

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Structure and laminar flame speed of an ammonia/methane/air premixed flame under varying pressure and equivalence ratio

This paper presents a joint experimental and numerical study on premixed laminar ammonia/methane/air flames, aiming to characterize the flame structures and NO formation and determine the laminar flame speed under different pressure, equivalence ratio, and ammonia fraction in the fuel. The experiments were carried out in a lab-scale pressurized vessel with a Bunsen burner installed with a concentr

Three new species of crustose Teloschistaceae in Siberia and the Far East

Three species of the family Teloschistaceae (lichenized Ascomycota) are described as new to science from Southern and Eastern Siberia and the Far East. Corticolous Caloplaca saviczii belongs to the genus Caloplaca s. str.; it has C. cerina-like apothecia and green to grey-green, crateriform soralia with a white rim. Lendemeriella aureopruinosa is a saxicolous taxon with a thin grey thallus and sma

Molecular phylogeny, classification, biogeography and diversification patterns of a diverse group of moths (Geometridae : Boarmiini)

Understanding how and why some groups have become more species-rich than others, and how past biogeography may have shaped their current distribution, are questions that evolutionary biologists have long attempted to answer. We investigated diversification patterns and historical biogeography of a hyperdiverse lineage of Lepidoptera, the geometrid moths, by studying its most species-rich tribe Boa

Resource abundance and public finances in five peripheral economies, 1850s–1930s

The resource curse literature has established that taxation of natural resources might limit the long-term development of fiscal capacity in resource-rich countries. This article explores if, and how, natural resource abundance generates fiscal dependence on natural resource revenues. We compare five peripheral economies of Latin America (Bolivia, Chile, Peru) and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden) over

Flow cytometric analysis reveals culture condition dependent variations in phenotypic heterogeneity of Limosilactobacillus reuteri

Optimisation of cultivation conditions in the industrial production of probiotics is crucial to reach a high-quality product with retained probiotic functionality. Flow cytometry-based descriptors of bacterial morphology may be used as markers to estimate physiological fitness during cultivation, and can be applied for online monitoring to avoid suboptimal growth. In the current study, the effects

Evacuation behaviors and emergency communications : An analysis of real-world incident videos

Emergencies such as fires and terrorist attacks pose risks of injuries and fatalities, which can be exacerbated by delayed, ill-informed, or unmanaged responses. Effective emergency communication strategies could be used to better inform people and reduce these risks. This research analyzes videos of real-world emergencies to: (a) identify people's observed behaviors that increase risk during evac

Combustion characteristics of n-heptane spray combustion in a low temperature reform gas/air environment

This paper presents a large eddy simulation study of n-heptane spray combustion in an n-heptane low temperature reform (LTR) gas environment in a constant volume combustion chamber, under conditions relevant to single-fuel reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion engines. The LTR gas is made up of partially oxidized intermediate species from rich n-heptane/air mixture in an ext

The fabrication of atomically thin-MoS2 based photoanodes for photoelectrochemical energy conversion and environment remediation : A review

Photoelectrochemical (PEC) technology has been proved a promising approach to solve the problems of energy shortages and environmental pollution damages. It can convert unlimited solar energy resources into energy forms needed by mankind. The development of highly efficient photoanodes is a key step in realizing the large-scale practical application of PEC systems. However, the development of PEC

Tuning electrochemically driven surface transformation in atomically flat LaNiO3 thin films for enhanced water electrolysis

Structure–activity relationships built on descriptors of bulk and bulk-terminated surfaces are the basis for the rational design of electrocatalysts. However, electrochemically driven surface transformations complicate the identification of such descriptors. Here we demonstrate how the as-prepared surface composition of (001)-terminated LaNiO3 epitaxial thin films dictates the surface transformati

Rapport - Förstudie 1 för etablering av Science park i Helsingborg

Rapporten är den första förstudie för etablering av en Science park i Helsingborg. Lunds universitet bidrog i arbetet genom att tillhandahålla underlag kring Lunds universitets drivkrafter i en sådan etablering och diskussioner kring profilering. Arbetet skedde i samverkan mellan Helsingborg stad, Lunds universitet och Sydsvenska Industri- och Handelskammaren. Helsingborg stad är ägare och avsända

The New Copyright Directive: Article 17 and copyright limitations – picking two cherries and leaving the rest to spoil? Part II

Evaluation of Article 17(7) and (9) Directive 2019/790 on copyright in the Digital Single Market (DSM Directive) establishing an interface between the obligations of online content-sharing service providers in Article 17(1)-(4) DSM Directive, and the European system of limitations in Article 5 Directive 2001/29 (InfoSoc Directive). Part II, published on the Kluwer Copyright Blog.

Sad Affects and Contemporary Women’s Media : Depression, Anxiety, and Neoliberal Postfeminism in the Post-Recessionary West

This dissertation examines discourses of mental illness and sadness in women’s media culture during 2008-2018. It shows that there was an increase in conversations around mental illness in popular culture and on social media from 2015 and onwards. To understand what this increase looked like I examined three sites – women’s magazines, female celebrities, and social media – as purveyors of scripts

Assessment cultures in higher education : reducing barriers and enabling change

A series of worldwide projects concerning assessment, student outcomes and quality in higher education has revealed the need for a change in how higher education institutions assess student outcomes; however, many academics remain unconvinced. The success of assessment change arguably depends on the assessment culture within the institution. This qualitative investigation of assessment cultures drA series of worldwide projects concerning assessment, student outcomes and quality in higher education has revealed the need for a change in how higher education institutions assess student outcomes; however, many academics remain unconvinced. The success of assessment change arguably depends on the assessment culture within the institution. This qualitative investigation of assessment cultures dr

‘Everyone’s Annoyed’ : Leveraging Uncertainty in the Smell of Others

A growing literature illuminates the limits of claims made on the basis of sensory perception in scientized, rationalized, and bureaucratic contexts. How to understand exceptions to the rule – cases where claims based on sensory experience are taken at face value, even without corroborating evidence? Here, I focus on one such exception, in which citizen complaints about the smell of a small shanty

The long-term consequences of parental death in childhood on mortality and the role of socioeconomic status : evidence from Sweden at the turn of the 20th century

The death of a parent during childhood is a major traumatic event. While there is a good understanding of the early-life effects of parental loss, the evidence regarding its impact on adult mortality is still scarce. Accordingly, the aim of this article is to study the long-term consequences of parental loss on mortality with a particular focus on differences by socioeconomic status (SES) of the f

Longitudinal Doppler Assessments in Late Preterm Fetal Growth Restriction

Purpose To assess the longitudinal variation of the ratio of umbilical and cerebral artery pulsatility index (UCR) in late preterm fetal growth restriction (FGR). Materials and Methods A prospective European multicenter observational study included women with a singleton pregnancy, 32 +0-36 +6, at risk of FGR (estimated fetal weight [EFW] or abdominal circumference [AC] 40 percentile points). The

KRW composition theorems via lifting

One of the major open problems in complexity theory is proving super-logarithmic lower bounds on the depth of circuits (i.e., mathrm{P} nsubseteq text{NC}{1}). Karchmer, Raz, and Wigderson [13] suggested to approach this problem by proving that depth complexity behaves'as expected' with respect to the composition of functions f diamond g. They showed that the validity of this conjecture would impl

Unidentified Users of Design Documentation

When working with system development and design, one is urged to write design documentation. The design document should be constructed in a specific way and should include all necessary information. However, the users of the design document are not stated and seem to be secondary. This study's aim is therefore to investigate who the users are. A literature review was conducted to answer the questi