Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar
Doping- och antidopingforskning – En inventering av samhälls- och beteendevetenskaplig forskning och publikationer 2004-2007
What is good elderly care in Japan and Sweden? A study of how managers of residential care facilities describe care arrangements
Rättssäkerhet och miljöhänsyn: en diskussion belyst av JO:s praxis i miljöärenden
Assyrier och syrianer i Sverige - En forskningsöversikt med bibliografi
Nano-Schottky Contacts Realized by Bottom-up Technique
Properties of nanostructures realized by bottom-up techniques are often different from their bulk counterparts.(1) Here we present a study of a nano-Schottky contact formed at the interface between a gold catalytic particle and an epitaxially grown GaxIn1-xAs/InAs nanowire. Selective electrical connections formed to the catalytic particle on one side and to the In As segment on the other side allo
Field study of the penetration of chlorides and other ions into a high quality concrete marine bridge column
The transport of ions related to the penetration of chlorides into concrete has been studied in the field by drilling 100-mm concrete cores from a marine bridge column. A 4-year-old concrete column in Sweden was selected. The concrete was of high quality (i.e., frost- and sulfate-resistant, with a low-heat, low-alkali portland cement with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.40) according to new Swed
Vision, essence and narratives of general principles and European private law : an introduction
Popular Abstract in Swedish Intresset för metallbaserade läkemedel har växt stadigt de senaste årtionden. Kemins utveckling ger oss hela tiden mer förståelse och bättre verktyg för studier av olika metallkomplex och deras biologiska verkning. Utvecklingen och kunskapen har ökat så mycket, att nya specialiserade discipliner har vuxit fram, som till exempel bio-oorganisk och biometallorganisk kemi. Various metal complexes have been used in medicine traditionally, although their use was often connected with mystery and with a lack of empirically (clinically) proven effect. In modern times, the development of biochemistry, bioinorganic and bioorganometallic chemistry allows us more in-depth understanding of biological action of metal containing substances. Among metal-containing drugs used tod
Vom Kern der Dinge keine Spur. Spurenlesen aus archäologischer Sicht.
Dieser Beitrag versteht sich als Kritik der mit dem Indizienparadigma verbundenen archäologischen Metapher des Spurenlesens. Spuren können, sobald sie als solche gesichert sind, keineswegs die Vergangenheit quasi von selbst zum Sprechen bringen, indem sie als historische Indizien Zugang zum ‚Kern der Dinge‘ erlauben. Stattdessen bedarf es eines kreativen Interpretierens, um Spuren erst bedeutungsv
Bisphosphonates for orthopedic applications. Studies in rat models
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling undersöker förutsättningarna för att stoppa nedbrytning av benvävnad med hjälp av bifosfonater i några ortopediska problemsituationer. Bifosfonater är en relativt ny grupp av läkemedel som hämmar nedbrytning av benvävnad. De binder effektivt till benmineral och i praktiken förblir de inbundna i skelettet tills benmineralet upplöses. Bifosfonater finns iProsthetic loosening, bone graft resorption and osteonecrosis are examples of problems in orthopedic surgery caused by or augmented by bone resorption. Bone resorption is caused by osteoclasts. Osteoclasts can be inactivated with biphosphonates, a drug in clinical use against osteoporosis and osteolytic tumors. The bone resorption-reducing ability of bisphosphonates was analyzed in rat models. An
Kommentar till Förordning (1994:1830) om införsel av levande djur m.m.
No title
A theoretical approach to communication management/PR based on participatory observation of 8 heads of communication in German companies
System och aktör hos Morten A. Kaplan
Abstract is not available
Second-order continuous time moving avaerages via spectral representation
The spectral representation of a moving average process obtained as a convolution of a kernel with a general noise measure is studied. A proof of the spectral theorem that yields explicit expression for the spectral measure in terms of the noise measure is presented. The main interest is in noise measures generated by second order Lévy motions. For practical considerations, such measures are easil
Quantum interference effects in electron transport through Y-branches
Recently, nonlinear properties of three-terminal ballistic junctions (TBJs) were predicted by theoretical calculations done by Xu, and potential applications such as rectification and logic function proposed. In that analysis the TBJ was modeled by connecting three quantum point contacts via a ballistic cavity with adiabatic boundaries, thus neglecting any backscattering of electrons. In this pape
Bristande effektivitet i utbildningssystemet
Politiken och omställningens konst
Cold War Sweden and the Media : A Historiographical Overview and a Glance Ahead
This article offers an overview of some main approaches in Swedish Cold War studies with a specific attention to how this field of research has dealt with the media as historical sources. The historiographical development is divided into two major research paradigms, one focusing on politics and Sweden in the postwar global environment, and the other focusing on the cultural aspects of the Cold Wa
Nocturia in the elderly. Aspects on epidemiology, pathogenesis, and antidiuretic treatment.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Nocturi, att vakna för att gå upp och tömma urinblåsan på natten, förekommer i alla åldrar hos kvinnor såväl som hos män. Prevalensen ökar med ökande ålder. Nocturi kan vara ett symptom på hjärtsvikt, okontrollerad diabetes mellitus, benign prostatahyperplasi och sömnapné. Den ökade förekomsten av nocturi hos äldre (65+) beror dock inte endast på högre sjuklighet. ÅldraAnalysis of nocturia questionnaires mailed to all persons aged 65 years or more in Tierp, a Swedish rural community, showed that the number of nocturnal voids was highly correlated with urge and incontinence. No correlation between nocturia and a known and treated hypertension, angina, congestive heart failure or diabetes mellitus was detected. Frequency-volume charts from elderly subjects with tw