”Tre slag och ut” – kriminalpolitik av idag
Krönika om kriminalitet och kriminalpolitik.
Krönika om kriminalitet och kriminalpolitik.
Renovascular hypertension (RVH) is the direct consequence of renal artery stenosis (RAS). Most RAS patients have dis¬seminated atherosclerosis, with > 6 times greater risk of cardiovascular death than age-matched controls. Elevated levels of angiotensin II and aldosterone lead to detrimental effects both through hypertensive injury and activation of profibrotic and atherosclerotic pathways. The re
Abstract Knowledge of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is required to detect and follow impairment of renal function, to allow correct dosage of drugs cleared by the kidneys, and for the use of nephrotoxic contrast media. Correct determination of GFR requires invasive techniques, which are expensive, slow and not risk-free. Therefore, GFR-prediction equations based solely upon cystatin C or creati
An international consensus report on postresuscitation care after cardiac arrest has recently been published. Its content and main messages are in line with the recommendations from The Swedish Resuscitation Council, which include: diagnosing and treating the underlying disease, offering good general intensive care, considering hypothermia treatment, standardising prognostication and follow-up.
Essä om förslaget till ny EU-konstitution.
The aim of this paper is to generalize the concept of Lie-admissible coalgebra introduced by Goze and Remm to Hom-coalgebras and to introduce Hom-Hopf algebras with some properties. These structures are based on the Hom-algebra structures introduced by the authors.
Ground-plot and property in Tønsberg (Norway): A study in the urban settlement and ground-plot pattern of Medieval Tønsberg - part 3 of a research project on the Northern part of the Medieval Town. The main site of the study is Baglergatan 2, excavated in 1981-82. The development of a border system of the Medieval ground-plots is discussed in the light of archaeological sources from the whole town
As oncological treatment might impair the patients' fertility, male cancer patients are offered to cryopreserve semen prior to treatment. Impaired sperm DNA quality is associated with reduced fertility, and in case of assisted reproduction, sperm DNA integrity may have an impact on choice of method. Therefore, we have assessed sperm DNA integrity in cancer patients, comparing pre- and post-treatme
Background and aims The vasopressin analogue desmopressin has demonstrated efficacy in decreasing bleeding time by increasing the circulating levels of coagulation factor VIII and von Willebrand factor, but also by direct effects on platelets. Previous studies have demonstrated contrasting results regarding the effect of desmopressin on platelets in vitro. The aim of this study was to investigate
Short article on the relationship between the mysticism and inherent poetics of Emanuel Swedenborg, and ideas about materiality and corporeality