A Study of Number-Ratio Fluctuations in Gold-Gold Interactions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV
Popular Abstract in Swedish Experimentella data från kollisioner mellan guldjoner vid hög energi har analyserat inom ramen för experimentet PHENIX, som finns vid en av kollisionspunkterna vid ''the Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collider'' på ''Brookhaven National Laboratory'', New York (USA). Kollisioner med tunga joner, så som guld, används i försök till att återskapa de förhållanden som fanns i univerThe properties of the basic building blocks of nuclear matter, the quarks, and their interactions are not known in detail, largely because observations are complicated by the confinement of quarks in composite particles. New insights can be gained from the study of nuclear matter in a deconfined phase, like the form of matter that the Universe consited of early in its evolution according to the Bi