

Din sökning på "*" gav 536023 sökträffar

Effekten av utdelning på företags värdering under olika delar av konjunkturcykeln

Detta arbete studerar hur ett företags utdelning påverkar dess Tobin's q samt huruvida påverkan skiljer sig åt under olika delar av en konjunkturcykel. Studiens resultat visar att utdelningen har en negativ påverkan under starka låg- och högkonjunkturer men en positiv påverkan under svagare delar av konjunkturscykeln. Storleken på den uppmätta påverkan som utdelning har på ett företags Tobin&#

Integrated booster cushion – Vertically adjustable in two steps

This master’s thesis was about developing an integrated booster cushion vertically adjustable in two steps and it was executed in cooperation with the Division of Machine Design at the Faculty of engineering LTH, and Läreda Mekan AB. A booster cushion is a cushion used for children age 4-12 years and the purpose of the cushion is to relocate the child into an elevated seat position. A market analy

Välkommen globalisering?

In a time where trans and international organizations stimulate an increase in world interconnectedness, interchange and dependence the state finds itself in a new world order. Depending on, if the state chooses to adapt or resist these forces of globalization the modern state finds its constellation challenged. The aim of this essay is to investigate the Swedish left wing party, Socialdemokratern

Barns rätt att ansöka om bistånd

Föreliggande uppsats är ett examensarbete på juris kandidatprogram. Avhandlingen behandlar de problem som aktualiseras när barn ansöker om bistånd med stöd av 4 kap. 1 §. Inledningsvis kommer jag att ge en kortfattad beskrivning av den sociala barn- och ungdomsvården, det utredningsarbete som förevarit i frågan om barns rätt att ansöka om bistånd samt de internationell principer som den svenska laThe following essay is written within the field of social law. As an introduction the thesis will presents the resent development within the child and youth care system, as well as the international regulations that Swedish legislation must comply with. I will also outline the responsibilities of the government to meet children´s needs for protection and support. Furthermore, the essay will presen

Livestreaming av datorspel - En upphovsrättslig analys

Uppsatsen berör det relativt nya fenomenet livestreaming. Uppsatsen ska besvara frågan vad livestreaming är och om det kan ses som ett nytt och självständigt verk enligt Svensk upphovsrätt. Gör livestreaming intrång i ett datorspels upphovsrätt när det streamas? Uppsatsens fokus kommer att ligga på datorspelets användargränssnitt då det är det mest väsentliga elementet i en livestream. Det är titThe essay concerns the relatively new phenomenon called livestreaming. The essay will answer what livestreaming is and if it is considered a new creation within the Swedish copyright law. Is livestreaming intruding on the copyright of the computer game being streamed? The focus will be on the GUI (graphical user interface) because of its importance in a livestream. The GUI is what the viewer sees

Infill 2010 - Med vilka utgångspunkter ritar man nya byggnader i äldre kontexter 2010?

Older and normally more low-scale buildings are from a historical and cultural perspective in need to be preserved. But these older buildings are often also perceived as contributing to more beauty-oriented values to an urban environment, so called charm. For these reasons, new building development projects should be designed in such a way that these qualities are not destroyed. This study has thr

Institutional Design in Post-Mubarak Egypt: Consociationalism and the Protection of Coptic Christian Interests

The focus of this project will be on democratic institutional design in Egypt following the 2011 revolution. Although important, little attention will necessarily be given to examining the challenges and prospects for democracy in post-Mubarak Egypt more broadly. The paper will proceed under the assumption that a stable, functioning democracy is a reasonable, and further, attainable system of poli

“To what extent are stock returns driven by mean and volatility spillover effects”?-Evidence from eight European stock markets

The paper investigates the mean and volatility spillover effects from U.S and EU stock markets as well as oil price market into national stock markets of eight European countries. The study finds strong indication of volatility spillover effects from global US, regional EU, and world factor oil towards individual stock markets. While both mean and volatility spillover transmissions from the U.S ar

Våld(samt) härligt - Fyra djupintervjuer om meningsskapande kring BDSM- utövning

The intention of this thesis is to explore how four self-defined BDSM practitioners describe and understand their practices. Furthermore, I want to explore if their point of view can help us to understand BDSM in other terms than violence and battery. The interviews are semi structured and were done through instant messaging. By using grounded theory method it turned up that the informants describ

Memorials of Suffering - The human trace in artefacts by Doris Salcedo

The aim of this study has been to enable a depiction of humanness without having recourse to the human body and to make it conceivable to relate to the aesthetics of anthropomorphism. Four artworks from as many installations by the Colombian artist Doris Salcedo have made up a base for the investigation: Atrabiliarios (Defiant, Bitterness), Untitled, La Casa Viuda (The Widow House or The Widowed H

Barnets Bästa - i ett svenskt och internationellt perspektiv

I svensk lagstiftning så är det föräldrabalkens 6 kap. 2 a § som stadgar att barnets bästa ska vara avgörande för alla beslut gällande frågor om vårdnad, boende och umgänge. Principen om barnets bästa är viktig för barnlagstiftningen och finns både i svensk rätt och i internationell rätt. Ett problem är att barnets bästa inte är så lätt att definiera, varken i svensk rätt eller i internationell rä

Economic Development and Environmental Degradation in the era of Neoliberalism

After the 1980s, neoliberalism became the dominant philosophy of development across the world. Whereas the widespread implementation of neoliberal economic policies contributed immensely for a maximization of world economic integration and activity, critics argue that the ideology was also responsible for dramatically widening the inequality gap between and within nations, as well as for the incre

Kulturell anpassning av spansk essätext

Detta examensarbete grundar sig på en översättning av Gabo y Fidel. El paiaje de una amistad (2004) av Ángel Esteban och Stephanie Panichelli. Boken handlar om vänskapen mellan författaren García Márquez och Fidel Castro. Min uppsats består av en inledande textanalys efter den modell som Hellspong & Ledin (1997) presenterar. Därefter följer en genomgång av överväganden och strategier för övers

Limitation of algorithms for quantitative label-free LC-MS-based proteomics

Abstract Over the past decade, mass spectrometry has had an essential role in improvement of proteomics techniques. New instrument and analytical protocol developments have made mass spectrometry one of the most widely used analytical methods in quantitative proteomics. Today one of the commonly used protocols in proteomics is digestion of proteins to peptides and analysis of the peptides with li