

Din sökning på "*" gav 532171 sökträffar

Women Political Participation and its impact on the Quality of Living of the Women in Mexico.

This research focuses on analysing the impact that the increased women political participation has on the Human Development of Mexico. The research aims to expand our knowledge and understanding on how is that an increased presence of women in a legislature can affect the development of a country. The theoretical basis of this work is found on the theories of Gender and Development; Human Developm

Pressure to Protest: Need to Belong and Rejection Sensitivity Predict Youth Participation

Yngre personer är överrepresenterade bland politiska protestdeltagare, och mobiliserar ofta till dessa via sitt sociala nätverk. Då tidigare forskning visat att deltagande kan prediceras av en press att konformera till sociala normer, dvs. av need to belong (NTB) och rejection sensitivity (RS), så ämnade följande studie att undersöka huruvida relationerna mellan dessa skulle vara starkare för yngrYounger people are over-represented in political protests, and tend to mobilise via social ties. As previous research has found participation to be predicted by the pressure to conform to social norms, i.e. by need to belong (NTB), and rejection sensitivity (RS), the current study aimed to investigate whether those relations would be stronger among younger people than older. Furthermore, the effec

Nudging insurance customers to go digital: Evidence from a field experiment with Länsförsäkringar Skåne.

By performing a field experiment within behavioural economics with focus on creating a nudge, this study enables to investigate whether a nudge that create better awareness have ability to influence individuals to make a more environmental friendly decision. By performing a field experiment in cooperation with Länsförsäkringar Skåne, the study shows that the nudges have a significant impact of rai

Fantastic change and where to find it : possibilities for Lithuanian environmental NGOs to increase their impact and chances to mobilize the movement

Currently humanity faces environmental challenges that require political action in order to maintain the integrity of human and environmental systems. However, political authorities are not always ready to make rigorous decisions to support the necessary changes. Thus, social movements as a recognised agent of cultural, political and social change have the power to push for these decisions. Over t

Studies on the application of gas cooling as used by firefighters

Gas cooling is a technique used by firefighters to create a safer work environment inside a compartment fire. By spraying water into the smoke layer, the smoke layer temperature will decrease significantly. Next to the lower temperature, the flammability of the smoke layer will also decrease. Due to the cooling of the fire gases, the smoke layer may contract. This work focused on different parame

Internal Brand Pilgrimage - A conceptualization of how brands with a heritage use corporate museums internally

Purpose: The purpose is to explore the phenomenon of utilizing corporate museums in internal branding, in order to understand what they are, how they are used and why in the context of strategic brand management in general and brands with a heritage in particular. Methodology: A qualitative multiple case study with a constructionist and inductive approach has been executed. The case companies rep

Obstacles on the Road Towards Self-Driving Cars

Self-driving cars have the potential to revolutionize individual mobility. Before this can happen, however, they will have to overcome a series of hurdles, one of which will be to overcome resistance among potential users. Previous research about resistance towards self-driving cars has primarily revolved around demographic characteristics that correlate with a higher likelihood of resistance. Thi

Many-body-based DFT treatment of fermions in optical lattices

With recent advances in the field of ultra cold atoms one can, by trapping atoms at low temperatures by laser beams, simulate systems which can be adequately described by single-band lattice Hamiltonians. Also, due to the high parameter tunability of the experimental setups, lattice disorder can be introduced in a con- trolled fashion in these systems. This thesis considers disordered/ordered inte

Model study of the linear density response function - A comparison between the exact result and RPA

The time-ordered linear density response function is examined in a model study. Two model dimers are considered; one with one orbital per site and a second one with two orbitals per site. The one-orbital case has U0, the on-site Coulomb interaction, as the only parameter and is solved analytically. The two-orbital case has parameters U0, the upper orbital non-interacting eigenenergy ε1, and the ho

Feasibility of new Dark Matter search at ATLAS

This thesis examines the idea of calibrating Level 1 jets. These are used in the Trigger-Level Analysis at the ATLAS in the search for a new mediator, in this case between Standard Model and Dark Matter particles. In the thesis, the idea to calibrate the Level 1 jets is investigated. To calibrate the Level 1 jets, they are divided into bins of transverse momentum and pseudorapidity. The responses

Optimal Control under Quantised Measurements - A Particle Filter and Reduced Horizon Approach

This thesis covers the optimal control of stochastic systems with coarsely quantised measurements. A particle filter approach is used both for the estimation and control problem. Three main families of particle filters are examined for state estimation, standard SIR filters, SIR filters with generalised sampling and auxiliary filters. A couple of different proposal distributions and weight functio

GDPR:s påverkan på ostrukturerat material: Hur behandlingen av e-post och dokument kommer att förändras

E-post och dokument kan innehålla ostrukturerade personuppgifter och används flitigt av företag i dagens digitaliserade värld. I maj 2018 kommer en ny dataskyddsförordning GDPR att verkställas och ersätter då PuL. Detta innebär en förändring för samtliga företag i Sverige då deras arbetssätt kring ostrukturerade personuppgifter tvingas att förändras. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur företag för

On Credit Spreads: An Autoregressve Model Approach

F¨or att undvika ekonomiska kriser likt den 2008 beh¨over finansinstitut bra modeller f¨or bland annat obligationspriser och kreditindex. Genom att anv¨anda skillnaden i r¨anta mellan riskfria och riskfyllda obligationer kan dessa modelleras och s¨akra att bankers och f¨ors¨akringsbolags tillg˚angar r¨acker vid tider av ekonomisk turbulens. Ett kreditindex ¨ar ett index som best˚ar av f¨oretagsobliThis thesis proposes an autoregressive credit spread model to make long term simulations of credit spreads and credit indices in the Investment grade and High yield bond segments. Several models are tested, and the final spread model produces simulations with statistics consistent with historical data, even though the model itself is relatively parsimonious. A transition from spread to index is pro

European Border and Coast Guard - An Analysis of Regulation 2016/1624 on the Allocation of Competences and the Responsibility to Protect Fundamental Rights of Asylum-Seekers

The European Border and Coast Guard was launched on October 6th, 2016. It was established through Regulation 2016/1624 and replaces the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States. The Agency is more known as Frontex. The objective with this thesis is to examine two problems in Regulation 2016/1624 that was addressed at the negotiatio

Personligt betalningsansvar för styrelseledamöter i aktiebolag - ett effektivt påtryckningsmedel eller en regel utan verkan?

Uppsatsen behandlar reglerna om tvångslikvidation vid kritisk kapitalbrist och särskilt det personliga betalningsansvar, s.k. medansvar, som kan drabba styrelseledamöter i aktiebolag enligt 25 kap. 18 § ABL. Medansvaret innebär ett personligt och solidariskt ansvar som aktualiseras om styrelsen underlåter att agera enligt det handlingsschema som kapitalbristreglerna uppställer i 25 kap. 13–17 §§ AThe essay concerns the regulations regarding compulsory liquidation due to critical capital deficiency, in particular the personal liability for payment, which can afflict board members in limited liability companies according to Chapter 25, section 18 in the Swedish Companies Act. The personal liability for payment imply a personal, joint and several liability which can be brought up to date if t

Världens första jämställda fredsavtal? : en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av det colombianska fredsavtalets potential att förbättra kvinnors situation utifrån Nussbaums kapacitetsteori

I november 2016 signerades ett historiskt fredsavtal mellan FARC-gerillan och Colombias regering som markerar en väg mot en fredlig lösning på den 50 år långa väpnade konflikten. Fredsavtalet är början på en ny epok av kvinnligt fredsbyggande, med mycket fokus på jämlikhet och ökat kvinnligt inflytande riktar avtalet särskilt mycket insatser för att stärka kvinnors position i Colombia. I denna uppIn november 2016 a historic peace agreement was signed between the FARC-guerilla and the Colombian government which marks a path towards a peaceful solution to the 50 year long armed conflict. The peace agreement is the beginning of a new epoch of female peacebuilding, with much focus being placed on equality and increased female influence the agreement addresses a lot of efforts to strengthen wom

The Shackles of Women's Servitude : a comparative analysis of He-Yin Zhen and Emma Goldman’s views on women’s oppression and emancipation at the turn of the 20th century

Rysk-amerikanska Emma Goldman och kinesiska He-Yin Zhen kom från två olika delar av världen och var aktiva inom olika kunskapstraditioner och kulturer. Ändå var de båda anarkister som kämpade för kvinnlig frigörelse, och båda var de kritiska till de samtida rörelserna som stred för kvinnors politiska rättigheter. Det finns få studier som jämför tidig amerikansk feminism med tidig kinesisk feminismRussian-American Emma Goldman and Chinese He-Yin Zhen came from different parts of the world, and thus weren’t active within the same knowledge systems and cultures. However, they were both anarchists fighting for the liberation of women, and both were strongly criticising the contemporary women’s suffrage movements. Few comparisons have been made between early Chinese feminism and early American

Dominerar suveränitets eller beskyddardiskurs i rättfärdigandet av Amerikanska militära interventioner?

This thesis examines the language used in the argumentation for interventions. Language is a mighty tool in every day life but in politics it is the way to survive, which means that language is power. The thesis examines argumentation before the United States interventions in Vietnam 1960 and Afghanistan 2001 to se in which discourse they fit either protective or sovereignty. It finds that the int