Läckö
The Swedish statesman and great art and book collector, count Tessin placed for a short time in the 1750s-60s parts of his library at Leckö Castle in Västergötland, Sweden, given him as fief. The essay analyzes the character of this collection.
"Från underjorden till offentligheten -- eller tvärtom? Svensk rap, självgestaltning och historieskrivning"
Kosttillägg för undernärda äldre. En systematisk litteraturöversikt.
Internationella relationer
Future role of farm animals in a world of climate change - ethical perspectives
Våra svåraste ord: Religionsteologi i Jerusalem i Krister Stendahls anda
Less is more - Some cautions regarding mindless use of ICT in emergency management
Emergency management practice can be supported by ICT in many ways, and numerous ICT-based systems are available that offer support in the different phases of emergency management. Yet, many such systems do not provide as much support to emergency management as expected or wished for. In some situations they may even compromise emergency management performance, due to suboptimal adaptation to the
Allmänhetens uppfattning om globala risker
När man analyserar uppfattningen om globala miljörisker genom att bygga på undersökningar kring allmänhetens rankningar av risker står man inför flera typer av tolkningsproblem, vilket den genomförda analysen visar. Även om man använder väl definierade kvantitativa metoder så återstår metodologiska problem, såsom Galtons problem kring mikro- och makroanalyser, tolkningsproblem kring representativi
Genetic mapping at 3-kilobase resolution reveals inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor 3 as a risk factor for type 1 diabetes in Sweden.
We mapped the genetic influences for type 1 diabetes (T1D), using 2,360 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in the 4.4-Mb human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) locus and the adjacent 493 kb centromeric to the MHC, initially in a survey of 363 Swedish T1D cases and controls. We confirmed prior studies showing association with T1D in the MHC, most significantly near HLA-DR/DQ. In the