

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Living with the threat of losing a child : Parents' experiences of the transplantation process with a severely ill child who received stem cells from a sibling

Purpose: When a child needs a hematopoietic stem cell transplant, the seriousness of the child's illness is highlighted. The purpose of this study was to explore parents' experiences of the transplantation process when two children in the family are involved, one severely ill child as the recipient and the other as the donor. Methods: In this qualitative study, interviews were conducted with 18 pa

Loss of Chromosome Y in Neuroblastoma Is Associated With High-Risk Disease, 11q-Deletion, and Telomere Maintenance

Neuroblastoma (NB) is a heterogeneous childhood cancer with a slightly higher incidence in boys than girls, with the reason for this gender disparity unknown. Given the growing evidence for the involvement of loss of the Y chromosome (LoY) in male diseases including cancer, we investigated Y chromosome status in NB. Male NB tumor samples from a Swedish cohort, analyzed using Cytoscan HD SNP-microa

L1 Swedish prominent syllable perception in Japanese words

This thesis investigates the perception of prominent syllables in Japanese words by native Swedish speakers. The study explores factors such as word type, pitch placement, and sentence structure that influence L1 Swedish speakers' accuracy in identifying the prominent syllable in Japanese words. The study also highlights the influence of linguistic context and individual variation on the perce

Related in Death? Further Insights on the Curious Case of Bishop Peder Winstrup and His Grandchild’s Burial

In 2021, we published the results of genomic analyses carried out on the famous bishop of Lund, Peder Winstrup, and the mummified remains of a 5–6-month-old fetus discovered in the same burial. We concluded that the two individuals were second-degree relatives and explored the genealogy of Peder Winstrup to further understand the possible relation between them. Through this analysis, we found that

Emotions and Policy - Teachers' Emotional Labour Amidst Policy Demands

This paper examines the interplay between emotions, policy and teachers' experiences within the Swedish municipal school system. Through an anthropological lens, it examines how emotions are not only personal experiences but also culturally and socially conditioned phenomena that influence teachers' subjectivity and the way they navigate the overall goals and expectations of the school sys

Jämkning av avtalade ansvarsbegränsningar i kommersiella avtal - När är ansvarsbegränsningar oskäliga enligt 36 § Avtalslagen?

Avtalsfrihet är en grundläggande princip inom avtalsrätten, vilket innebär att parter är fria att själva bestämma vilka de vill ingå avtal med och vad de vill inkludera i ett avtal. I sitt avtal kan parterna ofta också välja att begränsa det ansvar som de eller någon av dem annars har. Exempelvis kan avtalet innehålla ansvarsbegränsningar från skadestånd eller beloppsbegränsningar av det kontraktThe freedom of contract is a principle in common contract law, freedom of contract means that two parties are free to arrange the content of the contract however they like. Because they are free to dispose of the contract themselves, they can choose to include a disclaimer clause. However, there are restrictions. Parties can not include disclaimer clauses however they like because to minimize and

Alkohol- och spelmarknadsföring - En studie om skillnader i reglering av alkohol- och spelreklam

I Sverige idag uppskattas det att 16 procent konsumerar alkohol på ett sätt som bedöms som riskbruk. Detta är något som kan ge upphov till en rad olika konsekvenser, såsom sjukdomar, skador och missbruk. Vidare visar studier att fyra procent av individer mellan 16-24 år lider av någon form av spelproblem. Precis som med alkohol kan det vid konsumtion av spel utvecklas ett missbruk. Det är konstateIn Sweden today it is estimated that 16 percent consume alcohol in a way that is considered risky. This is something that can give rise to a range of consequences, such as illness, injury and addiction. Furthermore, studies show that 4 percent of individuals aged 16-24, suffer from some form of gambling problem. As with alcohol, the consumption of gambling can lead to addiction. It is recognized t

Long-term ambient air pollution exposure and renal function and biomarkers of renal disease

Background: Despite accumulating evidence of an association between air pollution and renal disease, studies on the association between long-term exposure to air pollution and renal function are still contradictory. This study aimed to investigate this association in a large population with relatively low exposure and with improved estimation of renal function as well as renal injury biomarkers. M

Ett helt vidöppet tillstånd : Gurlesk existentialism i Mare Kandres Bübins unge och Aliide, Aliide

This article examines the combination of gurlesque aesthetics and existentialist themes of anxiety in Mare Kandre’s Bübins unge (1987) and Aliide, Aliide (1991). My ambition is to enable a deeper understanding of what I call “the Dark Girlhood”, that is, the existential pain that Kandre’s female characters constantly seem to experience. While previous readings take the social conditions of the cha

The effects of oral nutritional supplements on endometriosis-related pain : A narrative review of clinical studies

Endometriosis is a condition that can cause significant pain and discomfort for women, and the clinical and surgical treatments available have variable efficacy and can have adverse effects. These drawbacks often lead to poor adherence and therapeutic failure. Consequently, there has been increasing interest in the use of nutritional supplements as an adjuvant therapy for endometriosis. To facilit

A collaborative adaptation game for promoting climate action : Minions of Disruptions™

With the onset of climate change, adaptive action must occur at all scales, including locally, placing increasing responsibility on the public. Effective communication strategies are essential, and adaptation games have shown potential in fostering social learning and bridging the knowledge-action gap. However, few research efforts so far give voice to participants that engage with collaborative g

Dataportabilitet och företagshemligheter - Balansgången mellan dataportabilitet och företagshemligheter

Uppsatsen analyserar samspelet mellan rätten till dataportabilitet enligt EU:s dataskyddsförordning (GDPR) med skyddet för företagshemligheter enligt företagshemlighetsdirektivet. Syftet är att undersöka hur dess två regelverk påverkar varandra och hur en balans kan uppnås mellan individens rätt till sin data och företagens behov av att skydda känslig information. Uppsatsen klargör vad rätten tillThe thesis analyzes the interplay between the right to data portability under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the protection of trade secrets under the Trade Secrets Directive. The aim is to examine how these two frameworks interact with each other and how a balance can be achieved between an individual's right to their data and the need for businesses to protect sensitive

Predictors of short-term anxiety outcome in subthalamic stimulation for Parkinson’s disease

The effects of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation (STN-DBS) on anxiety in Parkinson’s disease (PD) are understudied. We identified clinical predictors of STN-DBS effects on anxiety in this study. In this prospective, open-label, multicentre study, we assessed patients with anxiety undergoing STN-DBS for PD preoperatively and at 6-month follow-up postoperatively. We assessed the Hospital An

Exploring the accessibility of primary health care data in Europe's COVID-19 response: developing key indicators for managing future pandemics (Eurodata study)

Background: Primary Health Care (PHC) plays a crucial role in managing the COVID-19 pandemic, with only 8% of cases requiring hospitalization. However, PHC COVID-19 data often goes unnoticed on European government dashboards and in media discussions. This project aims to examine official information on PHC patient care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe, with specific objectives: (1) Describe

Thrombospondin-4 deletion does not exacerbate muscular dystrophy in β-sarcoglycan-deficient and laminin α2 chain-deficient mice

Muscular dystrophy is a group of genetic disorders that lead to muscle wasting and loss of muscle function. Identifying genetic modifiers that alleviate symptoms or enhance the severity of a primary disease helps to understand mechanisms behind disease pathology and facilitates discovery of molecular targets for therapy. Several muscular dystrophies are caused by genetic defects in the components