

Din sökning på "*" gav 531812 sökträffar

Njutningens bett : Om lyxglass och genus

Magdalena Petersson McIntyre diskuterar i ”Njutningens bett: Om lyxglass och genus” kampanjerna för glassen Magnum. Annonserna har kvinnlig njutning med sexuella övertoner som tema och använder sig av ett visuellt språk som ofta är sexuellt explicit och ibland tolkats som könsdiskriminerande. Här sätts kampanjerna istället i samband med föreställningar om lyx, särskilt det som brukar benämnas ”den

From Practice to Theory: First Steps into Translating Sustainability Ideals into Actions in Swedish and Danish SMEs in the Food Sector

This thesis is designed as exploratory research, with the aim of studying the relatively underexplored and poorly understood theory-practice gap in small-medium enterprises transition from sustainability ideal to practice. While existing literature has extensively addressed theoretical implications, scant attention has been paid to the lived experiences of SMEs, particularly within the context of

Developing a digital image correlation setup for in situ testing of Achilles tendons

Experimentell uppställning för mekanisk prövning av hälsenor ”Aj!” Så kan det låta när du skadar din hälsena. Hälsenan är en av de starkaste senorna i kroppen och också den som oftast skadas. Skador på hälsenan kan uppkomma till följd av plötsliga rörelser men även vid repetitiv överansträngning under en längre tid. I värsta fall kan senan gå av helt och hållet. För att kunna förebygga och behandTendons connect muscle to bone and assist in joint motion. To be able to do this, they must withstand large forces and be able to alter their structure under load. If a tendon experiences too high or sudden forces, it will start to tear and eventually rupture. To examine how this happens and how the tendon behaves before rupture, mechanical testing is done. This study focuses on how to combine mec

Numerical study of the effects of suction and blowing on an aircraft wing

Lift force is a crucial factor in aviation, particularly during landing phases where maintaining optimal lift is essential for safety and performance. This thesis explores the effectiveness of suction and blowing control methods in enhancing aerodynamic performance and increasing lift force. By investigating these control techniques, the study aims to provide recommendations for practical applicat

Respect and anxiety : Guns as ambiguous symbols for criminally involved youth in Sweden

Youth gun violence has surged in Sweden recently. Quantitative studies have described the prevalence and geographical locations of gun violence, but little research has examined how perpetrators and victims themselves experience and make sense of guns. This article draws on ethnographic interviews with young men who have firsthand experience of gun violence in a criminal context. Drawing on narrat

The Role of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in the Transition to Circular Economy: The Case of Monteverde, Costa Rica

This research investigates the role of Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) in the transition to a circular economy (CE) in the Monteverde region of Costa Rica. The study utilizes the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) framework to identify the dynamic interactions between different levels (regime, landscape, and niche) in facilitating sustainability transitions from a linear economy to a circular econ

The Kenyan Experience of Mobile Money and Financial Inclusion

Since Kenya established mobile money in 2007, the amount of usage and diffusion surged. At the same time, financial inclusion has established itself as a topic of great research and importance for policymakers. Kenya is being viewed as one of the top performers on a national level when it comes to mobile money, as M-Pesa was one of the pioneers of introducing MM. As previous literature mainly focu

Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Finance: Exploring Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Process for Securing External Funds

The thesis explores the decision-making process of sustainable entrepreneurs for securing external funds by adopting the “triple bottom line” research perspective (Hall et al., 2010; Sarango-Lalangui, 2018). It delves into how sustainable entrepreneurs assess and exploit funding opportunities while balancing their economic and non-economic goals. The research addresses two primary questions: what

Monarchical Image-Making in an Age of Revolution : Embodying the ‘Traditional’ and the ‘Modern’ in Swedish Dynastic Ceremonies, c. 1780–1820

This article deals with the image-making of Swedish monarchs in the decades preceding and succeeding the Swedish Revolutionary Year of 1809, a year witnessing the dethronement of a king and the composition of a new constitution. In this era, the monarchies of Europe faced a great challenge in accommodating conflicting ideals of the Ancien Régime and of emergent bourgeois civic society. In dynastic

Stakeholders as change agents?

In the face of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA), patterns and assumptions on management are being reshaped, particularly in the dynamic realm of change management. With organizations effectively functioning as political arenas, where both internal and external actors bargain and negotiate for power and influence, the importance of the political frame when managing organiza

(Un)Conditional Commitment: A Qualitative Study Exploring Volunteer Experiences, Disappointments, and Their Responses in Not-for-Profit Organizations

Volunteering - the occurrence of individuals engaging in unpaid labor that benefits others - is considered a paradoxical, yet common phenomenon. The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of the volunteering experience in not-for-profit organizations, especially when volunteers feel disappointment and how they respond to it. To fulfill this purpose, the study is done through a quali

Embracing Circularity: A Framework for Implementing Circular Practices in the Food Industry

Food security and environmental sustainability are increasingly threatened by the current degradative practices of the agri-food industry. To mitigate the adverse environmental impacts of the agri-food supply chain, the circular food economy has been proposed as a strategy to enhance biodiversity, improve access to nutritious foods and reduce the industry’s greenhouse gas emissions. However, progr

Profitability Analysis of Long Duration Grid-scale Battery Storage Assets in the Nordic Spot Market and Ancillary Markets

The growing proportion of green energy in the electricity grids brings with it a growing need of grid stabilizing resources to counteract the inherent intermittency of renewable energy resources. This is where the grid scale energy storages come in handy. They efficiently offset the intermittencies of solar, wind etc. resources by energy arbitrage and peak shifting. This thesis looks into the econ

From Panic Rooms to Boardrooms - The effects of Business Continuity Management on company operations

This thesis explores the effects of Business Continuity Management (BCM) on a company’s daily operations. By investigating if such effects exist, this thesis contributes to the understanding of the implications of BCM. In turn, this understanding may help facilitate the implementation of BCM. Based on a qualitative method, it undertakes 7 interviews with Swedish companies within manufacturing, uti

Participation in a digital self-management intervention for osteoarthritis and socioeconomic inequalities in patient-related outcomes

OBJECTIVE: To investigate changes in socioeconomic inequalities in patient-related outcomes and pain medication use, following participation in a digital self-management intervention for osteoarthritis (OA) in Sweden.METHOD: Participants with hip/knee OA enrolled in the digital intervention were included. Self-reported outcomes collected were the numerical rating scale (NRS) pain, activity impairm

Betrayal : Towards a Sociology of Threachery

Betrayal often hits the very foundations of socials bonds: the loyalty of the “We” that we have assumed and taken for granted is broken. This chapter will begin with a discussion of the meaning of betrayal where it is argued that betrayal is a breach of trust, when information is shared, or actions initiated beyond an agreed upon boundary of relations.The image of betrayal is associated with moral

The structure of the N-terminal module of the cell wall hydrolase RipA and its role in regulating catalytic activity

RipA plays a vital role during cell division of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by degrading the cell wall peptidoglycan at the septum, allowing daughter cell separation. The peptidoglycan degrading activity relies on the NlpC/P60 domain, and as it is potentially harmful when deregulated, spatial and temporal control is necessary in this process. The N-terminal domain of RipA has been proposed to play

Immigrant Integration in the United States During the Age of Mass Migration

This paper focuses on particular immigrant groups, examining the integration extent between the US-born whites and first- and second generation immigrants during the Age of Mass Migration. From empirical evidence in this paper, I find that immigrants suffered an income penalty in the labor market, and second generation were more integrated into the US labor market. Immigrants with greater cult

The Effects of the Swedish Higher Education Act on Sustainable Development Integration in Business Schools Syllabi: A case study of Lund University School of Economics and Management

Challenges connected to unsustainable practices are becoming more prominent in society and higher education can aid in promoting sustainability. Swedish universities are since 2006 regulated by law to integrate sustainability into their practices, therefore, this thesis uses qualitative analysis to investigate if the law has promoted integration of sustainable development in the syllabi of a Swedi