

Din sökning på "*" gav 533806 sökträffar

Combined use of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and Symbol Digit Modalities Test improves neurocognitive screening accuracy after cardiac arrest : A validation sub-study of the TTM2 trial

AimTo assess the merit of clinical assessment tools in a neurocognitive screening following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA).MethodsThe neurocognitive screening that was evaluated included the performance-based Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), the patient-reported Two Simple Questions (TSQ) and the observer-reported Informant Questionnaire on CogniAim: To assess the merit of clinical assessment tools in a neurocognitive screening following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA).Methods: The neurocognitive screening that was evaluated included the performance-based Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) and Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), the patient-reported Two Simple Questions (TSQ) and the observer-reported Informant Questionnaire on C

Artificial intelligence and radiologists in prostate cancer detection on MRI (PI-CAI): an international, paired, non-inferiority, confirmatory study

Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) systems can potentially aid the diagnostic pathway of prostate cancer by alleviating the increasing workload, preventing overdiagnosis, and reducing the dependence on experienced radiologists. We aimed to investigate the performance of AI systems at detecting clinically significant prostate cancer on MRI in comparison with radiologists using the Prostate Im

Vad kokar i den ryska mediakitteln? En analys av användningen av begreppen sjajtany, desjajtanizatsija och desatanizatsija i rysk media under 2022

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate how Russia communicates with their religious and ethnic minorities on the invasion of Ukraine. To do this I have studied the use of the words “shaytany”, “shaytanizatsia” and “desatanizatsia” describing Ukrainians and the invasion of Ukraine in Russian state-controlled media during 2022. My hypothesis was that these words are used in a narrativ

"We tend to underestimate the children!” – A qualitative analysis of preschool teachers’ views on child-parent-teacher relationship-building during preschool transition

Upon preschool enrollment, the child-teacher relationship becomes important for the child’s continued development. We suggest that parents may be essential in supporting the establishment of such relationships from the first weeks of the child’s preschool enrollment, the so-called “introduction process”. Recent data indicates that Nordic preschools organize this aspect of preschool introduction di

Introduction : Contextual Biblical Interpretation as a Challenge and a Chance

This introductory chapter argues that attention to the contemporary contexts in which Bibles abide provides a chance but also a challenge for biblical scholarship. It discusses the broader concerns at play in taking contemporary contexts seriously for any and all biblical interpretation, before turning to Contextual Bible Study as a specific approach to reading the Bible. The chapter foregrounds h

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I den här rapporten pratade Nahal Tabesh med Safdar Ahmad, designern och författaren till serietidningar, om flyktingarnas serier och deras visuella berättelser om flyktingupplevelsen.Abstract in Persianدر این گزارش نهال تابش با صفدر احمد، طراح و مؤلف کتاب‌های کمیک درباره‌ی کمیک‌های پناهندگان و روایت‌های تصویری آنان از تجربه‌ی پناهجوئی گفت‌وگو کرده است.

Harmonization through adjudication New trends and challenges

This chapter studies the evolution of the classic legislative concepts developed by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in its free movement jurisprudence. The idea is to discuss the key decisions mentioned by Piet Jan Slot in his article (‘Harmonisation’) published in 1996 in European Law Review and analyse these decisions in a new light and a new context. In a nutshell, the chapter

Artificiella romanser : en kvalitativ textanalys av AI skildrad som romantisk partner i populärkulturella verk

I denna uppsats undersöks hur romantiska relationer med artificiell intelligens (AI) skildras i tre populärkulturella verk, samt vilka möjliga konsekvenser som kan vara till följd av denna framställning. De tre verken som analyseras är Be Right Back, Blade Runner 2049 och Her. I studien genomfördes en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av de tre texterna, i syfte att se om det fanns gemensamma återkommand

Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection correlates with high MFI donor-specific antibody development following lung transplantation with consequential graft loss and shortened CLAD-free survival

Background: Donor-specific antibodies (DSAs) are common following lung transplantation (LuTx), yet their role in graft damage is inconclusive. Mean fluorescent intensity (MFI) is the main read-out of DSA diagnostics; however its value is often disregarded when analyzing unwanted post-transplant outcomes such as graft loss or chronic lung allograft dysfunction (CLAD). Here we aim to evaluate an MFI

Neural semantic effects of tone accents

This study investigated whether the brain utilizes morphologically induced tones for semantic processing during online speech perception. An auditory comprehension task was conducted while measuring event-related potentials (ERPs). The study tested whether a discrepancy between contextual expectations and the tonal realizations of the target word would yield an N400 effect, indicative of semantic

Cod otoliths document accelerating climate impacts in the Baltic Sea

Anthropogenic deoxygenation of the Baltic Sea caused major declines in demersal and benthic habitat quality with consequent impacts on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Using Baltic cod otolith chemical proxies of hypoxia, salinity, and fish metabolic status and growth, we tracked changes from baseline conditions in the late Neolithic (4500 BP) and early twentieth century to the present, in ord

Extending the Life World : Phenomenological Triangulation Along Two Planes

Phenomenology is often mistakenly understood as both introspectionist and anthropocentric and thus as incapable of providing us with objective knowledge. While clearly wrong, such critiques force us to spell out how the life world that is given in human experience is in fact not anthropocentric and not incompatible with science. In this article we address this by adapting a recent proposal to exte

Three-dimensional ecological drought identification and evaluation method considering eco-physiological status of terrestrial ecosystems

Ecological drought is a complex process in terrestrial ecosystems where vegetation's eco-physiological functions are impaired due to water stress. However, there is currently a lack of long-term assessment of ecological drought from an eco-physiological perspective. In this study, the standardized ecological drought index (SESNDI) was developed using actual evaporation, root soil moisture, and ker

Utbyte av arbetsplatser mellan myndigheter : Utvärdering av ett pilotprojekt

Rapporten utvärderar ett pilotprojekt (Piloten) i vilket fyrasvenska myndigheter – Myndigheten för ungdoms- och ci-vilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF), Naturvårdsverket (NV), Havs- ochVattenmyndigheten (HaV), samt Skogsstyrelsen – genom-förde ett arbetsplatsutbyte för sina anställda under 2023 och2024. Syftet med Piloten var att undersöka möjligheterna förmyndigheterna att dela kontorsplatser med varandra,

Evidence for ca. 1 Ga hypervelocity impact event found in northwest Greenland

There are likely many undiscovered impact structures on Earth, but several challenges prevent their detection, including possible concealment beneath large ice sheets. In recent years, geophysical, geochemical, and microphysical evidence has mounted for a ca. 58 Ma impact structure under the Hiawatha Glacier, northwest Greenland. Here, we report evidence for a second, much older hypervelocity impa