

Din sökning på "*" gav 534632 sökträffar

Transfer patterns in the Swedish football clubs – a gift economy of loyalties and emotions

This article explores how football players and scouts in Sweden narrate their stories of transfers within the Swedish football system. This article presents first-person narrations as male players as well as scouts from elite clubs were interviewed in connection to transfer patters to, from and within Sweden. The aim is to analyse how the transfer system takes shape in stories presented by scouts

Predicting the Functional Roles of Knee Joint Muscles from Internal Joint Moments

Introduction Knee muscles are commonly labeled as flexors or extensors and aptly stabilize the knee against sagittal plane loads. However, how these muscles stabilize the knee against adduction-abduction and rotational loads remains unclear. Our study sought 1) to classify muscle roles as they relate to joint stability by quantifying the relationship between individual muscle activation patterns a

Use of muscle synergies and wavelet transforms to identify fatigue during squatting

The objective of this study was to supplement continuous wavelet transforms with muscle synergies in a fatigue analysis to better describe the combination of decreased firing frequency and altered activation profiles during dynamic muscle contractions. Nine healthy young individuals completed the dynamic tasks before and after they squatted with a standard Olympic bar until complete exhaustion. El

Flexible Organic Photovoltaics with Star-Shaped Nonfullerene Acceptors End Capped with Indene Malononitrile and Barbiturate Derivatives

The design and synthesis of three star-shaped nonfullerene (NFA) acceptors, TPA-2T-INCN, TPA-2T-BAB, and TPA-T-INCN, based on a triphenylamine (TPA) core and linked through π-conjugated thiophene (T) spacers to different terminal units (3-oxo-2,3-dihydro-1H-inden-1-ylidene) malononitrile, INCN, and 1,3-dimethylbarbituric acid, BAB), are reported. These materials are blended with the widely used po

From Transistors to Phototransistors by Tailoring the Polymer Stacking

It is universally acknowledged that highly photosensitive transistors are strongly dependent on the high carrier mobility of polymer-based semiconductors. However, the polymer π–π stacking and aggregation, required to increase the charge mobility, conversely inhibit the dissociation of photogenerated charge carriers, in turn accelerating the geminate recombination of electron-hole pairs. To explor

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Kan træer have en form for bevidsthed? Kan de handle på eget initiativ?Thomas Arentzen er ekspert indenfor tidlig kristen poesi og litteratur og har forsket i de tidlige kristnes opfattelse af træer. Sidste efterår var Arentzen i Istanbul. Her mødte han træer, som har stået på hellige steder i hundredvis af år.

Social Protection Interventions for TB-Affected Households : A Scoping Review

Tuberculosis (TB) and poverty are inextricably linked. Catastrophic costs of TB illness drive TB-affected households into worsening impoverishment and hamper treatment success. The WHO’s End TB Strategy recommends social protection for TB-affected households to mitigate financial shock and improve TB outcomes. This scoping review maps the landscape of social protection interventions for people wit

The Database of European Forest Insect and Disease Disturbances: DEFID2

Insect and disease outbreaks in forests are biotic disturbances that can profoundly alter ecosystem dynamics. In many parts of the world, these disturbance regimes are intensifying as the climate changes and shifts the distribution of species and biomes. As a result, key forest ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration, regulation of water flows, wood production, protection of soils, and th

En kris för Sverige eller för flyktingarna?

The following study aimed to critically examine the differences in the portrayal of refugees in Swedish newspapers between the European refugee crisis 2015 and the Ukraine crisis 2022. Through a critical discourse analysis based on Fairclough's (2010) three-dimensional model, a total of eight selected articles from Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet were analyzed. The study found that the discursi

Hur blir väktarna vaktade? En deskriptiv analys av den demokratiska tillsynen av Säkerhetspolisen

This study presents a descriptive analysis of democratic oversight of the Swedish security police. The thesis describes the structure and functioning of the system for supervising and controlling the security police. The purpose of this description is to connect it with existing theories, in the realm of democratic oversight of intelligence agencies, to identify strengths and weaknesses in the cur

EU, go home? A frame analysis of the anti-tourism social movement in Barcelona and implications for EU support

How does anti-tourism affect support for the EU? This question has gained a newly found relevance in recent years, as anti-tourism protests have appeared in many European cities with high levels of tourism. Despite this relevance, some elements of these protests have not received as much attention as they deserve. This thesis will aim to fill one of the gaps in the literature: how anti-tourism soc

Mineralresursers effekt på styrelseskick - Fallstudie av Botswana & Chile

Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur länderna Botswana och Chile undkommit den politiska resursförbannelsen. Den politiska resursförbannelsen antyder på ett negativt förhållande mellan naturresurser och demokratisk utveckling. Forskning tyder på att institutioner påverkar hur ett land påverkas av förekomsten av naturresurser. Vår jämförande fallstudie använder en blandning av mest olika dThe purpose of this report is to examine how the countries Botswana and Chile came to escape the political resource curse. The political resource curse suggests a negative relationship between natural resources and democratic development. Research suggests that institutions affect how a country is affected by the existence of natural resources. Our comparative case study uses a mix of most-differe

Lost in (Just) Transition? The Herculean Task of ‘leaving no-one behind’ in European Climate Adaptation Policy: A Critical Discourse Analysis of the European North-South Divide

In an era of climate emergency, considerations of justice are increasingly gaining traction. The unequal exposure to climate vulnerabilities across the European landscape has created a North-South gap in adaptation, which is examined through the critical cases of Sweden and Greece. Drawing upon Manners’ (2002) Normative Power Approach to climate justice, the research speculates the EU’s promot

Truly United in Diversity: The European Union Thriving in Crisis? An Interview Study on Problem-Solving Behaviour in the European Union During the Ukraine Crisis

The European Union (EU) has faced numerous severe crises during the 21st century. Rather than standing united and finding joint solutions, the intergovernmental negotiations have often revolved around furthering member state preferences, and maximising individual outcomes. Surprisingly, when Russia invaded Ukraine, in the spring of 2022, the EU managed to field a relatively successful and united r

Complicity and Conflict Minerals: How did and could the European Union respond to its complicity in third countries in the case of the Conflict Minerals Regulation?

For many years, the European Union has been aware that its trade with so-called “conflict minerals” has indirectly contributed to conflict and human rights abuses in third countries. In 2014, as a response to this contribution, the European Commission proposed a regulation aiming to control the products containing the minerals that enter the internal market. After three years of complex negotiatio

Unveiling Community Dynamics: An Analysis of Decision-Making in Sieben Linden

Traditional bottom-up implementation theory has focused primarily on local-level processes, but this perspective may not fully empower all relevant actors. Regarding the combat of the climate crisis, the implementation process must account for those who are directly affected by the policy's outcomes. Implementation theory could be re-examined through a feminist theoretical lens in order to bet