

Din sökning på "*" gav 529364 sökträffar

Material or Metaphorical? - An Inquiry into the Spatialities of Actor-Network Theory

Since Actor-Network Theory emerged in the mid-1980s, the approach has transcended disciplinary boundaries and has similarly gained prominence within geography. Moreover, also the main proponents of the approach have endeavoured in linking Actor-Network Theory to geographical lines of inquiry and sought to develop a spatial vocabulary that matches its distinctive thought system. However, few attemp

Business Intelligence Systems: Assessing the benefits of business intelligence use within an organization

The Business Intelligence (BI) systems are increasingly becoming an important piece of the puzzle for the success of organizations. That being so, it is important to acknowledge the benefits that can be obtained from the use of such systems. Furthermore, for those who hesitate in investing in BI systems this research presents how the organizations operating in different business fields are using t

Lokala omförhandlanden av öppenhets- respektive utvärderingstrenden i vetenskaplig publicering : en lingvistisk forskargrupps navigering i ett föränderligt publiceringslandskap

Two major trends in scholarly publishing to have emerged in recent years are the increased demands on the availability of scientific publications (Open Access) and the evaluation of scholarly publishing by quantitative measures. On the one hand, scholars today have to conform to demands from funding agencies as well as other institutions to publish their findings Open Access. On the other hand, th

Succeeding with Smart People Initiatives: Difficulties and Preconditions for Smart City Initiatives that Target Citizens

Smart City is a paradigm for the development of urban spaces through the implementation of state-of-the-art ICT. There are two main approaches when developing Smart Cities: top-down and bottom-up. Based on the bottom-up approach, the concepts of Smart People and Smart Communities have emerged as dimensions of the Smart City, advocating for the engagement of citizens in Smart People initiatives. Th

Web-Interface to browse, filter and visualize plant genotyping data

The BRIDGE project is an initiative by the German Federal ex situ Genebank of Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Gatersleben which aims to make the information stored in the genebank available in a one stop shop fashion for plant breeders and researchers. IPK hosts the biggest genebank in EU-27 and is undertaking a proof-of-concept study based on genotyping-by-sequen

Migration and health – an issue dominated by human rights or security? A discourse analysis of the World Health Organization and Swedish media

The health effects of migration receive increased attention in Sweden and internationally, and involves both the effects on the health of migrants and the society. The field encompasses issues such as how migrants’ health is affected by the hazardous journey, if the health needs differ from the host population and if migration have any consequences for public health in the recipient country. These

DIGITAL MONSTERS: An empirical analysis of the effect of increasing e-commerce on firms and markets in Sweden

The aim of this thesis is to develop an understanding of how Swedish retailers selling goods on the consumer market and the competition among them have been affected by the growth of e-commerce between the years 2007-2015. Firm specific data from 133 firms have been used together with market specific data estimated from 6850 firms to analyse why some firms do better than others, and which decision

What's in it for me? A qualitative study of consumers’ sensemaking and value creation using mobile location-based service retail applications

The research on digitalisation has experienced a shift in the last decade, and animportant facilitator of the effects of business World digitalisation is the increased use of mobile devices. Furthermore, research on value creation has also gone through changes recently. Although much value research has been conducted, there is a gap in retail digitalisation research and the consumers’ interaction

Hackning utan knackning - En studie om medvetenhet kring Social Engineering

Social Engineering (SE) ses som ett stort hot mot organisationers IT-säkerhet. SE är en typ av icke-teknisk hackning som används för att manipulera individer att avslöja konfidentiell in-formation eller utföra handlingar som äventyrar person- eller organisationssäkerhet. En orga-nisation kan således inte skydda sig mot SE med enbart fysiska och tekniska skydd eftersom det är användaren som redan ä

Empirical Research on Value-at-Risk Methods of Chinese Stock Indexes

The Chinese stock market has been established for more than 20 years. Although it is not as mature as the highly developed western securities markets, it has a huge influence on the global economy. It is significant to study the risks of the Chinese stock market, especially the risk of stock indexes. Affected by the economic globalization today, more and more financial derivatives and financial i

EMU, institutioner och ekonomisk tillväxt

Studiens hypotes är att institutionell kvalitet påverkar BNP-tillväxten mer vid en gemensam valuta än vid en självständig valuta. Detta eftersom länder i en valutaunion inte i lika stor utsträckning har möjlighet att använda sig av valutaverktyg för att stabilisera sina ekonomier. Hypotesen grundar sig i att institutioner är viktiga för tillväxten, vilket i studien lyfts fram genom framstående for

To what extent the Anti-abuse measures concerning the interest limitation rule can be introduced into Member States without breaching EU law?

Under the BEPS action 4, the suggested best approach gives guidelines on how Member States can implement the interest limitation rules. The variation of rules and exceptions can facilitate the Member States to introduce the rules or at the same time can expand a gap of an implementation of domestic rules which is not harmonised. However, since the ATAD is in force. Due to the coming deadline to in

Evidence of Development

Development organizations work within a complex system where they have to show their expertise and ensure that their interventions have a positive impact, while simultaneously prioritize different accountabilities to both their patrons, clients and themselves. This case study of the Danish Red Cross Youth is focused on their participatory youth-leadership project in rural Zimbabwe; particularly th

“Det blev ju lite mer… riktigt socialt arbete” : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av sin arbetsinsats under en krissituation

The aim of this study was to examine the experiences of social workers working with unaccompanied refugee minors during the autumn of 2015, commonly referred to as the “refugee crisis”. During this period, Sweden received approximately 156 400 refugees, putting Sweden’s social infrastructure under enormous pressure. As a result of the stressful working conditions, a large amount of social workers

Kaffebladrost i Latinamerika - En översiktsstudie i behandlingsmetoder och ekonomiska möjligheter

Kaffeodlaren står inför att hantera den förödande svampsjukdomen ”Kaffebladrost” som förhindrar bladens förmåga att ta upp solljus och kan innebära att upp till 50 % av skörden förloras. Speciellt i tider där kaffepriset sjunker har lett till en sämre hantering av odlingarna vilket främjat spridningen av sjukdomen. Den lägre prissättningen har även lätt till att odlare inte är lika motiverade att Coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix) is a patogen currently threatening sustainable coffee production all across the world where coffee is grown. Yield losses can reach up to 50 % of the production in Brazil and primarily affect regions at low altitude. Costs associated with the rust has been estimated to 616 million USD from 2012-2014 in Central America. Thus, the purpose of this study was to ev

Alternativa energilösningar för kulturhistoriska byggnader

In collaboration with Wallåkra stenkärlsfabrik, the possibility of making a factory building (dating from 1864) more energy efficient has been investigated. The aim was to seek practical solutions that could be applied to a historical building without compromising its external appearance. A series of solutions, such as internally improving the building envelope and options for renewable heating an

Nämndemännens påverkan vid rättslig beslutsfattning: en studie om likabehandling inom rättsväsendet

The Swedish lay judge system is constantly subject for debate. Recent cases of bias among lay judges at criminal trials as well as the Sweden Democrats' entry into the parliament in 2010, which gave them an increased number of mandate among the lay judges, characterizes the debate to a large extent. The following study is based on the debate and whether the lay judge system maintains its origi

Epitaxial growth and processing of high-aspect ratio InGaAs fins for advanced MOSFETs

Moderna elektronikprylar så som mobiltelefoner, datorer och surfplattor innehåller flera integrerade kretsar vars uppgifter varierar. En dator har till exempel en viss integrerad krets, kallad processor, vars uppgift är att uföra beräkningar och att driva operativsystemet. Samma dator innehåller även ytterliggare integrerade kretsar vars uppgifter kan vara att behandla grafik, ljud och trådlös komIn this thesis, InGaAs fins with vertical sidewalls consisting of {110} facets were epitaxially grown on InP(111)B substrates using metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy. A lithography patterned hydrogen silsesquixane growth mask was used to promote the formation of vertical {110} facets during the growth. The relative growth rate of the {111B} and {110} facets was controlled by the input V/III ratio i

Kassarna sprids med vinden, informationen ligger i lä: en studie av informationsflödet vid den svenska implementeringen av EU:s direktiv om plastbärkassar

Kassarna sprids med vinden, informationen ligger i lä Vad får dig att återanvända en plastpåse, eller att avstå helt och hållet? Enligt nya krav måste matbutiken, klädesbutiken - ja till och med den lokala pizzerian - berätta för dig varför plastpåsarna är dåliga för miljön. Allt i syftet att få dig att tänka en extra gång innan du tackar ja till en plastpåse. Om några år är det tänkt att ja tackPlastic carrier bags are one of the most frequently littered objects. They tend to accumulate in the oceans, posing a threat to marine organisms and birds which mistake them for food. To tackle this environmental issue, the EU has decided to reduce the consumption of plastic carrier bags through an amending directive. The directive is regulated through the Swedish regulation regarding plastic carr