

Din sökning på "*" gav 531347 sökträffar

A Study of Number-Ratio Fluctuations in Gold-Gold Interactions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV

Popular Abstract in Swedish Experimentella data från kollisioner mellan guldjoner vid hög energi har analyserat inom ramen för experimentet PHENIX, som finns vid en av kollisionspunkterna vid ''the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider'' på ''Brookhaven National Laboratory'', New York (USA). Kollisioner med tunga joner, så som guld, används i försök till att återskapa de förhållanden som fanns i univerThe properties of the basic building blocks of nuclear matter, the quarks, and their interactions are not known in detail, largely because observations are complicated by the confinement of quarks in composite particles. New insights can be gained from the study of nuclear matter in a deconfined phase, like the form of matter that the Universe consited of early in its evolution according to the Bi

Building angular momentum beyond band termination in 157,158Er

Our present understanding of the terminating bands in the I=40-50 spin range of 157,158Er is reviewed briefly. It is only recently that it has been possible to study states at higher spin in these nuclei, beyond band termination. Firstly, a large number of weak high-energy transitions feeding the terminating states were observed. Secondly, some collective structures that extended discrete spect

Phorbol ester-induced degranulation in adherent human eosinophil granulocytes is dependent on CD11/CD18 leukocyte integrins

Secretion of unique eosinophil granule constituents may play a role in allergic and parasitic reactions. Therefore we have investigated possible mechanisms for regulation of secretion in eosinophils. A hemolytic plaque assay and an enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assay were developed for detection of secreted eosinophil cationic protein (ECP) from single adherent eosinophils. The protein kinase

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Abstract in Spanish “La parte de los crímenes” es la única sección de 2666 en la que la trama queda subordinada a una cronología implacable, marcada por descripciones detalladas de cuerpos violados y maltratados de mujeres asesinadas en los alrededores de Santa Teresa, según el orden en que se vayan descubriendo. En el texto se especula acerca del supuesto vínculo entre los crímenes y la subindust