Din sökning på "*" gav 532104 sökträffar
Stora bönboken. Sexhundra böner
Anthology of prayers reflecting Christian spirituality from the New Testament to the present days with short historical introductions.
Aerosolsammansättning i ett renluftsområde
Aerosolsammansättningen i ett renluftsområde i Mellansverige (Velen) har studerats under en årscykel. Aerosolpartiklarna har uppdelats efter aerodynamisk storlek i 7 fraktioner. Varje fraktion från 113 provtagningstillfällen har analyserats m a p svavel och tungmetaller m h a partikelinducerad röntgenstrålning s k PIXE-analys. Resultaten påvisar variationer i ämneskoncentrationer mellan enskilda m
Marcimainstream? History in Two Contemporary Swedish TV-series
The article analyzes the Swedish director Mikael Marcimain's two most recent TV-series, "Lasermannen" and "Upp till Kamp", with an emphasis on the ways in which these two historical works use and relate to the archival material of Swedish Public Service Television.
Trypsinogen and Its Activation in Acute Pancreatitis
Popular Abstract in Swedish BAKGRUND Bukspottkörteln, pankreas, är ett organ med två huvudfunktioner. Dels bildar körteln ett flertal hormoner som framförallt styr sockeromsättningen och dels bildar pankreas ett bikarbonatrikt sekret som neutraliserar den sura magsaften i tolvfingertarmen och som innehåller förstadier (proenzym) till ett flertal enzym verksamma vid nedbrytning av födans beståndsdePancreatic enzymes, neutrophils, free radicals and cytokines are involved in the pathophysiology of AP. Clarification of their interaction and time-course will improve our understanding of AP and provide a better basis for treatment. 20% will develop severe AP and benefit from improved treatment why an accurate test for prediction of severity is needed. Aims: To investigate the interactions betwee
Transnational Communities, Offshore Outsourcing and Offshore Subsidiaries: The Case of the Indian IT-Service Industry
New skill requriements for the labourforce of the core - towards a new polarisation.
COMBINED DEHYDRATION METHODS - From Fresh Fruit to High-quality Ingredients
Numerous products from the food industry contain fruit and/or berries, in the form of fillings or ingredients, e. g. in yoghurt, some bread products/cereal products, ice cream, etc. In order to produce these ingredients and improve their characteristics, many processing techniques are available. This thesis focuses on dehydration methods that take into account the fragile and complex cellular tiss
Automated subject classification of textual web pages, for browsing
With the exponential growth of the World Wide Web, automated subject classification of Web pages has become a major research issue in information and computer sciences. Organizing Web pages into a hierarchical structure for subject browsing is gaining more recognition as an important tool in information-seeking processes. In this thesis, different automated classification approaches, focusing on
Språkets betydelse för litteraturvetenskap under 1900- och 2000-talen: Farhågor och förhoppningar i den postlingvistiska tidsåldern
BMP implants in bone formation. Studies in rabbits and rats
Popular Abstract in Swedish I ben finns tre olika sorters celler, osteoblaster, osteocyter och osteoklaster. Osteoblaster och osteocyter härstammar från stamceller som kallas stödjevävnadens stamceller och svarar för uppbyggnad och upprätthållande av benvävnaden medan osteoklasterna härstammar från de blodbildande stamcellerna och står för nedbrytning av ben. Ben är den enda vävnaden i kroppen somBone morphogenic proteins, BMPs, are a group endogenous proteins that are highly conserved through evolution. The amino acid sequences of about 15 different BMPs are now known and recombinant human BMPs are commercially available. Implantation of an individual BMP protein is sufficient to induce bone formation even at a subcutaneous site. Our initial studies discovered inhibition of bone formation
Numerical Study of excited Bunsen flames: Vortex control
Making 21st Century Maps Legible - Methods for Measuring and Improving the Legibility and Usability of Real-Time Maps
Popular Abstract in Swedish Populariteten av karttjänster, t.ex. på Internet, ökar ständigt. Detta beror till stor del på en hela tiden förbättrad teknik och ett ökande antal idéer för kartapplikationer. Exempel på kartapplikationer är: positioneringstjänster, navigationstjänster, och tjänster för att söka efter, titta på och ladda ner geografiska data och kartor. Kartorna i dessa tjänster skapas The research presented in this thesis has focused on methods for improving the legibility and usability of maps in real-time map services. The aim has been threefold: to create methods to increase the cartographic quality of maps in map services, to develop methods to measure the legibility, as perceived by the user, and to evaluate the quality of maps. Map services are becoming increasingly commo
Average building attenuation for indoor to satellite interference propagation at 5 GHz
Vibration of concrete hollow core elements induced by human walking
Numerical Modelling of Beach Profile Change caused by Overwash
Beach profile change due to overwash has a major impact on both developed and undeveloped coasts following storms. The ability to predict such profile change has been further developed within a numerical beach profile change model, taking into account lateral spreading and infiltration on the back slope of the beach, and overwash where the beach crest becomes inundated. These new capabilities were