

Din sökning på "*" gav 533890 sökträffar

Finns 'biologismen'? Ett framträdande i fält

Den 10:e april 2002 arrangerade Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Uppsala ett seminarium med titeln "Finns ’biologismen’? Vårt ansvar för kunskapen i samhällsdebatten. Ett seminarium om människan i biologi och politik". Förhandsinformationen om seminariet nådde mig via Genuslistan, en e-postlista som administreras av Nationella sekretariatet för genusforskning i Göteborg där genusforskare och andra

Education Reforms in the Muslim Middle East: A Move Towards Democracy?

Education reform in the Muslim Middle East and North Africa is perceived as a result of a slow process of democratization at the crossroad of globalization, rapid economic development, socio-political changes and religious ideologies. The diverse pattern of the reforms is the reflection of the complexity across the region; affected by domestic factors and the nature and extent of the linkage to th

Integrated Product Policy. A case study of Batteries.

A variety of actors are involved throughout the lifecycle of a product. The lifecycle starts at the designer’s table, continues with the use of raw materials, processing, transportation, consumption, waste management and recycling. The increasing complexity of product chains is an argument for analysing actors and policy instruments throughout the lifecycle of products. Actors in this analysis are